

Din sökning på "*" gav 303731 sökträffar

Human Capital in Low-Tech Manufacturing: The Geography of the Knowledge Economy in Denmark.

An essential feature associated with the rise of the knowledge economy has been the increasing focus on the importance of human capital as a precondition for economic growth. Human capital has been found to have a positive impact on the economic growth of high-tech industries, however, the influence of human capital on the development of low-tech industries is yet to be analysed. This paper provid

Sex, long life and the evolutionary transition to cooperative breeding in birds.

Long life is a typical feature of individuals living in cooperative societies. One explanation is that group living lowers mortality, which selects for longer life. Alternatively, long life may make the evolution of cooperation more likely by ensuring a long breeding tenure, making helping behaviour and queuing for breeding positions worthwhile. The benefit of queuing will, however, depend on whet

Search for direct top-squark pair production in final states with two leptons in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search is presented for direct top-squark pair production in final states with two leptons (electrons or muons) of opposite charge using 20.3 fb(-1) of pp collision data at root s = 8 TeV, collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. No excess over the Standard Model expectation is found. The results are interpreted under the separate assumptions (i) that the top squar

Proton and cation transport activity of the M2 proton channel from influenza A virus.

The M2 protein is a small, single-span transmembrane (TM) protein from the influenza A virus. This virus enters cells via endosomes; as the endosomes mature and become more acidic M2 facilitates proton transport into the viral interior, thereby disrupting matrix protein/RNA interactions required for infectivity. A mystery has been how protons can accumulate in the viral interior without developing

Impact of musculoskeletal symptoms on general physical activity during nursing education.

Nursing education should prepare students for a lifelong professional career including managing clinical physical demands. Musculoskeletal symptoms, such as bodily pain, have been reported among nurses and nursing students but less is known about the impact of symptoms in daily activities. The aim was to explore the prevalence of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms and their impact on general p

Habitat-specific bird trends and their effect on the Farmland Bird Index

Farmland birds in Europe have declined in numbers from the last decades, as reflected in the Farmland Bird Index (FBI), a multi-species indicator of population trends adopted by the European Union. Some of these farmland bird species breed to a varying degree also in non-farmland habitats: however, the indicator is calculated using trends estimated from all birds counted of each species, irrespect

Joint protection in haemophilia

Haemarthroses (intra-articular haemorrhages) are a frequent finding typically observed in patients with haemophilia. Diagnosis and treatment of these bleeding episodes must be delivered as early as possible. Additionally, treatment should ideally be administered intensively (enhanced on-demand treatment) until the resolution of symptoms. Joint aspiration plays an important role in acute and profus

From landscape description to quantification: A new generation of reconstructions provides new perspectives on Holocene regional landscapes of SE Sweden

The development since the beginning of the 20th century of the pollen-analytical theory and method as a palaeoecological tool for describing landscape development is outlined with reference to southern Scandinavia. Numerical methods applied since the 1980s are discussed. The aim of this paper is to provide a new perspective on the landscape development and human impact during the Holocene by apply

Seed particle-enabled acoustic trapping of bacteria and nanoparticles in continuous flow systems.

Acoustic trapping of sub-micron particles can allow enrichment and purification of small-sized and low-abundance microorganisms. In this paper, we investigate the dependency of the ability to capture sub-micron particles on the particle concentration. Based on the findings, it is demonstrated that seed particles can be introduced to acoustic trapping, to enable capture of low-abundance sub-micron

Systemic effects of carbon dioxide insufflation technique for de-airing in left-sided cardiac surgery.

OBJECTIVE: Systemic effects of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) insufflation during left-sided cardiac surgery were evaluated in a prospective randomized study, with regard to acid-base status, gas exchange, cerebral hemodynamics, and red blood cell morphology. METHODS: Twenty patients undergoing elective left-sided cardiac surgery were randomized to de-airing procedure either by CO(2) insufflation techniqu

Dioxomolybdenum(VI) and -tungsten(VI) Complexes with Multidentate Aminobisphenol Ligands as Catalysts for Olefin Epoxidation

The synthesis of four molybdenum and tungsten complexes bearing tetradentate tripodal amino bisphenolate ligands with either hydroxyethylene (1a) or hydroxyglycolene (1b) substituents is reported. The molybdenum dioxo complexes [MoO2L] (L = 2a, 2b) and tungsten complexes [WO2L] (3a, 3b) were synthesized using [MoO2(acac)(2)] and [W(eg)(3)] (eg = 1,2-ethanediolato, ethylene glycolate), respectively

Quantitative mapping of the local and extrinsic sources of GABA and Reelin to the layer Ia neuropil in the adult rat neocortex

Inputs to apical dendritic tufts have been considered to be crucial for associative learning, attention and similar ''feedback'' interactions and are located in neocortical layer Ia. Excitatory thalamic projections to apical tufts in layer Ia have been well characterized and their role in the cortical circuit has been emphasized. In addition, the neuropil and the extracellular matrix surrounding a

Molecularly Imprinted PHEMA-Based Cryogel for Depletion of Hemoglobin from Human Blood

A new generation of molecularly imprinted macroporous hydrogels, so-called cryogels, were prepared for depletion of hemoglobin from human blood. Hb-PHEMAH cryogels were prepared with gel fraction yields up to 90%, and its morphology and porosity were characterized by FTIR, SEM, swelling studies, flow dynamics and surface area measurements. Selective binding experiments were performed in the presen

Multiple Inference and Market Integration: An Application to Swedish Fish Markets

This paper, in contrast to earlier studies, tests market integration using a methodology that accounts for the multiplicity problem inherent in testing several time series. This method minimises the risk of finding spurious evidence of market integration. We examine market integration among 12 fish species in Sweden by applying cointegration tests, which identify market integration for two separat