Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar
Sigrid Combüchen's Parsifal – time and memory in a dissoluting Europe. A Narrative analysis in Comparison with Aethiopica by the ancient novelist Heliodorus (300 AD).
A comparison between the narrative technique of the ancient Greek novel, 'The Aethiopica' by Heliodorus, and Sigrid Combüchen´s modern tale 'Parsifal'. Sigrid Combüchen is a Swedish writer, born in Germany 1943, a european 'war child'. Her tale Parsifal (1998) gives perspective of the perils in European history. She uses a historical, mythical and contemporary narrative in a genuinely inventive
In-situ characteristics of particle emissions from biomass combustion.
The Relationship between Critical and Creative Thinking : A Theoretical Framework for Postgraduate Educational Practice
Characterisation of local fluid flow through a shear-banded sandstone by neutron imaging
Modelling of Combined Discrete Event and Continuous Time Dynamical Systems
Allergy medication dose and biological weather.
Students' communicative behaviour in a foreign language classroom
The purpose of this paper is to give a description of the communicativity in a foreign language classroom and also of students’ communicative behaviour. Since the beginning of the 80s communication has been widely discussed as one of the main features in instructed language learning. The focus on form, that traditionally has been dominant in the language classroom, was combined or even replaced by
Space-Time LDPC with Layered Structure for MIMO Systems
In this paper, we incorporate the layered structure with low-density parity-check codes (LDPC) to develop a quasi-block diagonal LDPC space-time structure. The lower triangular structure of the parity check matrix introduces correlation between layers. In addition, each layer, as a part of the whole codeword, can be decoded while taking information from other undetected layers to improve the decod
Gammalkatolska kyrkan
Optimization Based Robust Design of Uncertain SISO Systems
Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Applied to Thick Samples
The denial of the political ontology A conceptual hindrance for “multiculturalism” in Norwegian and Swedish curricula
Hindunationalismens Uppgång och Fall
Rätt och religion
Amputation for vascular disease. Prognostic factors for healing, long-term outcome and costs.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige utförs cirka 3500 benamputationer varje år. Över 90% av alla amputationer görs på grund av kärlsjukdomar, där förträngningar i blodkärlen försämrar blodflödet med vävnadsdöd och vanligen kallbrand som följd. Det finns i huvudsak tre faktorer som ökar risken för amputation på grund av kärlsjukdom; ålder *80 år, rökning och diabetes. Om man inte tillhör någon avGeneral characteristics and outcome was evaluated in 177 consecutive patients who underwent a major amputation in a defined population. Smoking and diabetes lowered the mean amputation age. Healing failure at six months was seen in 24% of transtibial and in 11% of transfemoral amputees. Preoperative absence of gangrene and hemoglobin >120 g/L increased the risk of healing failure. Six months after
Characterisation of the Aerosol and the Activity Size Distribution of Radon Daughters in Indoor Air
The aerosol size distribution in 11 dwellings was measured using an electrical mobility analyser (TSI 3030). Large variations in the aerosol concentration, e.g. in connection with cooking and smoking were detected both within a single dwelling and between different dwellings. A typical size distribution shows an area median diameter of 0.2 µm with a geometrical standard deviation of about 2. Varia
Modeling and Calibration of Preparative Chromatography
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det mesta i min avhandling handlar om utveckling av uppreningsprocesser i läkemedelsindurstin. Den stora kostnaden för läkemedelsföretagen ligger oftast inte i att producera ett läkemedel, utan att ta fram en produkt. Det är också långt ifrån alla kandidater till läkemedel som till slut blir en produkt. Detta kan till exempel bero på att kandidaten inte var tillräckligtIn my thesis, I have modeled adsorption chromatography and simulated, calibrated, and analyzed models of adsorption chromatography. While my main focus has been modeling and calibration of the models by estimating the parameters, the models used have been partly new. The simulations are differentiated from the modeling in that the modeling describes the partial differential algebraic equation, whi