

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Importance of integrin LFA-1 deactivation for the generation of immune responses

The dynamic regulation of ligand binding is considered crucial for integrin function. However, the importance of activity regulation for integrin function in vivo is largely unknown. Here, we have applied gene targeting to delete the GFFKR sequence of the lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) alpha(L) subunit cytoplasmic domain in mouse germline. Lymphocytes from Lfa-1(d/d) mutant mice

Mechanosensing in the vascular wall - the role of cellular microdomains in vascular remodeling

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandlig undersöks hur mekanisk sträckning påverkar den glatta muskulaturen som omger våra blodkärl. En ökad sträckning av blodkärlen sker till exempel vid högt blodtryck vilket leder till en förändrad struktur av kärlet, så kallad remodellering. Ett annat mekaniskt stimuli utgörs av blodets friktion mot de endotelceller som täcker blodkärlens kontaktyta mot blThe vascular wall has a remarkable capacity to adapt to mechanical forces exerted by the intraluminal blood pressure and flow. This includes rapid change in contractile tone as well as chronic alteration of vessel structure if the stimulus persists. Stretch of the intact blood vessel wall promotes growth and contractile differentiation. The molecular mechanisms involved are not well defined, but c

Development of a dosing strategy for a heavy-duty diesel exhaust cleaning system based on NOx storage and reduction technology by Design of Experiments

A dosing strategy for the transient control of an exhaust after-treatment system using the NOx storage and reduction approach was developed on a heavy-duty diesel engine rig equipped with an I I I diesel engine. The catalysts were oxidation catalysts of 8.41 and NOx storage and reduction catalysts of 16.8 1 total volume. The dosing strategy has been tested in a European Transient Cycle (ETC) resul

Plasticity of TRPC expression in arterial smooth muscle: correlation with store-operated Ca2+ entry.

Loss of the smooth muscle contractile phenotype is critical in atherosclerosis and in restenosis after angioplasty, but its early signals are incompletely understood. In this study, we have explored the role of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) proteins, which have been suggested to mediate store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). Contractility of rat cerebral arteries in organ culture is pre

Increased fetal blood pressure response to maternal norepinephrine after pharmacological inhibition f norepinephrine uptake in pregnant sheep.

Objective: Norepinephrine (NE) is elevated in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (PE). Specific uptake of NE by the NE transporter (NET) plays a central role as regulator of NE levels. Expression of NET is reduced in placentas from PE pregnancies. To study adverse fetal effects of reduced NET expression on the placental buffering capacity, the NET was pharmacologically blocked by a specific u

Anthony Giddens and public relations: A third way perspective

In the article, the main theories of Anthony Giddens (structuration and late modernity theory) are presented and applied upon public relations. A review shows that there have been few attempts to use these theories in public relations. The analysis states that using Giddens leads to a questioning of the dichotomy between instrumental agency-oriented theories that neglects power structures as well

All-ceramic fixed partial dentures designed according to the DC-Zirkon (R) technique. A 2-year clinical study

The aim of the study was to investigate whether the properties of a pre-sintered, hot iso-static post-compacted ( HIP) ZrO2 are adequate for use in three-five-unit fixed partial dentures (FPDs) and to evaluate the clinical results. Twenty three five-unit FPDs were fabricated for 18 patients on a total of 56 abutments. They were all made on abutments cut with a shoulder preparation and cemented wit

Nesting success in Redshank Tringa totanus breeding on coastal meadows and the importance of habitat features used as perches by avian predators

Capsule Nest survival rates could not be explained by distance to habitat edges or other features used by predators. Aims To investigate if predation on Redshank nests was affected by habitat characteristics at a local scale. Methods We examined survival rates of Redshank nests on coastal meadows on the Baltic island of Gotland, Sweden, over two breeding seasons. We analysed nest survival rates

The European Frontier : Clashes and Compromises in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages the concepts of `them and us' became concrete in the shape of fiercely defended frontiers, some of which were physical, geographic and political, while others were more ideological. This volume, the proceedings of an international symposium held at Lund University in 2000, presents twenty-four papers which examine the archaeological evidence for frontiers across Europe. Divi

Neuropathological postmortem evaluation of BNCT for GBM

Background - Thirty patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) were treated by boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) at the Studsvik facility in Sweden, in a clinical trial exploring a procedure in which 900 mg p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) per kilo body weight was infused in 6 h. Objective - The present study was designed to assess tumor efficacy and radiation damage to the brain for the seven pati

Skadestånd som sanktion mot karteller

Abstract in Undetermined Ett hitintills outnyttjat sanktionsinstrument i den svenska konkurrenslagen är skadeståndet – en sanktion som i kartellbekämpningens ursprungsland USA intar en dominerande roll. I detta arbete har vi för avsikt att studera skadeståndets utformning och funktion i svensk och europeisk konkurrensrätt med utgångspunkt från hur det kan bidra till en effektivare kartellbekämpnin

Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes under electron irradiation simulated with a tight-binding model

Experiments show that nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes subjected to the electron beam in a transmission electron microscope can easily lose dopant atoms and that overall they are less stable under electron irradiation than the pristine tubes. To understand the lower stability of nitrogen-doped nanotubes we use a density-functional-theory-based tight-binding model and simulate impacts of energetic e

System weaknesses as contributing causes of accidents in health care

Objectives. Accidents in health care, resulting in injury or death to the patient, are a matter of considerable concern. The aim of this study is to examine whether system weaknesses can contribute to these accidents, and if so, how. Design. Eight consecutive accidents reported to the Health Authority in Sweden were analysed using MTO (Man-Technique-Organization) analysis. Setting. Emergency care