

Din sökning på "*" gav 525731 sökträffar

Emissions from baled municipal solid waste: I. Methodological approach for investigation of gaseous emissions

This paper presents a methodological approach for the study of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air, emitted during storage of municipal solid waste in bales. Determination of VOCs was based on sampling with adsorbent tubes followed by automated analysis using on-line work-up with a thermal desorption unit directly connected to a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Using calculation algorithm


Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag finns det flera studier där livstillfredsställelse bland äldre har undersökts. Studierna är dels genomförda i varierande kontext och dels innehåller de varierande faktorer som hälsa, funktionell förmåga, självkänsla, sociala kontakter och finansiell situation. Därmed är det inte självklart att det finns gemensamma eller specifika faktorer, vilka är förknippade med The aim of this thesis was to investigate how older people's capacity to perform activities of daily living (ADL), health, social and financial resources, and self-esteem can be related to their life satisfaction. The aim was also to investigate how people feel hindered by health problems in relation to their ADL capacity, health problems, social and financial resources, self-esteem, sense of cohe

Biochemical and immuno-pathological aspects of tissue transglutaminase in coeliac disease

Tissue transglutaminase (tTg) has been identified as the major autoantigen in coeliac disease (CD). ELISA methods have been developed for measuring the autoantibody. There are divergent reports on the effects of calcium on the antibody binding to tTg. Furthermore, zinc is a potent inhibitor of tTg. To better understand the role of transglutaminase in CD, we have studied the stability of commercial

Sektioner, kulturlager, hus och tomter

Abstract in Undetermined Undersökningen utfördes i form av schaktningsövervakning av Riksantikvarieämbetet UV Syd. Schaktbredden uppgick som mest till 1m och djupet uppgick till 1,6 m. Vid undersökningen framkom 380 stratigrafiska enheter, mestadels dokumenterade i sektion, dessutom tillvaratogs 45 fyndposter framförallt bestående av djurben och keramik. Lämningarna kunde delas i tre olika bebyg

Isoform distribution and tissue contents of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins in hypertrophied smooth muscle from rat portal vein

Growth of the smooth muscle in the rat portal vein was initiated by an increased transmural pressure. After 7 days, the cross-sectional area of the vessel wall and the maximal active force of the longitudinal muscle layer had increased twofold. Electron microscopy showed that the cell cross-sectional area was increased, suggesting cellular hypertrophy. Increased amounts of intermediate (10 nm) fil

Catalytic behaviour of M1, M2, and M1/M2 physical mixtures of the Mo-V-Nb-Te-oxide system in propane and propene ammoxidation

Essentially pure orthorhombic M1 and pseudo-hexagonal M2 phases were prepared using the precursor method. Consistent with literature the M1 phase was shown to be effective for propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile while the M2 phase was essentially inert for propane activation. Both phases convert propene efficiently to acrylonitrile. Both phases show a significant selectivity dependence on the am

A Grin without a Cat 1 : 'Adversus Iudaeos' Texts in the Literature of Medieval Russia (988–1504)

This study, which is the first and main part of a two-volume work, is concerned with the history and philology of original and translated works Adversus Iudaeos circulating among the Eastern Slavs from the baptism of Rus' c.988 till the early 16th century. Excluded is the literature of Lithuanian Ruthenia from the 14th century onwards. On the material of 11–15th-century MSS the dissemination of th

A comparison of chironomid biostratigraphy from Lake Vuolep Njakajaure with vegetation, lake-level, and climate changes in Abisko National Park, Sweden

Chironomid remains from the sediment of Lake Vuolep Njakajaure reflect limnological conditions resulting from changing climate and vegetation throughout the Holocene, but do not strictly follow accepted climate trends or the vegetation history based on regional pollen and macrofossil analyses. Chironomid community changes appear to be influenced by organic nutrient input from the surrounding catch

The Late Holocene history of beech Fagus sylvatica and Norway spruce Picea abies at stand-scale in southern Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är resultatet av min doktorandutbildning vid Kvartärgeologiska avdelningen, Geologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet. Avhandlingen baseras på pollenanlytiska undersökningar av ett antal lokaler i södra Sverige. I denna syntes sammanfattas resultaten av undersökningarna. Introduktion och bakgrund Avsikten med avhandlingen har varit att studera etablHigh resolution pollen analysis was carried out on five peat profiles from small forest hollows at four sites in southern Sweden. The general aim was to investigate the establishment of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies at stand-scale. The sites used for this study were all located within the area where the present distribution limits of Fagus and Picea overlap each other. The results from the diffe

Piety and Politics : Nurcholish Madjid and His Interpretation of Islam in Modern Indonesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna islamologiska avhandling diskuterar och analyserar den islamtolkning som gjorts av den muslimske tänkaren Nurcholish Madjid i Indonesien. Nurcholish ¬ som nyligen dog vid sextisex års ålder - har bidragit till reformeringen av islamiskt tänkande i Indonesien i över trettio år. Hans idéer är starkt påverkade av den lokala indonesiska kontexten, men utgör också en dThis dissertation in the field of Islamic studies offers a critical analysis of Nurcholish Madjid's attempt to interpret Islam within the framework of modern Indonesia. Nurcholish, who recently passed away at the age of sixty-six, had been active in the reform of Islamic thought for over thirty years, and while remaining deeply coloured by the local Indonesian context, was also part of a global an