

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Evaluating innovations for the physical environment in home care – a workplace for one, a home for the other

To a higher degree, older adults will live to old age in their own homes with the assistance of home care services. One effect of this is an increased number of people working in the home environment. This paper presents the results from a research project that studied the physical environment in Swedish home care. Innovations to support the home care situation were developed, with the aim of cont

Anatomy and physiology

The oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus constitute three anatomically and functionally integrated areas that are involved in swallowing. They are made up of muscular tubes surrounded by cartilages and bones. Swallowing is controlled by the brain stem in the central nervous system where the swallowing center is located.

No title

This article discusses the situation in Southern of Yemen, and how the political movement depends on the old politicians that they were part of past problem in the south.

What kind of related variety for long-term regional growth?

We investigate the evolution of relatedness linkages between Swedish industries during five sub-periods between 1991 and 2010. Distinguishing between the stable ties (present in all subperiods) and non-stable ties (emerging, disappearing, etc), we demonstrate that the relatedness linkages change considerably over time. Furthermore, we show that the changes in the relatedness matrix matter for the

Secondary nucleation of monomers on fibril surface dominates α-synuclein aggregation and provides autocatalytic amyloid amplification

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by proteinaceous aggregates named Lewy Bodies and Lewy Neurites containing α-synuclein fibrils. The underlying aggregation mechanism of this protein is dominated by a secondary process at mildly acidic pH, as in endosomes and other organelles. This effect manifests as a strong acceleration of the aggregation in the presence of seeds and a weak dependence o

A modeling framework for the dynamic management of free-floating bike-sharing systems

Given the growing importance of bike-sharing systems nowadays, in this paper we suggest an alternative approach to mitigate the most crucial problem related to them: the imbalance of bicycles between zones owing to one-way trips. In particular, we focus on the emerging free-floating systems, where bikes can be delivered or picked-up almost everywhere in the network and not just at dedicated dockin

Secondary ice production by fragmentation of freezing drops : Formulation and theory

A numerical formulation is provided for secondary ice production during fragmentation of freezing raindrops or drizzle. This is obtained by pooling laboratory observations from published studies and considering the physics of collisions. There are two modes of the scheme: fragmentation during spherical drop freezing (mode 1) and during collisions of supercooled raindrops with more massive ice (mod

Traumatic shaking : The role of the triad in medical investigations of suspected traumatic shaking

The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assesment of Social Services (SBU) is an independent national authority, tasked by the government with assessing methods used in health, medical and dental services and social service interventions from a broad perspective, covering medical, economic, ethical and social aspects. The language in SBU's reports are adjusted to a wide audience. S

Förbjuden kärlek

Känslor och känsloyttringar kan förefalla vara allmänmänskliga företeelser, men forskning visar att den generella inställningen till känslor har skiftat mellan olika kulturer såväl som inom en och samma kultur över olika tidsperioder. Under medeltiden värderades exempelvis kontroll och förnuft högre än känslosamhet i det västerländska samhället, men från och med sent 1700-tal kom känslor och kärleResearch has shown that the general attitudes towards emotions have shifted between different cultures as well as within one culture over different periods. During the Middle Ages, for example, control and reason were considered more desirable human qualities than emotions in Western societies. However, from the late 1700s emotions and empathy were described with increasingly positive terms. From

Experimental and modeling study of liquid fuel injection and combustion in diesel engines with a common rail injection system

Fuel injection is one of the most important processes in compression-ignition internal combustion engines owing to its significant impact on the exhaust emissions and thermal efficiency. In this study, experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of injection pressure and injection timing on the temporal evolution of the injection rate and injection duration in a specially designed ex

Search for R-parity-violating supersymmetric particles in multi-jet final states produced in p–p collisions at s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Results of a search for gluino pair production with subsequent R-parity-violating decays to quarks are presented. This search uses 36.1 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collisions with a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV at the LHC. The analysis is performed using requirements on the number of jets and the number of jets tagged as containing a b-hadron as well as a top

Better for Everyone : An Approach to Multimodal Network Design Considering Equity

We propose a formulation of the Network Design Problem (NDP) to support transport planners in dealing with multimodal networks in contexts characterised by different (and sometimes conflicting) interests and limited resources in a transparent way. We expect that the implementation of the method can increase the acceptability of transport schemes. The proposed formulation expands the scope of tradi

Human thymopoiesis is influenced by a common genetic variant within the TCRA-TCRD locus

The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ where naïve T cells are generated; however, with the exception of age, the parameters that govern its function in healthy humans remain unknown. We characterized the variability of thymic function among 1000 age- and sex-stratified healthy adults of the Milieu Intérieur cohort, using quantification of T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) in peripheral b

Rapid and efficient induction of functional astrocytes from human pluripotent stem cells

The derivation of astrocytes from human pluripotent stem cells is currently slow and inefficient. We demonstrate that overexpression of the transcription factors SOX9 and NFIB in human pluripotent stem cells rapidly and efficiently yields homogeneous populations of induced astrocytes. In our study these cells exhibited molecular and functional properties resembling those of adult human astrocytes