

Din sökning på "*" gav 535055 sökträffar

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INTRODUCTION: Impaired renal function as seen in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a known risk factor for coronary artery diseases and has been linked to inferior outcome after myocardial revascularization. Studies on the outcome of coronary bypass grafting (CABG) in CKD-patients are scarce. We aimed to study this subgroup of patients following CABG in a well defined whole-nation cohort, focusing o

Low-dose tamoxifen treatment reduces collagen organisation indicative of tissue stiffness in the normal breast : results from the KARISMA randomised controlled trial

Background: Tissue stiffness, dictated by organisation of interstitial fibrillar collagens, increases breast cancer risk and contributes to cancer progression. Tamoxifen is a standard treatment for receptor-positive breast cancer and is also aproved for primary prevention. We investigated the effect of tamoxifen and its main metabolites on the breast tissue collagen organisation as a proxy for sti

Warming-induced contrasts in snow depth drive the future trajectory of soil carbon loss across the Arctic-Boreal region

The Arctic-Boreal region is projected to experience spatially divergent trends in snow depth following climate change. However, the impact of these spatial trends has remained largely unexplored, despite potentially large consequences for the carbon cycle. To address this knowledge gap, we forced a customised arctic version of the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS with daily CMIP6 outputs from a The Arctic-Boreal region is projected to experience spatially divergent trends in snow depth following climate change. However, the impact of these spatial trends has remained largely unexplored, despite potentially large consequences for the carbon cycle. To address this knowledge gap, we forced a customised arctic version of the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS with daily CMIP6 outputs from a

A Feasibility Trial on Intranasal Evaporative Cooling for Acute Migraine in an At-Home Setting

BACKGROUND: A significant proportion of people with migraine do not achieve sufficient relief of their acute migraine symptoms with the currently available medications. A previous study showed that intranasal evaporative cooling reduced headache and migraine-associated symptoms when given in an outpatient clinic setting. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of self-administering the same i

Män som vårdar : Manlighet och ambitioner om social förbättring i manlig diakoni i Sverige

Inledningsvis redogörs för Svenska Diakonsällskapets bakgrund och historiska rötter liksom för Diakonanstaltens initiering i Gävle. Bland annat ges som bakgrund en övergripande redogörelse för hur sociala förhållanden liksom den lutherska samhällssyn som dominerat det svenska enhetssamhället förändrades under 1800-talet. Dessa förändringar utgör en viktig kontext till förståelse av diakonins etabl

Recovery of Soil Microbial Metabolism After Rewetting Depends on Interacting Environmental Conditions and Changes in Functional Groups and Life History Strategies

Climate change is causing an intensification of soil drying and rewetting events, altering microbial functioning and potentially destabilizing soil organic carbon. After rewetting, changes in microbial community carbon use efficiency (CUE), investment in life history strategies, and fungal to bacterial dominance co-occur. Still, we have yet to generalize what drives these dynamic responses. Here,

Dynamic process simulation for life cycle inventory data acquisition – Environmental assessment of biological and chemical phosphorus removal

In Sweden, phosphorus is commonly removed from municipal wastewater treatment by chemical precipitation (CP). Recently, such alternatives as enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) have garnered interest due to the increased risk of chemical shortage. In this study, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed to compare EBPR and CP in three scenarios: 1) baseline – precipitation chemicals av

Music and Embodied Action In Opera : A Reflective Practitioner Dialogue

How can we talk about musico-dramatic methods and models for operatic acting, and how do these relate to other kinds of acting? Observing the tendency of operatic professionals and pedagogues to import concepts and ideals from theatrical and cinematic practices with non-operatic application of music, we reflect upon what possibilities and problems this discursive choice instils. Interestingly, whiHow can we talk about musico-dramatic methods and models for operatic acting, and how do these relate to other kinds of acting? Observing the tendency of operatic professionals and peda-gogues to import concepts and ideals from theatrical and cinematic practices with non-operatic application of music, we reflect upon what possibilities and problems this discursive choice in-stils. Interestingly, w

Formal Linguistics and Language Education : Bridging the Gap

In this chapter, we provide a brief introduction to recent work in linguistics that has its origin and motivation in formal linguistics and theoretical acquisition research, and on this basis indicates potential connections and contributions to language pedagogy, including students’ and teachers’ beliefs about what ‘grammar’ actually is.

