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Den här boken handlar om hur man planerar, genomför, avrapporterar och bedömer utredningar, såväl forskningsinriktade som utredningar i praktiken. Författarna diskuterar olika metodologiska synsätt och går igenom olika forsknings- och utredningsmetoder. Vilka är metodernas för- och nackdelar och i vilka situationer kan och bör de tillämpas?Denna fjärde upplaga av boken är kraftigt omarbetad och up


Den här boken sätter fokus på den trend inom företagsorganisation som kallas nätverksorganisation. Det stora integrerade företaget, som håller ihop en hel produktionsprocess, håller på att ersättas av nätverk av företag som specialiserar sig på var sin del av värdekedjan eller produktionsprocessen. Företagsledare höjer sina blickar för att hitta resurser och kompetenser runt om i världen och knyte

Management : att leda verksamheter och människor

Management handlar om att leda såväl verksamheter som människor. Ledning av verksamheter går ut på att utforma och genomföra mål, strategi, organisation och styrning på ett sådant sätt att verksamheten skapar värde för kunder och andra in-tressenter. Att leda människor handlar om att mobilisera lust, energi och engagemang hos de människor, som är verksamma i organisationen.Det unika med denna bok

Translation and cultural adaptation of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale including cognitive interviewing with patients and staff

Background: To expand our clinical and scientific knowledge about holistic outcomes within palliative care, there is a need for agreed-upon patient-reported outcome measures. These patient-reported outcome measures then require translation and cultural adaptation, either from country-specific languages to English, or the other way around. The aim of this study was to translate and cross-culturally

Sweet Taste with Bitter Roots: Forced Labour and Chowdury and Others v Greece

Chowdury and Others v Greece reveals the exploitation that migrant workers suffer at agricultural farms for production of strawberries whose sweet taste many of us enjoy. Greece was found in violation of Article 4 of the ECHR (the right not to be subjected to forced labour and human trafficking) for its failure to protect the migrants from the exploitation and to conduct effective investigation. T

The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe During and in the Aftermath of the 2015/2016 Crisis

Understanding the realities of protection in a Europe that had failed to manage the crisis in asylum that unfolded in 2015 and 2016 requires a comprehension of how law shapes and distorts refugee protection practices in frontline states. In this collection Vladislava Stoyanova and Eleni Karageorgiou provide an essential cartography of the state of asylum during the crisis. The volume captures four

Kidney function and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among elderly people : a cross-sectional study on potential hazards for an at risk population

Background Renal elimination normally decreases with age. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) carry a risk of additional kidney damage. Objective The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence of NSAIDs in the elderly (aged ≥ 65) population in Sweden, explore reasons for any possible differences in the level of use and assess their kidney functions. Setting Data were obtained from t

Integrerad Organisationslära

Organisationslära är den samlade kunskapsmassa som hjälper oss att beskriva, analysera, förstå och förändra organisationer. Den innehåller teorier om olika slags organisationer och om olika aspekter av vad som sker i organisationer, alltifrån enskilda individers motivation och beteende till organisationers syfte och roll i samhället. Gemensamt för alla organisationer är att skapa värde för sina in

Hot Forging Operations of Brass Chips for Material Reclamation after Machining Operations

The production of chips is an inevitable part of any machining operation. Today, brass chips are commonly recycled through re-melting by the material supplier implying a “loop” where material is sent back and forth between the material supplier and the manufacturing company. The research presented in this paper evaluates a method for compaction and hot forging of brass chips into blanks for subseq

Are Incidental Gallbladder Cancers Missed with a Selective Approach of Gallbladder Histology at Cholecystectomy?

Background: Incidental gallbladder cancer (IGBC) is an unexpected finding when a cholecystectomy is performed upon a benign indication, and the use of routine or selective histological analysis of gallbladder specimen is still debated. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the proportion of submitted gallbladder specimens for pathological investigation influences the proportion of IGBC

Return to Meaning : A Social Science with Something to Say

This book argues that we are currently witnessing not merely a decline in the quality of social science research, but the proliferation of meaningless research, of no value to society, and modest value to its authors - apart from securing employment and promotion. The explosion of published outputs, at least in social science, creates a noisy, cluttered environment which makes meaningful research

No long-term risk of wrist osteoarthritis due to subchondral haematomas in distal radial fractures

Objective: The objective of this study of distal radius fractures was to determine if a subchondral haematoma in an unfractured compartment predicts secondary osteoarthritis. Methods: In 1995–1997, 41 patients, 22 women, a median age of 41 years (20–57 years) with a displaced distal radius fracture underwent diagnostic wrist arthroscopy in addition to the fracture treatment. In 12 patients (7/12 w

Hospital volume and the risk of revision in Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in the Nordic countries -an observational study of 14,496 cases

Background: High procedure volume and dedication to unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) has been suggested to improve revision rates. This study aimed to quantify the annual hospital volume effect on revision risk in Oxfordu? nicompartmental knee arthroplasty in the Nordic countries. Methods: 14,496 cases of cemented medial Oxford III UKA were identified in 126 hospitals in the four countries

The potential of service-dominant logic as a tool for developing public sector services: A study of a Swedish case

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss the potential of the service-dominant logic (SDL) as a tool for developing more effective public sector services in practice. Design/methodology/approach: One case concerning a public sector service organization has been studied – a contact centre in a Swedish municipality. The material consists of descriptions of managers’ and co-worker

Adding Fuel to the Fire : North-South dynamics in the geographies of transport energy: the case of EU biofuels

Sedan 2000-talet har den Europeiska Unionen (EU) lanserat biodrivmedel som ett alternativ för att uppnå minskad klimatpåverkan men också landsbygdsutveckling i globala Syd. Den kritiska debatten pekar dock på att biodrivmedel snarare försvårar införandet av mer meningsfulla åtgärder för att minska växthusgasutsläpp från transport; samt att utlovade arbetstillfällen lyser med sin frånvaro, samtidigSince the 2000s, the European Union (EU) has promoted biofuels for transport to achieve climate change mitigation, and rural development in the global South. In contrast, critiques have argued that biofuel promotion impedes more meaningful mitigation while also resulting in dispossession of land and loss of labour opportunities in the global South. In this thesis, I study why the EU is promoting l