

Din sökning på "*" gav 534127 sökträffar

I am the Captain Now An Investigation of Somali Piracy

What is the thread that connects all the various actors and events that contributed to the rise of piracy in Somalia? The paper addresses the evolution of Somali piracy, focusing on its emergence, since it is that transformational aspect that provides the most richly insightful perspectives. Working from Thomas, Kiser, and Casebeer’s Warlords Rising: Confronting Violent Non-State Actors, an excell

Dölja eller visa kärnvapen? En komparativ fallstudie av Nordkorea och Iran

The proliferation of nuclear weapons is a global threat, which led to the creation of treaties like NPT to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons. However this hasn’t prevented states from still acquiring nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iran are two examples of this, as they both started their nuclear activities after the NPT entered into force. However these two states differ in their openn

EU-integration och främlingsfientlighet - en fallstudie kring EUs roll i främlingsfientliga partiers framgångar i Europa

EU är ett unikt samarbetskoncept för 28 stater som anses vara välfungerande både på ett ekonomiskt och socialt plan. Trots det kan man nu se en tydlig trend av att främlingsfientliga partier växer sig allt större. Vi frågar oss i denna uppsats om det kan bero på EU som organisation i sig och ett lands grad av integrering. Vi tittar huvudsakligen på hur den ekonomiska integreringen påverkar främlin

Vissa straffprocessuella frågor vid en kriminalisering av konkurrensrätten

I propositionen till den nya konkurrenslagen som antogs 2008 öppnades möjligheten för individuellt ansvar vid överträdelser av konkurrensrätten. Sedan 2010 riskerar individer som deltar i konkurrensbegränsande samarbete att dömas till näringsförbud. En fråga som lyftes i samband med lagförslaget var huruvida en kriminalisering skulle vara möjlig inom ramen för konkurrensrätten. Frågan har lyfts flThe Bill for the new Competition Act adopted in 2008, in Swedish competition law, opened for the possibility of individual liability for infringements of competition law. Since 2010 individuals participating in a cartel are liable to be sentenced to disqualification from commercial activities under the Disqualification Act of 1986. One issue raised in the context of the Bill was whether criminaliz

Särskild skiljedom – skiljenämndernas laserkniv?

Både i Sverige och utomlands finns det ett behov av tvistlösning som alternativ till domstolsprövning. I Sverige har sedan 1917 Stockholms Handelskammares Skiljedomsinstitut fungerat som institut för alternativ tvistlösning genom skiljeförfarande och en gångbar lagstiftning på området har i Sverige funnits sedan 1929. Skiljeförfarandet som tvistlösningssätt präglas av fyra essentiella hörnstenar -In Sweden as well as in other countries, there is a need for alternative dispute resolution as supposed to dispute resolution through a court of law. The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce has functioned as an institute for alternative dispute resolution by arbitration since 1917, whereas passable regulations on arbitration have been in force since 1929. The arbitration as a method of dispute resolutio

Miljögiftssituationen i Skånes vatten

Enligt EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten så ska alla medlemsstater förvalta sitt vatten så att man behåller eller förbättrar vattenkvaliteten och en stor del i detta arbete är den kemiska och ekologiska statusklassningen av alla vattenförekomster vilket bedrivs av länsstyrelserna. I denna rapport tar jag fram ett underlag åt Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län för den kemiska och ekologiska statusklassningen med

Generalist, javisst?! En kvalitativ studie om den generaliserande bilden av Generation Y

Titel: Generalist, javisst?! En kvalitativ studie om den generaliserande bilden av Generation Y Författare:Elin Ivarsson & Alexandra Wennheden Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Service Management, VT 2013 Institution: Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg Handledare: Malin Espersson Nyckelord: Generation Y, generalisering, ledarskap, medarbetarskap, individuali

Modellering av vind och turbulens för en High-Fidelity flygsimuleringsmodell

The aim of this thesis is to develop a model which simulates the dynamic atmosphere as well as the implementation of this model with Matlab/Simulink. The dynamic atmosphere contains the characteristics of wind, turbulence, wind gusts and wind shear, which is integrated in a high fidelity flight simulation model where the dynamics of an aircraft in the atmosphere will be simulated. After the descri

Vem äger det offentliga rummet? En kritisk diskursanalys av privatiseringsmotioner mellan åren 1990 och 2000

Over the last two decades there has been a significant increase in privatised areas in the Swedish public sector. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how this has been motivated and formulated in the Swedish parliament. This is done by analysing the motions for privatisation that have been presented in the Swedish parliament between the years of 1990 and 2000. The hypothesis is that there ar

Signalspaning - Rikets eller demokratins säkerhet?