Depth-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Evidence of Intrinsic Polar States in HfO2-Based Ferroelectrics

The discovery of ferroelectricity in nanoscale hafnia-based oxide films has spurred interest in understanding their emergent properties. Investigation focuses on the size-dependent polarization behavior, which is sensitive to content and movement of oxygen vacancies. Though polarization switching and electrochemical reactions is shown to co-occur, their relationship remains unclear. This study emp

Effects of wheelchair skills training during peer-led Active Rehabilitation Camps for people with spinal cord injury in Poland : a cohort study

Study design: Prospective cohort study. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of wheelchair skills training (WSTR) for participants with spinal cord injury (SCI) during peer-led Active Rehabilitation Camps (ARC) in Poland. We hypothesized that participation in ARC will improve wheelchair skill performance and self-efficacy in individuals with SCI. We also aimed to determine demographic and injury-re

Oncological outcome following Hartmann's procedure compared with anterior resection and abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer—The type of procedure does not influence local recurrence or distant metastasis : A population-based study

Aim: The type of surgical procedure used in rectal cancer treatment may affect cancer recurrence. The aim of this study was to determine whether the type of procedure influences oncological outcomes in rectal cancer surgery. Method: We gathered data from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry regarding patients with TNM Stage I–III rectal cancer who underwent R0/R1 surgery from 2013 to 2017. The o

Urgency to action : Enabling circular futures for the building sector

The world is suffering from increasing weather extremes caused by climate change of which the building sector is a major contributor. There is however a large reduction potential in the sector and circular economy has received increased attention both within research and practice. This study explores circular futures within the building sector through the futures studies method of backcasting. Two

Fire Safety Disparities in Sweden : Sociodemographic Influences and the Impact of Societal Protection on Personal Fire Prevention Measures

Previous research has identified sociodemographic inequalities in fire prevention measures. This study examined whether sociodemographic differences persist in the Swedish population concerning fire prevention measures and particularly whether there remains an inverted u-curve related to age in protection habits. Additionally, it investigated whether fire protection practices are influenced by the

The geographical distribution of the family-genetic risk score for drug use disorder in Sweden and its co-localization with areas of social deprivation

BACKGROUND: Drug use Disorder (DUD), the risk for which is substantially influenced by both genetic and social factors, is geographically concentrated in high-risk regions. An important step toward understanding this pattern is to examine geographical distributions of the genetic liability to DUD and a key demographic risk factor - social deprivation.METHODS: We calculated the mean family genetic

Probabilistic ODE Solvers for Integration Error-Aware Numerical Optimal Control

Appropriate time discretization is crucial for real-time applications of numerical optimal control, such as nonlinear model predictive control. However, if the discretization error strongly depends on the applied control input, meeting accuracy and sampling time requirements simultaneously can be challenging using classical discretization methods. In particular, neither fixed-grid nor adaptive-gri

Consequences of polypharmacy among the people living with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

AbstractObjectivesThe aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to analyse and summarize studies on the effects of polypharmacy on people living with dementia (PwD). The study aimed to categorize these effects, evaluate the quality of the studies, and estimate the pooled effect sizes of these consequences using meta-analysis.MethodA systematic literature review was conducted following th

Neural networks and NP-complete problems; a performance study of the graph bisectioning problem

Th e performance of a mean field th eory (MFT) neu ralnetwork technique for finding approximate solutions to optimi zationproblems is invest igat ed for the case of th e minimum cut graph bisection problem, which is NP- complete. We address the issues of solut ionquality, programming complexity, convergence tim es and scala bility.Both standard random gr aphs an d mor e st ruct ured geomet ric gra

Skogens klimatnyttor – en balansakt i prioritering (utökad utgåva)

Skogen och skogsbruket har idag en stark närvaro i klimatdebatten. Det finns bred enighet om att skogen har stor betydelse för klimatfrågan, men olika syn på vilka dessa klimatnyttor kan vara. Antalet studier inom området är omfattande och relevant styrning utvecklas över tid. Kunskapsläget är dock svåröverblickbart, vilket beror på att olika metoder, antaganden och tidshorisonter använts i olika