

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

The Impact of IoT on Supply Chain Management and Digital Marketing in the Fast Fashion Industry With a Focus on Zara

This study examines the impact of IoT on the supply chain management and digital marketing in the fast fashion industry with a focus on Zara. The theoretical framework is based on Porter’s Five Forces Framework and dynamic capabilities. The theory assists in understanding the competitive forces in the fast fashion industry and the capabilities necessary for firms to utilize IoT to develop new comp

Financial brands taking a stand: Exploring the impact of advertised social activism on a brand's image in the financial services sector

The purpose of this research paper is to explore the perceptions of advertised social activism and its impact on a financial services sector brand's image. The study is of a qualitative and inductive nature based on literature review along with findings of 12 semi-structured interviews. This paper's findings suggest that a favourable impact of advertised social activism on consumer percept

Climate Adaptation Strategies and Projections on Water Discharge in the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin

The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the climate adaptation strategies regarding water resources in the regional context of the three major riparians of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers: Turkey, Syria and Iraq. The objectives are: to base the analysis on the criteria benefit, consequences and limits to the social as well as the technical factors affecting the water availability and to use WW-H

Emotional steps towards stronger brands

Purpose: Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been widely discussed within business performance, but not as much in the context of branding. This paper argues that the use of EI permeates a successful brand building process towards increased brand equity and a stronger brand. Hence, the purpose is to investigate the role of EI in branding, by identifying capabilities of EI in the brand building process

Bi-directional Low Pass Filter and Mixer Design

This report presents the research and implementation of a bidirectional filter and mixer combination for the transceiver chain in 5G TDD equipment. The main objective of this project is to find a feasible design for mixer and low pass filter to reuse the same hardware blocks for both transmitter and receiver chain. The reuse of the hardware blocks effectively reduces the area, power consumption, a

(Un)making Strangers? Exploring integration discourse in local projects

This thesis uses a phenomenological approach to explore attitudes and meanings of integration work made by local project workers and volunteers. Relating to previous literature which critiques ‘integration’ as a highly problematic concept, as well as drawing on insights from social theory and the concept of imagined communities, the study contributes to shed light on citizens’ making of an integra

“Everything is difficult in a place where everything is foreign” - A study of female immigrants’ experiences of living in Denmark and suffering domestic violence

This thesis is a case study exploring the experiences of female immigrants living in Denmark and of suffering gender-based domestic violence. Through a phenomenological analysis, the thesis investigates the stories told by female immigrants in interviews collected specifically for this thesis as well as for the podcast project Merantis. By investigating female immigrants’ experiences of suffering

Effects of thrombin-derived C-terminal peptide on Candida

Ett nytt alternativ till att behandla Candida I dagens samhälle finns det väldigt få mediciner tillgängliga för att bota svampinfektioner. Av de alternativ som finns, är många ineffektiva eller kopplade till bieffekter. Den vanligaste svampsorten som är ansvarig för svampinfektioner är Candida. Candida är också benägen att utveckla resistans mot medicinerna som finns, därför är behovet till att hInfections due to the opportunistic fungus Candida have been on the rise the last decades, especially in immunocompromised individuals and in hospital settings. Unfortunately, the treatments available today are limited, especially because of their severe side effects in patients, increase of multi-drug resistance and the eukaryotic nature of Candida. Thrombin-derived C-terminal peptide 25 (TCP-25)

An Estimation of the Economic Impact of Three Covid-19 Stimulus Packages

This paper evaluates the effects of the economic reactions to the coronavirus crisis in Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. By using a structural vector autoregressive model we find the effect of a change in government spending, tax revenue and interest rates on GDP and unemployment. By calculating the effect found in historic data, we can estimate how the corona stimulus

Arrenderättens förverkande - grunder för upphörande och skillnader beroende på hur arrendet klassificeras