This essay deals with the normative problem of mass surveillance in the form of signal intelligence and if it can be justified as public policy. The analysis is done from two main perspectives, deontology and consequentialism when I lay out their main proposals for answers. The first part of the essay is an analysis of several key concepts involved, the most central ones being national security pi

Byggfuktens inverkan på energibehovet

Abstract: Building materials such as concrete and aerated concrete, contain significant amounts of moisture after manufacturing. This moisture has to dry so the material will come in equilibrium with the indoor climate. Drying of moisture in constructions requires energy. Part of this energy will be during the construction stage and the remaining energy will be used during the operation stage. Acc

RUT-avdraget som (nyliberalt) jämställdhetsprojekt - En studie om kön, klass och etnicitet i den politiska diskursen för hushållstjänster i hemmet

This Master’s thesis examines the discursive constructions and ideas which formed the base for the gender equality policy regarding the tax deduction for domestic services in Sweden that got implemented in 2007. The aim for the thesis is more precisely to make the images and ideas that represent the constructions based on gender, class and ethnicity visible and problematized. A further aim of the

Legalisation of abortion without restriction as to reason - An event history analysis of the OECD countries 1965-2005

This thesis quantitatively investigates under what circumstances countries legalise abortion without restriction as to reason. The interest in this study emerges from a thorough conviction in the right to decide over one’s own and from a wish to understand why some countries reformed their abortion laws several decades ago, whereas others did so more recently. Previous research on the liberalisati

A Chinese Scramble for Africa? To what extent does China act as a neo-colonialist on the African continent?

The unparalleled economic growth of China during the latter 20th century and early 21st century, has led to the country becoming a great power and perhaps on the fast track to even becoming a superpower. This growth has come mainly in the form of manufactured goods, which need vast amounts of energy and resources to produce, most important of which is oil. Today China is a net importer of oil, and

Treaty Reform and the European Union's Policy towards the Middle East Peace Process: Much Ado About Nothing?

In 1993 with the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union, for the first time, formally institutionalized foreign policy cooperation in its Treaties. Thence, the Treaties governing the foreign policy of the Union has undergone no less than four reforms, introducing theoretically interesting institutional innovations. Despite this, academia has largely turned its attention towa

Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines developed by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A case study on Lund University

The thesis studies the situation within Lund University in relation to the implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) developed by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The aim of the study is to answer the following research question “How have Lund University implemented the European Standards and Guidelines developed by The European Associa

Following the leader: The role of the host nation President of Conferences of the Parties to the UNFCCC

In this thesis I investigate the role of formal leaders in international negotiations. I present theories on the role and influence formal leaders might have in international negotiations, and what variation in this role and influence might depend on. I then use this theoretical framework to analyse the role of the Presidents of the UN Climate Change Conferences in Copenhagen in 2009 and in Cancún

Delays in Axis IP Surveillance Cameras

Controlling motors over IP networks naturally introduces delays. For an operator of a surveillance camera to point the camera (e.g. following an object) delays are of importance. This master’s thesis investigates the sources of steering delays in IP-cameras, testing on AXIS Q6035 and AXIS Q6032 with different video management software and video codec. Camera firmware and communication protocol ar

Influence of polymer thickness, adhesive composition and layer structure on dielectric breakdown in laminated carton based packages

Ett högspänningsinstrument används för att mäta den dielektriska nedbrytningen av polymera material i syfte att hitta defekter i laminerade kartongförpackningar. Avdelningarna New Material Design och Applied Material Design vid Tetra Pak i Lund ville få förståelse för hur strukturella skillnader i polymera material påverkar materialens dielektriska nedbrytning. De strukturella skillnader som underHigh voltage test equipment is used to measure the dielectric breakdown of polymeric material in order to detect defects in laminated carton based packages. The departments New Material Design and Applied Material Design at Tetra Pak in Lund wanted to understand how structural differences in polymeric material influence the dielectric breakdown of the material. The structural differences investiga