

Din sökning på "*" gav 528234 sökträffar

Population, demography and nighttime lights: An examination of the effects of population decline on settlement patterns in Europe

Nighttime satellite photographs of Earth reveal the location of lighting and provide a unique and highly accurate view of human settlement, density and distribution. Nighttime lights have been shown to correlate with economic development and population worldwide. Little research has been done on the link between nighttime lights and population change over time. This link is explored here for Europ

Språk som dörröppnare i Europa : en kvalitativ analys av EU:s flerspråkighetspolitik

This thesis is a mapping of the European Commission's multilingualism policy, as it is manifested in five official documents. The purpose is to investigate whether the policy is working according to the vision and multilingualism policy of the Commission. In other words are the EU citizens learning more languages according to the policy? A narrative analysis with strong influence from content

Inflationsvolatilitetens samband med sparkvot och humankapital - en studie av upphinnarländer med hög volatil inflation

Syftet med studien var att utföra en empirisk undersökning för att ta reda på ifall de teoretiska resonemangen kring inflationsvolatilitetens inverkan på sparkvot och humankapital har stämt överens med verkligheten. Genom att empiriskt undersöka 14 upphinnarländer under 30 år har, sambandet mellan hög volatilitet i inflationsnivåer, sparkvot och humankapital observerats. Urvalet av länder har base

The effect of epidural anaesthesia on TCI dosage, depth of anaesthesia and the need for hemodynamic treatment during lung surgery.A prospective observational pilot study

Aim: To investigate the effect of general anaesthesia on the TCI-dosage, the depth of anaesthesia and the need for hemodynamic treatment. A comparison between general anaesthesia (GA) alone and general anaesthesia combined with epidural anaesthesia (GA+EDA). Background: There are some uncertainties in the literature whether epidural anaesthesia has any effect on general anaesthesia governed by Ta

Udda perfekta tal

This bachelor's thesis is about odd perfect numbers and some of the conditions and characteristics they have if they exist. Both classical results and contemporary proofs from newer articles are included. Also history about the results and the mathematicians who managed to prove those and some of today's research and results are contained.

Intranätets nya ansikte

Titel: Intranätets nya ansikte. Författare: Lisa Naess och Sarah Mesch. Handledare: Johanna Stenersen. Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera hur organisationer balanserar formell och informell kommunikation i en centraliseringsprocess av sitt intranät. Metod: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt officiella dokument som grund. Slutsats: Vår studie

Man vs. Machine

Historically, technological innovations have substituted human labor for decades and if the revolutionary technological developments continue, substitution may happen at an increasing pace. This increasing pace might place high demands on society to quickly adapt if high levels of technological unemployment are to be avoided. This paper examines how the computerization of society may affect the la

Strategi för välfärd - en diskursanalytisk studie av kultur i vård, omsorg och skola

Abstract Author: Ella-Kari Meyrell Title: Strategy for welfare - a discourse analytical study of culture in health, social care and school organizations Supervisor: Håkan Jönson Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort The aim of this study was to examine how culture (as “the arts”) is constructed as a strategy in welfare work. The empirical material was based upon 160 articles from Swedish printed and web base

From Liberal to Conservative: Effects on False Memories and Response Bias by Emotion and EMDR in DRM Paradigm

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) has been investigated recently in false memories and specifically in the DRM paradigm. EMDR has been shown to decrease emotionality of the problematic memories in PTSD, but also to decrease false memories. No studies have to date shown how emotion and memory is effected by EMDR in the DRM paradigm when non-emotional wordlists are coupled with a nega

The Impact of Social Networks on Agricultural Technology Adoption

This thesis analyses the impact of social networks on technology adoption among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. The effects of four types of social networks on adoption of fertilizer and soil conservation practices were estimated using a sample of households from the Ethiopian Rural Household Surveys (ERHS). Trusted kinship links were found to have a small but positive effect on fertilizer adopti

Leder Lean till Green?

In this thesis, a qualitative comparative case study has been conducted in five production companies. This has been made to get an understanding of how companies work with Lean and environmental management. Four interviews were conducted and two survey responses were received and there were eight open-ended questions where respondents were relatively free to talk about their experiences. The quest

Drumliner vid moderna glaciärer : hur vanliga är de?

Projektet har genomförts med hjälp av litteraturstudier. Undersökningarna i litteraturen har byggt på geografisk informationssystem (GIS), digital terrängmodell (DTM), fältundersökning och seismisk reflektion. I projektet har det redogjorts skillnader och likheter mellan forntida och moderna drumliner och ett försök att bestämma hur vanliga drumliner är vid moderna glaciärer. Studien visade att liThe project has been implemented by means of literature studies. The studies in the literature have been based on geographical information systems (GIS), digital terrain model (DTM), field survey and seismic reflection. The project has been outlined the differences and similarities between ancient and modern drumlins and an attempt to determine how common drumlins are at modern glaciers. The study

Dioxiner i tamponger- En försumbar risk eller en fara för kvinnors hälsa?

The average woman uses 11,000 tampons during her lifetime. Both sanitary pads and tampons have been proven to contain low levels of dioxins, which are a group of highly toxic environmental pollutants known to cause cancer, reproductive damage and endocrine disruption. Some scientists have concluded that dioxin levels in tampons are insignificant to the overall dioxin exposure of menstruating women

Så kan tvång undvikas i vården av självskadebeteende - Hur sex kvinnor utifrån sina erfarenheter av psykiatrisk vård tänker att tvång kan undvikas

Användandet av tvång inom den psykiatriska vården för patienter med självskadebeteende är utbrett. Individer som skadar sig tillfrågas sällan om sina upplevelser av vården, än mindre om sina upplevelser av tvång. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personer som vårdats för självskadebeteende upplever en vård med tvångsinslag och hur de tänker att tvång kan undvikas. Semistrukturerade intervjuer gThe use of coercion is common in psychiatric care for patients with self-injurious behaviour. These patients are seldom asked about their experiences of being cared for, and even less about their experiences of coercion. The aim of this study was to examine these patients’ experiences of being subjected to coercion in psychiatric care and how they think coercion can be avoided. Semi-structured int

Culture’s Consequences: Examining the Relevance of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to Youth Sexual Health

Cultural norms that promote gender inequality have shown to encourage power imbalances in heterosexual relationships, increasing both young men and young women’s risk of STDs, HIV, unplanned pregnancy and intimate partner violence (WHO, 2004). Understanding how exactly these cultural norms impact youth’s gendered sexual roles and overall sexual health has been increasingly highlighted as an import

Avfall och beteende i Brf Ellstorp

Ellstorp housing cooperative has long had problems with household waste not being properly recycled and bulky refuse not being left in designated areas, leading to overfilled bins and chaotic recycling rooms. In this study, an investigation was carried out among the residents in Ellstorp, using a survey handed out to all residents and group interviews with volunteering residents and the board of t

Equal Respect for the Private and Family Life of Transgender People? Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights' Case Law on Recognising Gender Identity

This study examines whether the right to respect for private and family life, as enshrined in Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, is equally enjoyed by transgender people. The focus of the research is on the European Court of Human Rights’ case law on gender identity, and special emphasis is placed on the principles of equality and non-discrimination. For the analysis, the Europ

Information Technology in Internal Business Partnering: A Case Study at a Major Swedish Truck Manufacturer

In this study I explore the field of internal business partnering (IBP) and how IT is utilized in supporting these efforts and in supporting an increased awareness. I furthermore explore what the current limitations of today's technology are, and finally, in addition, study a specific collaborative tool, namely a word processing template, and how this should be developed to maximize communicat