

Din sökning på "*" gav 527845 sökträffar

Geometric Models of Similarity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Även om vi kanske inte tänker på det så ofta så är vår förmåga att bedöma likhet av stor vikt, inte minst då det gäller begreppsbildning och generalisering. Denna avhandling handlar om likhet, speciellt geometriska modeller av likhet. I sådana modeller representeras objekt som punkter i abstrakta rum, och likhet svarar (omvänt) mot avstånd i rummen. Avhandlingen tar uThis dissertation examines and discusses some phenomena related to the geometric representation of similarity. It takes its inspiration from the existing body of empirical research within the fields of perceptual and cognitive psychology, but also connects to certain areas of machine learning. The problems discussed concern the modelling of information integration behavior when concepts like asym

Long term follow up of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in intravenous drug abusers and homosexual men

Long term follow up of 16 homosexual men and 78 intravenous drug abusers who were chronic carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) showed fundamental differences between the two groups. Viral replication, expressed by the presence of hepatitis B e antigen, lasted for four years or more in 10 out of 14 (71%) of the homosexual men whereas it was not present in 43 out of 73 (59%) of the drug a

Five-year follow-up during antipsychotic treatment: efficacy, safety, functional and social outcome

Objective: Explore the long-term course of schizophrenia and related disorders. Method: Naturalistic study of 225 patients initially treated with risperidone (monotherapy or in combination with other psychotropic drugs) over 5 years. Results: Stable symptomatology and side effects were observed. Clinician GAF scores were 55-61, but patients' self-ratings were higher. Clinician and patient CGI scor

Maternal serum screening for Down syndrome - opinions on acceptance from Swedish women

Background: Different screening procedures are becoming an important part of health care. information about screening and its consequences can be difficult to both impart and understand. This study examined women's theoretical acceptance of a new screening procedure, before its introduction. Methods: A group of women (n = 823), who had made an informed choice about the form of foetal diagnosis the

On the Relations between Driving Patterns, Exhaust Emissions and Network Characteristics in Urban Driving

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Hur gatunätet ser ut och planera's i städer påverkar förutom trafikarbetet även hur bilister kör. Körbeteendet i form av körmönster, d.v.'s. hastighet's- och accelerationsprofiler, påverkar i sin tur såväl bränsleförbrukning som avgasemissionsfaktorer. En betydande del av trafiken sker inom tätorter där såväl luftkvalitet som totala utsläpp är av betydelse. ÄvThe planning and design of street networks in cities influence driving behaviour and give rise to variations in driving patterns (i.e., speed and acceleration profiles) that affect exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. The primary objective of this study has been to use real-life driving patterns to investigate how the characteristics of street networks influence fuel consumption and vehicular e

Ultrastructural immunolocalisation of bone sialoprotein in the osteocartilagenous interface of the equine third carpal bone

Reasons for performing study: One of the most common causes of lameness in racehorses is osteoarthritis (OA). Pathogenesis is not clear and pathological processes of the different joint tissues interact in often progressive events. The interface between cartilage and newly synthesised bone has been shown to be particularly enriched in bone sialoprotein (BSP), a cell-binding matrix protein. Objecti

Long acting local anaesthetics - a study in rats

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lokalbedövningsmedel ger en god smärtlindring efter centrala och perifera nervblockader. I många kliniska situationer hade det dock varit önskvärt med en längre duration av nervblockaden. De olika delarbetena i denna avhandling fokuserade på detta problem. Indianerna i Syd Amerika har länge känt till att om man tuggar bladen ifrån Erythroxylon Coca så upplev's en bedövLocal anaesthetics provide excellent pain relief after central and peripheral nerve blocks. However, in many clinical situations there is an insufficient duration of action to allow effective treatment of long-term pain with single injection techniques. This problem became the focus of the present studies. The natives in South America used to chew the leaves from Erythroxylon Coca and were well aw

Incidence of diabetes in middle-aged men is related to sleep disturbances.

OBJECTIVE—Sleep deprivation in healthy men has been experimentally found to result in disturbances in glucose metabolism and in sympathovagal imbalance. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether sleep disturbances and elevated resting heart rate are associated with increased risk of developing diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A group of 6,599 initially healthy, nondiabetic men

Serum cystatin C for assessment of glomerular filtration rate in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Indications of altered filtration process in pregnancy.

Serum cystatin C is believed to reflect the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) more closely than serum creatinine in many contexts and a reference interval for serum cystatin C in term pregnancy has been defined to enable its use also in pregnant women. However, serum cystatin C levels were not found to be decreased in term pregnancy, though GFR of low molecular mass substances is known to increase

Formation of polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes on surfaces

The interfacial behavior of polyelectrolytes, mainly cationic with varying content of amphiphilic groups, and their complexes with oppositely charged surfactant are discussed. Both the kinetics and the reversibility aspect of the adsorption are considered. The structure of adsorbed layer formed was found to be dependent not only on the bulk solution phase behavior, but also on the pre-applied cond

The kinetics of DNA-cationic vesicle complex formation

Stopped-flow fluorescence studies were performed to investigate the kinetics of formation of complexes between DNA and cationic vesicles. We followed the kinetics as a function of charge ratio and lipid vesicle composition. Binary mixtures of a saturated cationic lipid, dioctadecyldimethlammonium bromide (DODAB), and a zwitterionic lipid, dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), were used to prepa