

Din sökning på "*" gav 531205 sökträffar

The Global War On Terrorism as Meta-Narrative: An Alternative Reading of Recent Chinese History

When we speak of the “Cultural Revolution” in China, we actually refer not to the past but to a narrative interpretation of the past, a particular organization of knowledge which has gone unquestioned for a long time. This paper attempts to develop an alternative narrative scope from which to view the final ten-plus years of politics in the People’s Republic under Mao Zedong. It looks at that same

Straightforward rapid spectrophotometric quantification of total cyanogenic glycosides in fresh and processed cassava products.

In this study, we extend pioneering studies and demonstrate straightforward applicability of the corrin-based chemosensor, aquacyanocobyrinic acid (ACCA), for the instantaneous detection and rapid quantification of endogenous cyanide in fresh and processed cassava roots. Hydrolytically liberated endogenous cyanide from cyanogenic glycosides (CNp) reacts with ACCA to form dicyanocobyrinic acid (DCC

Differing Risk Factor Profiles of Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: Evidence for a Distinct Lacunar Arteriopathy?

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Differences in risk factor profiles between lacunar and other ischemic stroke subtypes may provide evidence for a distinct lacunar arteriopathy, but existing studies have limitations. We overcame these by pooling individual data on 2875 patients with first-ever ischemic stroke from 5 collaborating prospective stroke registers that used similar, unbiased methods to define ri

Charge Dependence of Solvent-Mediated Intermolecular Coster-Kronig Decay Dynamics of Aqueous Ions.

The 2s and 2p photoelectron spectra have been measured for Na(+), Mg(2+), and Al(3+) ions in aqueous solution. In all cases, the 2s lines are significantly broader than the 2p features, which is attributed to a shorter lifetime of the respective 2s hole. Since intraionic Coster-Kronig decay channels from the (2s)(-1) state are closed for free Na(+), Mg(2+), and Al(3+) ions, this is evidence for an

Investigations into the Effects of Turmeric, Cinnamon and Green Tea on Glycaemic Control and Liver Enzymes

Lifestyle changes such as caloric over-consumption and decreased physical activity are causing overweight and obesity, leading to an epidemic increase in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Overweight, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are closely linked, and cardio-vascular disease is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with T2DM. Identifying food that can reduce blo

Effects of Endotoxin and Psychological Stress on Redox Physiology, Immunity and Feather Corticosterone in Greenfinches

Assessment of costs accompanying activation of immune system and related neuroendocrine pathways is essential for understanding the selective forces operating on these systems. Here we attempted to detect such costs in terms of disruption to redox balance and interference between different immune system components in captive wild-caught greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Study birds were subjected

Constructions of Deportability in Sweden. Refused Asylum Seekers’ Experiences in Relation to Gender, Family Life, and Reproduction

Drawing on ethnographic material, this article examines how the experiences of refused asylum seekers in Sweden are shaped by migration policies, welfare policies, and gender norms. The article develops a feminist account of deportability to examine some gendered and reproductive aspects of everyday experiences of seeking asylum in Sweden. Focusing on the interview accounts of one heterosexual cou

Simultaneous saccharification and cofermentation of lignocellulosic residues from commercial furfural production and corn kernels using different nutrient media

Abstract Background: As the supply of starch grain and sugar cane, currently the main feedstocks for bioethanol production, become limited, lignocelluloses will be sought as alternative materials for bioethanol production. Production of cellulosic ethanol is still cost-inefficient because of the low final ethanol concentration and the addition of nutrients. We report the use of simultaneous saccha

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Abstract in French L'auteur suggére une série d'études comparatives qui traitent de la perception des pirogues à balancier, et qui visent à mieux cerner les rapports existant entre les relations sociales, la biodiversité et le développement durable dans les sociétés océaniennes des petites îles et des zones côtières exposées à de rapides mutations culturelles. Après avoir critique l'idée récente s

Structure-property correlations of ion-containing polymers for fuel cell applications

In order to investigate the structure-property correlations of grafted proton conducting membranes, the model system consisting of an ETFE base film grafted with polystyrene and subsequent sulfonation (ETFE-g-PSSA) along with crosslinked derivatives ETFE-g-P(SSA-co-DiPB) were synthesized. The characteristics of the final membranes were characterized by PFG-NMR diffusometry, in-plane conductivity a

The Impact of Domestication on the Chicken Optical Apparatus

Domestication processes tend to release animals from natural selection and favour traits desired by humans, such as food-production and co-operative behaviour. A side effect of such selective breeding is the alteration of unintended traits. In this paper, we investigate how active selection for egg production in chickens has affected the visual system, in particular the optical sensitivity that re

Coherent J/psi photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

The ALICE Collaboration has made the first measurement at the LHC of J/psi photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV. The J/psi is identified via its dimuon decay in the forward rapidity region with the muon spectrometer for events where the hadronic activity is required to be minimal. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated lumin

Cerebrospinal fluid/plasma quotients of essential and non-essential metals in patients with Alzheimer's disease

In this study, the quotients (Q) between metal concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma were studied in subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and referents to investigate if the leakage through the blood-CSF barrier (BCB) increased with increased duration and severity of the disease. Concentrations of 18 metals (Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Hg, and

Visualized method of chemical enhancement mechanism on SERS and TERS

We review our developed visualization method of charge transfer (CT) for chemical enhancement mechanism on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS). Firstly, we describe our visualization method of charge difference density, which provides direct visual evidence for photoinduced CT. And then, using the visualization method of CT, we interpreted the mechan

Accurate calculations of geometries and singlet-triplet energy differences for active-site models of [NiFe] hydrogenase

We have studied the geometry and singlet-triplet energy difference of two mono-nuclear Ni2+ models related to the active site in [NiFe] hydrogenase. Multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory based on a complete active-space wavefunction with an active space of 12 electrons in 12 orbitals, CASPT2(12,12), reproduces experimental bond lengths to within 1 pm. Calculated singlet-triplet ene