

Din sökning på "*" gav 526125 sökträffar

The Power of “The New Order” – Masculinity at Stake

Title: The Power of “The New Order” – Masculinity at Stake. Exploring the reconstruction of masculinity as a response to femvertising Date of Seminar: 5th June 2020 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Johanna Alvarson and Sara Samuelsson Supervisor: Peter Svensson Keywords: Femvertising, The New Order, Reconstructing Masculinity, Hegemonic Masculinity, Inclusive Ma

Inducing Differentiation of Myeloid Progenitor Cells by Artificial Receptors

Neutropenia is a life-threatening condition characterized by a severe lack of neutrophils leading to grievous opportunistic infections for the patients, such as cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The current treatment procedure for this condition is hospitalization and administration of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), which in 2012 averaged to $24,770 for adults and $26,000 chi

Performing a Respectable Consumer Identity

This thesis adds to the social debate on the relationship between society and fashion consumers. In order to explore this, the phenomenon of fashion rental is investigated to provide insights on how fashion consumers account for their behavior in order to come off as respectable. The study takes an qualitative approach by conducting eight semi-structured interviews and exploring the participants i

What impact does income inequality have on economic growth? - A regional study of Sub-Saharan Africa and the case of South Africa.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of income inequality on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study is structured as a regional study on Sub-Saharan Africa, followed by a case study of South Africa that is conducted by using the results in the regional study. The methods for estimating the impact of income inequality on economic growth consist of panel regression analysis.

Sång i rätt stämning- Hur rent ska man egentligen intonera?

I detta examensarbete har jag utforskat hur man som sångare kan tänka kring intonation. Under arbetet har jag gjort en litteraturstudie för att förstå matematiken och teorin bakom sångarens intonation. Jag har också experimenterat med de tre stämningarna (ren, pytagoreisk och tempererad) samt olika intonationsprinciper för att berika uttrycket i min sång. Uppsatsen utforskar också frågan om intonaThis project has been an exploration of perspectives regarding intonation as a singer. One part of the project is a literature study where I seek to understand the math and theory behind a singer’s intonation. The other part consists of me experimenting with the three tuning systems (five-limit, pythagorean and equally tempered) as well as different principles of intonation to enrich the expressio

Idrottsparken och Västra tornet

Idrottsrörelsen är en av landets största folkrörelser med 4 miljoner registrerade som “Aktiv i Idrott” under 2016. Det är få andra rörelser i Sverige som når ut till så många människor och det är således självklart att det finns en stor potential i idrottsrörelsen att vara en aktör inom folkhälsa, integration och minskat utanförskap. I takt med digitaliseringen av vårt samhälle, som skett under d

Effects of snow-free season, temperature and radiation variations on the retreat of Linné glacier, Svalbard

Linné glacier has retreated approximately 1.8 km since 1936 and 1 km between 1995 and 2019. Linné glacier is following the same trend as other glaciers around Svalbard. Linné glacier is a well-monitored glacier with a time series of air temperature, incoming solar radiation and snow height data since 2003. Annual recordings of the glacier margin from 2007, allows for an accurate reconstruction of

Fastighetsrättsliga konsekvenser av dammutrivningar

Dammutrivningar har kommit att bli ett alltmer aktuellt ämne efter att nya regler om miljöprövning av vattenkraftverk införts. Syftet med reglerna är att dessa dammar ska få moderna miljövillkor. Detta ska bidra till att de svenska miljömålen uppnås, samt att kravet i EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten avseende god ekologisk status för vattendrag uppfylls. Utöver detta är det troligt att uppmärksamhet riThe subject of dam removal har become increasingly relevant since new regulations concerning environmental impact assessments of waterpower stations. The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the consequences associated with real estate law that can arise from dam removal, and to review the judicial/legal regulation on dams. A literature study has been conducted, to interpret and sy

Correlation of numerical simulation methods and failure criteria to experimental burst test

Predicting the burst speed of turbine rotors is a costly and challenging task. Therefore, the scope of this thesis is to perform a correlation study between numerical simulation methods and failure criteria to experimental over-speed burst test of the Prometheus turbine rotor. The rotor was manufactured using selective laser melting, and GKN Aerospace performed the over speed burst test, which is

