

Din sökning på "*" gav 527843 sökträffar

Dead-Time Compensation and Performance Monitoring in Process Control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av två delar. Den första delen behandlar reglering av processer med lång dödtid. Avhandlingen ger förslag på hur regulatorer för dessa processer ska dimensioneras och jämför sedan prestanda hos dessa regulatorer med vanliga PID-regulatorer. Avhandlingens andra del handlar om metoder för automatisk övervakning av reglerkretsar i processindustrin. TvåThe thesis contains two parts, dead-time compensation and performance monitoring. The first part on dead-time compensation is about robust tuning procedures for dead-time compensating controllers (DTC). Both stable and integrating processes are considered. Simple experiments are performed to obtain process models as well as bounds on the allowable bandwidth for stability. The DTCs used have few pa

Comparison of two methods for evaluation of the image quality of lumbar spine radiographs

Two methods for visual evaluation of image quality of clinical radiographs have been compared. In visual grading analysis (VGA) specified anatomical structures in an image are visually compared with the same structures in a reference image, and in a free-response forced error (FFE) experiment - an extension of conventional ROC (receiver operating characteristics) analysis - the objective is to cor

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Abstract in French De la métaphore à l’allégorie dans la sémiotique écologique Göran Sonesson Si l’allégorie est une métaphore filée, comme disent les classiques, il faut commencer par étudier cette dernière. Le système de Groupe µ, dont nous avons donné ailleurs une version revue et corrigée, esquive cette terminologie traditionnelle, mais si l’on veut appliquer un tel système à la rhétorique lFrom metaphor to allegory in ecological semiotics Göran Sonesson If allegory is an extended metaphor, as classical rhetoric would have it, we should have to start by studying the latter. The system of the µ group, which I have elsewhere tried to amend and build out, steers clear of this traditional terminology, but if the resulting system should still be relevant to linguistic rhetoric, correlat

Arkeologins många roller och praktiker : två sessioner vid VIII Nordic TAG i Lund 2005

This e-book contains contributions from two sessions at the archaeological conference Nordic TAG VIII that took place in Lund in 2005. It is also the first volume of a digital publication, Archaeology @ Lund, published by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University. The two sessions that are published together here are The Practical Aspects of the History of Archaeology an

Effect of electron correlation on the two-particle dynamics of a helium atom in a strong laser pulse

This review discusses the complicated two-electron dynamics of a helium atom in an intense, short laser pulse. A helium gas in femtosecond laser pulses at long wave lengths (lambda similar to 700 nm) and high intensities (I similar to 10(15) W/cm(2)) produces surprisingly high numbers of He2+ ions. These laser fields cause large and fast electron oscillations, which makes a solution of the time-de

A cultivation technique for E-coli fed-batch cultivations operating close to the maximum oxygen transfer capacity of the reactor

A cultivation strategy combining the advantages of temperature-limited fed-batch and probing feeding control is presented. The technique was evaluated in fed-batch cultivations with E. coli BL21(DE3) producing xylanase in a 3 liter bioreactor. A 20% increase in cell mass was achieved and the usual decrease in specific enzyme activity normally observed during the late production phase was diminishe

Nuclear structure of light exotic nuclei from break-up reactions

One-nucleon removal reactions at relativistic energies have been used as a spectroscopic tool to characterise the ground state properties of several neutron-rich isotopes in the sd-shell. Using the FRS at GSI, the longitudinal momentum distributions of the emerging fragments after one-nucleon removal were measured. The relative contributions of the remaining fragments in their ground and excited s

Orsaker till byte av VVS-installationer : en intervjuundersökning

Denna rapport utgör redovisningen av tredje och sista etappen i ett arbete om utbytbarhet, material- och energiflöden i installationer för byggnader. De tre etapperna är redovisade i varsin rapport och utgör tillsammans en licentiatuppsats. Första etappen i arbetet utgjordes av litteraturstudien "Installationer ur ett livscykelperspektiv" (Rapport (TABK-99/3058) med syftet att redogöra för det a

Role of collagen type II specific antibodies in arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease resulting in destruction of cartilage and bone. The role of the B cells in RA pathogenesis clearly involves autoantibodies. Collagen type II (CII)-specific antibodies have been identified in RA synovium and synovial fluid. The work in this thesis is focused on the role of CII specific antibodies in the initiation and pathogenesis of arthr

The Interpretative Moment of European Journalism. The Impact of Newspaper Opinion Making in the Ratification Process.

This study investigates the role of political journalism in EU constitution-making. More specifically, we ask whether political journalists take an active role in shaping public preferences and opinion on European integration. An analytical framework is developed distinguishing between the critical and the representative function of media opinion-making. Journalists are found to interfere with the

Optoelectric spin injection in semiconductor heterostructures without a ferromagnet

We have shown that electron-spin density can be generated by a dc current flowing across a pn junction with an embedded asymmetric quantum well. Spin polarization is created in the quantum well by radiative electron-hole recombination when the conduction electron momentum distribution is shifted with respect to the momentum distribution of holes in the spin-split valence subbands. Spin current app

A Near-Infrared Transient Absorption Study of the Excited-State Dynamics of the Carotenoid Spirilloxanthin in Solution and in the LH1 Complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum.

The spectroscopic properties of spirilloxanthin in an nhexane solution and bound to the core light-harvesting LH1) complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum were studied by near infrared ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. Global analysis of the kinetic traces measured after excitation of spirilloxanthin to the S2 (1Bu +) state enabled us to estimate the species-associated difference spectra that

Improved convergence rate for the simulation of stochastic differential equations driven by subordinated Levy processes

We consider the Euler approximation of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by Levy processes in the case where we cannot simulate the increments of the driving process exactly. In some cases, where the driving process Y is a subordinated stable process, i.e., Y = Z(V) with V a subordinator and Z a stable process, we propose an approximation Y by Z(V-n) where V-n is an approximation of

Assessing water mains condition using hydraulic transients

This paper investigates the potential of using controlled hydraulic transients for non-intrusive assessment of the internal condition of water transmission pipelines. Deterioration of pipelines is a natural process. An effective tool for evaluating the state of pipeline interiors could be extremely useful for planning rehabilitation or identifying critical points in a system. A non-intrusive techn

Sociala utredningar om barn : En rättssociologisk studie av lagstiftningens krav, utredningarnas argumentationer och konsekvenser för den enskilde

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar sociala utredningar om barn. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte är att ur ett kritiskt perspektiv analysera och diskutera hur de rättsligt givna handlingsdirektiven för utredningsförfarandet och det därmed integrerade stöd- och behandlingsarbetet tillämpas i socialtjänstens faktiska utredningsverksamhet, i förhållande till föräldrarna. Frågan bThis thesis is about the social services’ investigations into childrens need of protection and support. The principal purpose is, from a critical perspective, to analyse and discuss how the legally-accorded procedural directives for the execution of an investigation, and therein the integrated support and counselling work, are adapted in the social services’ actual investigation work in relation t

No effects on myocardial ischaemia in patients with stable ischaemic heart disease after treatment with ramipril for 6 months

Objective: To assess the effects of a 6-month angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor intervention on myocardial ischaemia.Method: We randomized 389 patients with stable coronary artery disease to double-blind treatment with ramipril 5 mg/day (n = 133), ramipril 1.25 mg/day (n = 133), or placebo (n = 123). Forty-eight-hour ambulatory electrocardiography was performed at baseline, and after 1