Din sökning på "*" gav 532197 sökträffar
Quality Enhancement for M-learning in Higher Education
Moving forward, higher education will face a variety of challenges, especially in 2020/2030, due to technological development and digitalization. Digitalization in society has grown, and society fosters digital citizenship to a greater extent. Students entering higher education today have grown up with the Internet and mobile devices. Daily life, schools, and work have also become more mobile beca
Barn som anhöriga - i skuggan av föräldrar med problem
Organ Recipients who Paid for Kidney Transplantations abroad : A Report
Flyr de intellektuella svenska universitet?
Walking as a transport mode : Examining the role of preconditions, planning aspects and personal traits for the urban pedestrian
The overall aim of this thesis is to examine how walking as a transport mode is constructed in the planning realm, affected by the built environment and perceived by the individual. This aim is related to the following research questions: (1) How are pedestrians and walking understood, constructed and perceived in the planning context? (2) How does individual traits and the built environment affec
Leva för jobbet och jobba för livet : Om chefsfamiljers vardag och samlevnadsformer
The International Aid Transparency Initiative : Communication for Development or Public Diplomacy
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is an agreement establishing a common standard for the reporting of information about aid and development funding. Signatories include nations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs) and private foundations, which together account for approximately 80 per cent of all inter
Inhemska helgon förr och nu : Två nya doktorsavhandlingar om nordisk medeltid
Artikeln redogör för och diskuterar följande doktorsavhandlingar: Sara Ellis Nilsson, Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery, och Mattias Karlsson, Konstruktionen av det heliga: De medeltida altarna i Lunds stift.
High effectiveness of tailored flower strips in reducing pests and crop plant damage
Providing key resources to animals may enhance both their biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. We examined the performance of annual flower strips targeted at the promotion of natural pest control in winter wheat. Flower strips were experimentally sown along 10 winter wheat fields across a gradient of landscape complexity (i.e. proportion noncrop area within 750 m around focal fie
Proinflammatory Role of Sphingolipids and Glycosphingolipids in the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque
OBJECTIVE: Lipids are central to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Specifically, which lipids are culprits remains controversial, and promising targets have failed in clinical studies. Sphingolipids are bioactive lipids present in atherosclerotic plaques, and they have been suggested to have both proatherogenic and antiatherogenic. However, the biological effects of these lipids remain u
Robust Algorithms for Multiple View Geometry: Outliers and Optimality
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur kan man skapa en tredimensionell modell av ett objekt eller en plats från tvådimensionella bilder? Det är den centrala frågan i den här avhandlingen och en viktig fråga i datorseende generellt. Normalt delar man upp problemet i en serie basproblem. Ett basproblem kan till exempel vara att skatta kamerans rörelse mellan två bilder eller kamerapositionen för en ny bilThis thesis is concerned with the geometrical parts of computer vision, or more precisely, with the three-dimensional geometry. The overall aim is to extract geometric information from a set of images. Most methods for estimating the geometry of multiple views rely on the existence of robust solvers for a set of basic problems. Such a basic problem can be estimating the relative orientation of two
Konsten att dö som en kristen krigare. Amiral Nils Stiernsköld och skeppsprästen Berthil vid Danzig år 1627
Leaf respiration rates are increased by warm season as well as by elevated temperature treatment in Eucalyptus globulus
Human beings - the missing link in industrial change concepts
Modelling a nutrient deficient wastewater treatment process
Software Configuration Management Problems and Solutions to Software Variability Management
These days more and more software is produced as product families. Products that have a lot in common, but all the same vary slightly in one or more aspects. Developing and maintaining these product families is a complex task. Software configuration management (SCM) can, in general, support the development and evolution of one single software product and to some degree also supports the concept of