Din sökning på "*" gav 526184 sökträffar
Effects of information availability on the control of treatment plant located equalization basins
Kortsiktighet hotar EU:s sammanhållning
Creeper - an algorithm for sequential decoding
Large-scale trial with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA).
Within the framework of a Swedish national experiment with different types of Intelligent Speed Adaptation, 300 vehicles are being equipped with an active gas pedal in the city of Lund. The active gas pedal provides drivers with counter-force whenever they try to exceed the pre-set speed limit. During the experiment the equipment will be continuously set on the actual speed limit. The vehicles wil
Ansträngning viktigare än socioekonomisk situation
Procyon: Constraining Its Temperature Structure with High-Precision Interferometry and 3-D Model Atmospheres
We have fit synthetic visibilities from 3-D (CO5BOLD +PHOENIX) and 1-D (PHOENIX, ATLAS12) model stellar atmospheres forProcyon (F5 IV) to high-precision interferometric data from the VINCIinstrument at the VLT Interferometer (K-band) and from the Mark IIIinterferometer (500 nm, 800 nm). These data provide a test oftheoretical wavelength-dependent limb-darkening predictions, andtherefore Procyon's
Kontroll över metaforerna skapar makt
UPPHOVSRÄTT Metaforer är grundläggande för vårt tänkande, men även för rättssystemet. De språkliga lånen från den fysiska världen – nätverk, moln, e-bok – styr tanken mer än vi tror, och det blir lätt att vi tänker på exempelvis digitala kopior i samma termer som fysiska.
Acoustic Trapping: System Design, Optimization and Applications
Manipulation, separation and trapping of particles and cells are very important tools in today's bioanalytical and medical field. The acoustic no-contact trapping method presented at earlier MSW 2004 provides a flexible platform for performing cell and particle assays in a perfusion-based microsystem. To further develop the system microfabricated glass channels are now used, resulting in shorter f