

Din sökning på "*" gav 532078 sökträffar

Beliefs, Institutional Change and Economic Growth: Evidence from Dubai

Abstract: This study develops, presents and evidences a belief model of institutional change. Drawing on a range of theoretical approaches from institutional economics, the model states that institutions change when an environmental factor alters the beliefs of the population or the elites. Further, a society will only be internally stable when the beliefs of these two groups align, and will only

Transient model of a driven compressor

Industrial gas turbines are widely used in different applications. These can be divided into two main categories; power generation (PG) and mechanical drive (MD). To be able to predict the performance of the system, Siemens has during the years developed simulation models for both steady state and transient operation. These models are mainly designed for PG, so there is a need for new MD models. A

The Trade Network of Textiles and Clothing Past the ATC

Despite increased globalization since the 1980s in many sectors remained the textile and clothing trade regulated through country-specific import quotas. In 2005, they were terminated by the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). Subsequently it was expected that mostly China would gain in worldwide exports while preferentially treated countries and countries facing fewer restrictions would not

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Scandic Arvika

This report was made in order to evaluate the safety of persons within the hotel Scandic Arvika in case of fire. Except for the hotel rooms, Scandic Arvika is also arranging conferences and festivities throughout the year. The building was constructed in 1815 and has since then been updated with several changes which have made the evacuation situation of the hotel complex, and therefore this is th

Home is where the Earth is : exploring the adoption of vernacular architecture in urban housing in India

India has yet to build 70% of the buildings that will exist in 2030. The housing industry in India has been growing rapidly in an effort to keep up with increasing urbanization, population growth and aspirational consumption. Its growth is accompanied by a large ecological footprint, given the resource intensive processes involved and the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced. St

Dynamics of a retreating ice sheet : a LiDAR study in Värmland, SW Sweden

Värmland in south central Sweden lies across the established zone of aquatic-terrestrial transition of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet margin during its rapid final retreat following the Younger Dryas. Recently acquired LiDAR data across Värmland allows more highly detailed observation and analysis of glacial landforms formed during this stage than has previously been possible. This study synthesises g

"Tack!" sa han med ett leende: om översättningen av anföringsuttryck med bestämning i hög- och lågprestigelitteratur

I denna uppsats undersöks översättningen av anföringsuttryck med bestämning inom hög- och lågprestigelitteratur. Fokus ligger på anföringsuttryck innehållande anföringsverbet said som åtföljs av en bestämning av någon form, till exempel ett sättsadverb, eftersom Gellerstam (1996) har formulerat en hypotes om att den här sortens dialogformel har ett lägre stilvärde på svenska än på engelska. Uppsat

The Role of the Smartphone in the Current Service Interaction - An Explorative Study of the Perceptions of Sales Personnel in Retail Stores

Given the recent predominant role of technology and the extensive use of smartphones in today’s society, the mobile device has become a major part of consumers’ daily lives. As a result, the lines between humans and technology have become blurred, where the effectiveness of interpersonal interactions at the service encounter in retail stores has been questioned. The researchers thus identified a k

Involving While Evolving: A case study of Alfa Laval’s internal CSR communication

There is an increasing need for companies to showcase and communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives to stakeholders, yet the majority of former research on CSR communication provides little insight into how CSR is communicated to internal stakeholders. This thesis aims to understand from an employee and managerial perspective how a Swedish CSR frontrunner communicates its

The developed market currency tango: Carry trade and hedging during 2014 – 2019. VECM and DCC approach

In this study carry trade activity in AUD, CAD, EUR and YEN vis the USD between 2014 – 2019 was analysed. The first approach employs a VECM, analyse evidence of carry trade recorded in the exchange rate pairs Futures, Forwards and Spot. Results show evidence of carry with the USD being the target currency, while the others being the funding currency. However, the AUD shows specific traits of carry

Remittances and Household Expenditure in Jamaica

More than 50 percent of Jamaican households are remittances receiving. Remittances generally form a source of supplemental household income by helping households cover expenses such as utilities,healthcare, education etc. Studies have focused on its reaction to economic shocks, structural changes, its use as insurance or safety net or generally just observing trends. This study employs propensity

Emissions Trading Mechanism to Mitigate Climate Change? : A case study in the Korean Emissions Trading Scheme focusing on the political-economic context behind the implementation and the policy design of the scheme

This thesis investigates the political-economic context that underlies the Korean Emissions Trading Scheme (KETS). The idea of trading carbon as a commodity in the carbon market has been embraced by many regions to reduce carbon emissions and to mitigate climate change. The government of South Korea has started to implement the emissions trading mechanism since 2015 to curtail the national greenho

Arbetsvägran i religionsfrihetens namn - när viker arbetsledningsrätten?

