Din sökning på "*" gav 535098 sökträffar
Understanding the superconductivity and charge density wave interaction through quasi-static lattice fluctuations
In unconventional superconductors, coupled charge and lattice degrees of freedom can manifest in ordered phases of matter that are intertwined. In the cuprate family, fluctuating short-range charge correlations can coalesce into a longer-range charge density wave (CDW) order which is thought to intertwine with superconductivity, yet the nature of the interaction is still poorly understood. Here, b
Integrated approach to study river fluxes, water and sediment sources apportionment in sparsely monitored catchment
The paper presents an integrated approach for the apportionment of water and sediment sources and pathways in ungauged territories. The approach comprises various elements such as a large-scale semi-distributed hydrological and erosion model (using the SWAT tool), a statistical assessment of regular discharge data, the discrimination of runoff sources using end-member mixing analysis (EMMA), the a
An international study on activated partial thromboplastin time prolongation. Part 2 : Interpretative commenting
Background: Providing evidence-based interpretative comments (IC) is an integral task of clinical laboratory professionals. It may be of special relevance for coagulation testing, where pathological first-line tests could trigger more specialized tests. Our aim was to evaluate the quality of ICs provided to the physician in two samples with activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) prolongation
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen: The Beam and The Mote: On Blame, Standing, and Normativity New York: Oxford University Press, 2024, Hardback. (ISBN978-0-19-754459-4) 272 pp. : New York: Oxford University Press, 2024, Hardback. (ISBN 978-0-19-754459-4) 272 pp.
Remotely Sensed Herbaceous Rangelands Biomass from African Rangelands : Validation and Uncertainties
This research explores herbaceous biomass estimation in African rangelands through remote sensing, emphasizing challenges and uncertainties. Comparing remote sensing data with ground validation, the study addresses spatiotemporal variations, employing advanced models and validation techniques. Harmonizing and calibrating ground data from four African countries, the research provides insights into
Figurative, Transferred or Extended use? : The Use of Semantic Labels in the First Edition and the Revised Version of the Swedish Academy Dictionary
In this paper, a doctoral study on the description of semantic change in the Swedish Academy Dictionary (SAOB) is presented. The starting point for the study is semantic labels like figurative and in extended use. Five such labels in SAOB are examined, mainly with methods from the cognitive linguistic framework. The results show, among other things, that the most labelled mechanism is metaphor, th
A Subpixel Classification of Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Interpetation of Tundra-Taiga Ecotone Vegetation (Case Study on Tuliok River Valley, Khibiny, Russia)
The tundra–taiga ecotone plays significant role in northern ecosystems. Due to global climatic changes, the vegetation of the ecotone is the key object of many remote-sensing studies. The interpretation of vegetation and nonvegetation objects of the tundra–taiga ecotone on satellite imageries of a moderate resolution is complicated by the difficulty of extracting these objects from the spectral an
Optimizing Remote Sensing Data and Light Use Efficiency Model for Accurate Gross Primary Production Estimation in African Rangelands
This paper focuses on the meticulous selection of optimal remote sensing and climate datasets for Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) estimation in African rangelands. Utilizing Eddy Covariance Flux Tower data, we refine data selection and employ a Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model, with Sentinel 2 for photosynthetically active vegetation quantification, MODIS for Photosynthetically Active Radiation (
SoilTemp : A global database of near-surface temperature
Current analyses and predictions of spatially explicit patterns and processes in ecology most often rely on climate data interpolated from standardized weather stations. This interpolated climate data represents long-term average thermal conditions at coarse spatial resolutions only. Hence, many climate-forcing factors that operate at fine spatiotemporal resolutions are overlooked. This is particu
Right Subclavian Venous Catheterization : Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater
Boat Tours NHZ (New Harbour Zones) : Performance designed around a harbour tour in the Copenhagen harbour.
Performance designed around a harbour tour in the Copenhagen harbour. The concept, idea and staging was done by Erik Pold and Adelaide Bentzon, the artistic directors of Public Performance. 5 performers where the main characters in the boat or along the harbour, together with 20 extras, and live electronic music. The performance takes a critical view on how the contemporary harbour area has develo
Finansiering för en transformativ klimatomställning
Classic Grounded Theory: A Rigorous Methodology for Research Involving Participants With Severe/Profound Intellectual Disabilities : A Discussion of Classic Grounded Theory as a Way of Undertaking Rigorous, Credible Research Involving Participants With Severe/Profound Intellectual Disability
Background: Including people with severe/profound intellectual disabilities as research participants challenges researchers due to their diverse abilities to participate and express themselves. Ensuring the rigour of the research and the credibility of the findings presents a challenge.Methods: We use examples from our research to demonstrate that Classic Grounded Theory offers a systematic but fl
Revisitations : concert in St Andreas Church, Malmö
for String QuartetFirst performance August 18, 2024 in St Andreas Church, Malmö
Eroded Memories of Heaven and Beyond
The piece consists of three movements:1. A Knight in Armor2. Angel's Music3. Faded MadonnaFor solo violinFirst performance October 2, 2024 in St Petri Church, Malmö
Lipids and apolipoproteins and the risk of vascular disease and mortality outcomes in women and men with type 2 diabetes in the ADVANCE study
Aim: Whether apolipoproteins (apolipoprotein A1, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A1 [ApoB/ApoA1] ratio) or very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol are better risk predictors than established lipid risk markers, and whether there are sex differences, is uncertain, both in general populations and in patients with diabetes. The aim of this study was to assess the association
Cirkulär byggnation
Enhanced Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Performance with New Amphoteric Ion Exchange Membranes
Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) depend on the separator membrane for their efficiency and cycle life. Herein, two amphoteric ion exchange membranes are synthesized, based on sulfonic acid group-grafted poly(p-terphenyl piperidinium), for VRFBs. Using ether-free poly(p-terphenyl piperidine) (PTP) as the polymer matrix, and sodium 2-bromoethanesulphonate (ES) and 1,4-butane sultone (BS) as gra
Societal costs and quality of life associated with arginase 1 deficiency in a European setting–a multinational, cross-sectional survey
Background and aims: Arginase 1 deficiency (ARG1-D) is a ultrarare disease with manifestations that cause mobility and cognitive impairment that progress over time and may lead to early mortality. Diseases such as ARG1-D have a major impact also outside of the health care sector and the aim of this study was to estimate the current burden of disease associated with ARG1-D from a societal perspecti