

Din sökning på "*" gav 532830 sökträffar

Performance and implementation of routing and wireless transport layer connections in micro mobility Ad hoc networks

In mobile ad hoc networks wireless nodes communicate over multi hop links and are capable of movement. This paper evaluates a solution that provide these networks with Internet Access and the capability to roam between different access points. Design and implemenation consideration are discussed that focus on behaviour and criterias for performing handover. Simulation result show that the main fac

Ion specific protein assembly and hydrophobic surface forces

Large anions are attracted to hydrophobic surfaces while smaller, well solvated ions are repelled. Using a combination of explicit solvent and continuum model simulations we show that this leads to significant ion-specific protein-protein interactions due to hydrophobic patches on the protein surfaces. In solutions of NaI and NaCl we calculate the potentials of mean force and find that the resulti

Interaktion i forskningspraktiken : vårdvetenskapliga forskares sociala nätverk

This licentiate thesis builds on an interest in scholarly communication and social networks within in library and information science, in particular in the area of information seeking and use. The specific purpose is to create a scientifically founded understanding of how the interaction of caring scientists in social networks contributes to the scientists sense-making in their research practice.

The Manifestation of Modernity in Genetic Science

In this chapter we discuss genetic science as a manifestation of modernity. Accordingly, we will, firstly, discuss the notion of modernity. Modernity will be understood and presented as epoch, as cultural and mental disposition. We will deploy a conceptual constellation which denotes specific and typical, constituting and regulating elements of modernity. Secondly, we will turn to the early develo

Single-Proton Irradiation of Living Cells - Development of New Tools for Low-Dose Radiation Research

A Single-Ion Hit Facility (SIHF) consists of a custom-build facility based in particle accelerators which offers irradiation controlling the number of delivered particles with a precise targeting localization. The irradiation spot can be confined down to the nanometre scale allowing the irradiation of subcellular compartments with a single particle. Therefore, these facilities have become a very p

Financing of Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh by Islamic Banks: An Institutional-Network Approach.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna studie utvecklas olika begrepp och samband mellan dessa begrepp (en teoretisk referensram) för att beskriva och förklara relationer mellan långivare och låntagare i landsbygdsbaserade små företag och de förhållanden i omgivningen som påverkar dessa relationer. Referensramen tillämpas på Bangladesh betonar särskilt den roll som islamska banker har. Teorier från iThis study is characterized by its development of an analytical framework for describing and explaining the lender-borrower financing relationships of rural-based small and cottage industries by including contextual conditions. It applies this framework to the socio- environmental conditions of Bangladesh with special emphasis on the role of Islamic banks. A theoretical framework based on institu

Meta-managing: A Study on How Superiors and Subordinates Manage Their Relationship in Everyday Work

In virtually every organization we find formally appointed managers, but nevertheless we tend to condemn the idea of formal hierarchy and celebrate alternative modes of governance that better respect the discretion of employees. This tension, that seemingly surrounds the vertical dimension of contemporary organizations, forms the backdrop of this study which examines how superiors and subordinates

Innovationsprojektet – rekrytering och samtidig kompetensutveckling

Teknologer vid Kemiteknik- och Bioteknikprogrammen driver sedan tre år Innovationsprojektet. Detta har initierats och drivits av teknologerna ideellt. LTH har genom utbildningsnämnden också stött projektet. Projektet är inriktat mot sistaårselever vid gymnasieskolan och utförs inom ramen för det specialarbete på 100 p som genomförs i årskurs tre på gymnasiet. Projektet har varit fantastiskt framgå

The Death of Sacred Texts : Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions

The Death of Sacred Texts draws attention to a much neglected topic in the study of sacred texts: the religious and ritual attitudes towards texts which have become old and damaged and can no longer be used for reading practices or in religious worship. This book approaches religious texts and scriptures by focusing on their physical properties and the dynamic interactions of devices and habits th