Det hör till ovanligheten att arrende upphör att gälla till följd av förverkande. Reglerna om förverkande har högt ställda krav på överträdelse för att sådant yrkande ska bifallas. De i 8 kap. 23 § JB uppradade förverkandegrunderna får vid överträdelse inte vara av ringa betydelse och övriga grunder som stödjer yrkandet om förverkande ska vara av synnerlig vikt för jordägaren. Utöver de högt ställLeaseholds that ceases due to forfeiture rarely happens. In order to successfully claim the cease of leasehold due to forfeiture, the violation needs to be significant. Swedish Land and Cadastral Legislation (Land Code) contains the grounds of forfeiture and it also states that the matter needs to be more than minor importance. The general clause, which means a violation not directly stated in the

Analysis of uncoordinated versus coordinated inventory control

This master thesis has been completed at the Faculty of Engineering, Production Management in collaboration with the company Duni Group. The overall objective has been to provide guidance to Duni and analyze how they should control their inventory at each node in their new supply chain set up. The purpose was to determine appropriate reorder points for each location in Duni’s new supply chain setu

Efficient Security Protocol for RESTful IoT devices

In this thesis, we presented comparisons with respect to Energy Consumption, bandwidth, the Constraint application protocol (CoAP) transaction time and throughput for four different security protocols. We simulated and implemented the Datagram Transport Layer Protection (DTLS) version 1.2, Transport Layer Protocol (TLS) version 1.2 & 1.3, and Object Protection for Restricted RESTful Environmen

The Chirality-Flow Method for Massive and Electroweak Amplitudes

Det finns många vägar att gå i jakten efter en bättre förståelse för vår materiella världs minsta beståndsdelar, elementarpartiklarna. Vi kan bygga kraftigare och mer exakta partikelacceleratorer och därmed förbättra den experimentella delen av partikelfysiken. Vi kan också försöka hitta nya teorier om hur världen fungerar, något som i praktiken är väldigt komplicerat. Vi kan istället fokusera på In this thesis I extend the chirality-flow method to the full standard model at tree-level by including massive particles and electroweak interactions. The chirality-flow method is a new diagrammatic method for calculating Feynman diagrams that is based on the spinor-helicity formalism, that before this thesis was written had been worked out for massless QED and QCD at tree-level. I summarize what

Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19

Purpose – The key objective of this research is to discuss different restaurant strategies that emerged in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark and Sweden in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and relate the respective restaurant activities to brand trust and reputation. Therefore, the restaurant industry is analyzed with respect to the pandemic and findings are put into context by explaining the countries’

Feasibility study of the polymerization and use of allylamine as a component in anion-exchange membranes

Utvecklingen av anjonbytarmembran som kombinerar långvarig termokemisk stabilitet, hög hydroxidjonledningsförmåga med adekvata mekaniska egenskaper för alkaliskt elektrokemiskt system, är för närvarande ett brett forskningsområde. I det aktuella arbetet undersöker vi radikalpolymerisationen av allylamin, särskilt i organiska lösningsmedel, som uppnåddes genom direkt polymerisering av den protoneraThe development of anion-exchange membranes that combine long-term thermochemical stability, high hydroxide ion conductivity with adequate mechanical properties for alkaline electrochemical system, is currently a wide research area. In the present work, we investigate the radical polymerization of allylamine, especially in organic solvents, which was achieved by directly polymerizing the protonate

Frankful, the game changer in the taco shelf

Purpose: The importance of satisfying each target groups’ needs and wants is increasingly becoming harder though the consumers are more aware and knowledgeable concerning the environment and healthier food choices. This paper examines how the newly launched Swedish tex-mex brand, Frankful, is satisfying the needs and wants of their target group, millennials, through their unique positioning and br

Distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete på vårdcentralen

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Distriktssköterskan har en nyckelroll i arbetet på vårdcentral och ett framstående ansvar och uppdrag. I ansvaret ingår att arbetat hälsofrämjande, personcentrerat och även att ha en ledande roll att utveckla omvårdnaden utifrån folkhälsoperspektiv. Den berörda problematiken som belyses av aktuell forskning och hälsomyndigheter är att ohälsosamma levnadsvanor medför stor sjukdo