

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Molecular properties of astaxanthin in water/ethanol solutions from computer simulations

Astaxanthin (AXT) is a reference model of xanthophyll carotenoids, which is used in medicine and food industry, and has potential applications in nanotechnology. Because of its importance, there is a great interest in understanding its molecular properties and aggregation mechanism in water and mixed solvents. In this paper, we report a novel model of AXT for molecular dynamics simulation. The mod

Combustion characteristics of well-dispersed boron submicroparticles and plasma effect

Boron is an attractive high-energy fuel additive. But it could not burn efficiently in practical systems due to its high ignition temperature and slow burning velocity. Finding methods to enhance the combustion of boron is desired. This work focused on the combustion characteristics of boron submicroparticles with and without plasma discharges in a hot environment supported by CH4/N2/O2 flat flame

Comprehensive CO detection in flames using femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence

We demonstrate a femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (fs-TPLIF) technique for sensitive CO detection, using a 230 nm pulse of 9 µJ and 45 fs. The advantages of fs-TPLIF in excitation of molecular species were analyzed. Spectra of CO fs-TPLIF were recorded in stable laminar flames spatially resolved across the flame front. A hot band (1, n) together with the conventional band (0, n) o

Ingenting finns

Sofisterna, de första retorikteoretikerna, har inget särskilt gott rykte. Enligt våra uppslagsverk betyder sofism medvetet logiskt felslut. I retoriska handböcker brukar benämningen sofister användas för ett antal retoriskt intresserade lärare och tänkare från antikens Grekland. Det är enligt forskare på området lite oegentligt att tala om sofister, som om det vore någon enhetlig rörelse, vilket d

Flow Counting Using Realboosted Multi-sized Window Detectors

One classic approach to real-time object detection is to use adaboost to a train a set of look up tables of discrete features. By utilizing a discrete feature set, from features such as local binary patterns, efficient classifiers can be designed. However, these classifiers include interpolation operations while scaling the images over various scales. In this work, we propose the use of real value

Social isolation stress and chronic glutathione deficiency have a common effect on the glutamine-to-glutamate ratio and myo-inositol concentration in the mouse frontal cortex

Environmental stress can interact with genetic predisposition to increase the risk of developing psychopathology. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that social isolation stress interacts with impaired glutathione synthesis and have cumulative effects on the neurochemical profile of the frontal cortex. A mouse model with chronic glutathione deficit induced by knockout (-/-) of the glutamate-cy

Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - miljö

Detta är den fjärde skriften i en serie som handlar om vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Med hjälp av sakkunniga inom olika områden försöker vi kartlägga begrep- pets betydelse och användning inom olika verksamhetsområden. Tidigare häften har handlat om medicin, juridik och skola.Den som läst dessa häften kan nu skönja vissa mönster. Begreppet vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet förstås på olika sä

Lactate and glutamate dynamics during prolonged stimulation of the rat barrel cortex suggest adaptation of cerebral glucose and oxygen metabolism

A better understanding of BOLD responses stems from a better characterization of the brain's ability to metabolize glucose and oxygen. Non-invasive techniques such as functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS) have thus been developed allowing for the reproducible assessment of metabolic changes during barrel cortex (S1BF) activations in rats. The present study aimed at further exploring th

Glycogen Supercompensation in the Rat Brain After Acute Hypoglycemia is Independent of Glucose Levels During Recovery

Patients with diabetes display a progressive decay in the physiological counter-regulatory response to hypoglycemia, resulting in hypoglycemia unawareness. The mechanism through which the brain adapts to hypoglycemia may involve brain glycogen. We tested the hypothesis that brain glycogen supercompensation following hypoglycemia depends on blood glucose levels during recovery. Conscious rats were

Thrombophilia as a multigenic disease

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Venous thrombosis is a common disease annually affecting 1 in 1000 individuals. The multifactorial nature of the disease is illustrated by the frequent identification of one or more predisposing genetic and/or environmental risk factors in thrombosis patients. Most of the genetic defects known today affect the function of the natural anticoagulant pathways and in particul

N-acetylcysteine normalizes neurochemical changes in the glutathione-deficient schizophrenia mouse model during development

BACKGROUND: Glutathione (GSH) is the major cellular redox-regulator and antioxidant. Redox-imbalance due to genetically impaired GSH synthesis is among the risk factors for schizophrenia. Here we used a mouse model with chronic GSH deficit induced by knockout (KO) of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase modulatory subunit (GCLM).METHODS: With high-resolution magnetic resonanc

Neurochemical profile of the developing mouse cortex determined by in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy at 14.1 T and the effect of recurrent anaesthesia

The neurochemical profile of the cortex develops in a region and time specific manner, which can be distorted by psychiatric and other neurological pathologies. Pre-clinical studies often involve experimental mouse models. In this study, we determined the neurochemical profile of C57BL/6 mice in a longitudinal study design to provide a reference frame for the normal developing mouse cortex. Using

The neurochemical profile quantified by in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy

Proton NMR spectroscopy is emerging from translational and preclinical neuroscience research as an important tool for evidence based diagnosis and therapy monitoring. It provides biomarkers that offer fingerprints of neurological disorders even in cases where a lesion is not yet observed in MR images. The collection of molecules used as cerebral biomarkers that are detectable by (1)H NMR spectrosc