Olagligt eller bara dåliga affärer? - En bevisrättslig studie om överprissättning som förtäckt ekonomisk brottslighet på kapitalmarknaden

Kapitalmarknaden lockar många investerare då marknaden historiskt sett lämnat hög avkastning på investerat kapital. För dem som saknar kunskap att bedöma vilken investering som troligtvis kommer ge hög avkastning, finns möjligheten att uppdra åt en kapitalförvaltare att göra dessa bedömningar. Vad som är en bra investering är dock många gånger en subjektiv uppfattning. Således är det upp till kapiThe capital market attracts many investors due to its historically high return on invested capital. For those who lack the knowledge to judge which investment is likely to yield a high profit, these assessments can be delegated to an experienced asset manager. What constitutes a good investment is often a matter of subjective interpretation of the value of the asset in question. It is therefore up

"I belong here, among you guys" : a case study on understandings of the process of inclusive education in Jordan

With disability continuing to be the single most barrier to education, efforts towards inclusive education have been globally acknowledged and legally ensured. Despite its widely shared call for justice and the fulfillment of the human right of education for all, the understanding of its process is diverse and interactions amongst system remains limited. Based on the Ecological Systems Theory and

#Blessed : the blesser phenomenon : transactional sex and intergenerational relationships in urban South Africa

Relationships between women and typically older men for gifts and money in exchange for sex in South Africa are common, and known as blesser relationships. Their increasing acceptability and accessibility has been linked to negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes among young black African women. Using focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews, this thesis investiga

Health for Export? A WPR and World-Systems Analysis of the OECD’s Construction of Pharmaceutical Pollution

The issue of pharmaceutical pollution has recently gained attention on the international political agenda as several actors have raised concern for its negative impact on ecosystems, human health, and livelihoods in emerging economies where an increasing share of the pharmaceutical production is located due to the cheaper labor and less stringent environmental regulations. In 2019, the OECD publis


Sectarianism has emerged in the post-2011 era as an essential factor in the politics of the Middle East. It is not realistic to discuss the political unrest of the contemporary Middle East without discussing Sectarianism. Syria today suffers a violent sectarian war that threatens ramification that can be felt everywhere in the Middle East. This study focuses on the political elites that are involv

Beyond the Democratic Success Story - An exploratory case study of citizens’ expectations and experiences of Tunisian democratization

This study is an exploratory qualitative case study that seeks to capture nuanced and personal perspectives on the experiences of the Tunisian democratization process. The aim of this study is to examine what the expectations of the regime change was and how these expectations relate to the perceived reality. In doing so, it utilizes a theoretical framework based on elements from the works of Seym

Is rising inequality related to deteriorating trust?

It is generally agreed upon that social trust is strongly associated with income inequality. However, this conclusion is mainly drawn from cross-country studies, which most likely suffer from endogeneity issues due to unobserved cultural, social and political variables affecting both trust and inequality. In this paper we collect trust data from six different surveys and make them comparable throu

A comparative research on Policy Analysis and Health Achievements in Rwanda and South Africa

Health achievements are central to human happiness and well-being. Yet, disagreement immerse on how to best create them. Health policy analyses have been seen as one way to gain insights and to identify factors that generate health outcomes. The aim of this study is to contribute to this task through a comparative case study in Rwanda and South Africa. Indeed, both countries diverge in terms of hi

Bör vi säga handikappad?

Denna uppsats behandlar hur vårt språk påverkar vår förståelse av verkligheten, och hur detta i sin tur kan tänkas påverka människor med funktionsskillnader. Analysen utgår ifrån en korpusundersökning av olika benämningar för människor med funktionsskillnader, detta för att se i vilka kontexter de olika orden används. Orden som analyseras är: handikappad, funktionsnedsättning, funktionshinder och

Bracing for the inevitable: An exploratory multi-case study of local climate change adaptation plans

Vulnerability to climate change and the capacity to adapt to it are the result of intersecting power structures, system dynamics, and social identity markers otherwise known as intersectionality; and thus, differ greatly between contexts. However, despite the stark contextual differences between small and metropolitan cities, and lower and higher income countries, the policy and study of climate c