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Development of a Test Procedure for Sandwich Panels using ISO 9705 Philosophy Nordtest Project nr 1432-99

Ett antal försök på olika typer av sandwichpaneler har genomförts. De valda sandwichpanelerna inkluderar de vanligaste kärnmaterialen. Två olika fullskaletester har genomförts. En av dem var utförd enligt ISO 9705 d.v.s. försök där panelerna var monterade inuti ett obrännbart rum. Det andra sättet av fullskaletesten var utförd genom att använda ett fristående rum under en stor kalorimeter. Denna kSummary : A number of tests have been performed on different types of sandwich panels. The chosen sandwich panels included most common core materials. Two types of full-scale tests were performed. One set was conducted according to ISO 9705 i.e. tests where the panels were mounted inside a non-combustible room. Another set of full-scale tests was performed using a free standing room under a large

Effect on gait and socket comfort in unilateral trans-tibial amputees after exchange to a polyurethane concept.

Trans-tibial amputees with different indications for amputation often have stump problems. Many active amputees have limits in daily life and sports activities because of pressure ulcers, friction, allergic dermatitis or volume changes. Many methods and materials have been tried to make a well-fitted socket. A new polyurethane concept had been designed with a shock absorbing effect. The purpose of

On the influence of dielectric saturation and medium granularity on ion-ion interaction and reorganization energies associated with electron-transfer processes in condensed matter

The influence of dielectric saturation effects and the granularity of a medium on the effective ion-ion interaction and the reorganization energy for electron-transfer processes have been studied using a medium built from dipoles and polarizabilities that are placed on a lattice. It was found that these effects lead to an increased repulsion between equally charged ions and an increased attraction

Randomised study of Lichtenstein compared with Shouldice inguinal hernia repair by surgeons in training

OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcome following Lichtenstein open mesh technique or Shouldice repair for inguinal hernia operated on by surgeons in training. DESIGN: Prospective, randomised, trial. SETTING: District hospital, Sweden. SUBJECTS: 200 men with primary inguinal hernias. INTERVENTIONS: Lichtenstein mesh repair or Shouldice repair. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Duration of operation, postoperative

Age-related changes in the composition, the molecular stoichiometry and the stability of proteoglycan aggregates extracted from human articular cartilage

The heterogeneity of the components of proteoglycan aggregates, their stoichiometry within the aggregate and the aggregates' stability was investigated in normal human articular cartilage specimens (age-range newborn to 63 years). Proteoglycans were extracted from tissue by sequentially extracting them with PBS alone, PBS containing oligosaccharides of hyaluronan, and PBS containing solutions of i

Tumour marking properties of different haematoporphyrins and tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine - A comparison

Several photosensitizers were screened for their tumour-marking ability using laserinduced fluorescence in Wistar/Furth rats bearing subcutaneous adenocarcinomas inoculated in muscle. Of the studied photosensitizers, dihaematoporphyrin ether appeared to exhibit the best tumour-demarcation properties. Polyhaematoporphyrin ester and tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine were almost as good although the flu

Coarse-grained modeling of proline rich protein 1 (PRP-1) in bulk solution and adsorbed to a negatively charged surface

Structural properties of the acidic proline rich protein PRP-1 of salivary origin in bulk solution and adsorbed onto a negatively charged surface have been studied by Monte Carlo simulations. A simple model system with focus on electrostatic interactions and short-ranged attractions among the uncharged amino acids has been used. In addition to PRP-1, some mutants were considered to assess the role

Effect of Hydrophobic Modification of a Nonionic Cellulose Derivative on the Interaction with Surfactants. Phase Behaviour and Association.K. Thuresson, B. Lindman,The Journal of Physical Chemistry, submitted.

Phase separation studies have been carried out concerning the addition of different surfactants to systems containing either ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) or the hydrophobically modified analogue (HM-EHEC). The polymer concentration was kept constant at 1 g polymer/100 g of water (1 w/w%), while the surfactant concentration was varied. In the polymer/sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) systems, whi

Progression of retinopathy in insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients.

OBJECTIVE—To study the progression of retinopathy 3 years after initiation of insulin therapy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—In a prospective, observational case-control study, 42 type 2 diabetic patients were examined at baseline and 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after change to insulin therapy. Retinopathy was graded based on fundus photographs using the Wisconsin scale; HbA1c and IGF-1 were mea

Synchronized terrestrial-atmospheric deglacial records around the North Atlantic

On the basis of synchronization of three carbon-14 (C-14)-dated lacustrine sequences from Sweden With tree ring and ice core records, the absolute age of the Younger Dryas-Preboreal climatic shift was determined to be 11,450 to 11,390 +/- 80 years before the present. A 150-year-long cooling in the early Preboreal, associated with rising Delta(14)C values, is evident in all records and indicates an

Numerical Modelling of Fuel Sprays

The way the fuel is introduced into the combustion chamber is one of the most important parameters for the power output and the generation of emissions in the combustion of liquid fuels. The interaction beween the turbulent gas flow field and the liquid fuel droplets, the vaporisation of them and the mixing of the gaseous fuel with the ambient air that are vital parameters in the combustion proces