En ökad mångfald kan leda till att religiösa frågor i arbetslivet får en ökad aktualitet och att en individs rättigheter och krav då ställs mot arbetsgivarens verksamhetsintresse och dennes rätt att leda och fördela arbetet. En arbetstagares vägran att utföra en viss arbetsuppgift på grund av religion eller samvete måste då vägas mot arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt och andra eventuellt motståendAn increased diversity in the work force has caused religious questions to become increasingly important and this may lead to a conflict between an individual’s rights and demands and the employers’ managerial prerogative. An employee’s refusal to perform a duty, based on religious or conscientious beliefs, must then be weighed against the employer’s managerial rights and other possible conflictin

Hur motivation påverkar återgång i arbete

Bakgrund: Sjukskrivning kan innebära personligt lidande och kostnader för samhället. Individens attityder och förväntningar har betydelse för hur lång sjukskrivningen blir. Den förändringsprocessen arbetsåtergång innebär behöver anpassas till de omständigheter som finns i individens liv. Detta kan vara yttre omständigheter som den sociala situationen och arbetets art, men även individens inre föruBackground: Sick leave can lead to personal suffering and costs for society. Individual’s attitudes and expectations have an impact on the duration of sick leave. The changing process that return to work implies needs to be adapted to the individual’s circumstances. These can be circumstances such as social situation and the nature of the work , but can also depend on the individual’s precondition

Pressure to Protest: Need to Belong and Rejection Sensitivity Predict Youth Participation

Yngre personer är överrepresenterade bland politiska protestdeltagare, och mobiliserar ofta till dessa via sitt sociala nätverk. Då tidigare forskning visat att deltagande kan prediceras av en press att konformera till sociala normer, dvs. av need to belong (NTB) och rejection sensitivity (RS), så ämnade följande studie att undersöka huruvida relationerna mellan dessa skulle vara starkare för yngrYounger people are over-represented in political protests, and tend to mobilise via social ties. As previous research has found participation to be predicted by the pressure to conform to social norms, i.e. by need to belong (NTB), and rejection sensitivity (RS), the current study aimed to investigate whether those relations would be stronger among younger people than older. Furthermore, the effec

Fantastic change and where to find it : possibilities for Lithuanian environmental NGOs to increase their impact and chances to mobilize the movement

Currently humanity faces environmental challenges that require political action in order to maintain the integrity of human and environmental systems. However, political authorities are not always ready to make rigorous decisions to support the necessary changes. Thus, social movements as a recognised agent of cultural, political and social change have the power to push for these decisions. Over t

Model study of the linear density response function - A comparison between the exact result and RPA

The time-ordered linear density response function is examined in a model study. Two model dimers are considered; one with one orbital per site and a second one with two orbitals per site. The one-orbital case has U0, the on-site Coulomb interaction, as the only parameter and is solved analytically. The two-orbital case has parameters U0, the upper orbital non-interacting eigenenergy ε1, and the ho

Optimal Control under Quantised Measurements - A Particle Filter and Reduced Horizon Approach

This thesis covers the optimal control of stochastic systems with coarsely quantised measurements. A particle filter approach is used both for the estimation and control problem. Three main families of particle filters are examined for state estimation, standard SIR filters, SIR filters with generalised sampling and auxiliary filters. A couple of different proposal distributions and weight functio

Personligt betalningsansvar för styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag - ett effektivt påtryckningsmedel eller en regel utan verkan?

Uppsatsen behandlar reglerna om tvångslikvidation vid kritisk kapitalbrist och särskilt det personliga betalningsansvar, s.k. medansvar, som kan drabba styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag enligt 25 kap. 18 § ABL. Medansvaret innebär ett personligt och solidariskt ansvar som aktualiseras om styrelsen underlåter att agera enligt det handlingsschema som kapitalbristreglerna uppställer i 25 kap. 13–17 §§ AThe essay concerns the regulations regarding compulsory liquidation due to critical capital deficiency, in particular the personal liability for payment, which can afflict board members in limited liability companies according to Chapter 25, section 18 in the Swedish Companies Act. The personal liability for payment imply a personal, joint and several liability which can be brought up to date if t