Din sökning på "*" gav 526500 sökträffar
Treaties and the avoidance and resolution of normative conflict: With specific regard to the international jus cogens regime
Vad är ett krig - och vad gör det med samhället?
Syftet med detta utkast är att analysera uppfattningar om brott i Bosnien under och efter kriget samt beskriva i vilken mån inblandande parter i en konflikt kan förlåta varandra eller försonas. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. Under krigets normupplösning sker vissa brott som kan vara antig
Studies of Volcanic Influence on Aerosols, Clouds and Climate
Popular Abstract in Swedish I atmosfären finns mikroskopiskt små luftburna partiklar. Till skillnad från makroskopiska partiklar sedimenterar dessa så kallade ’aerosol-partiklar’ så sakta att de följer med den omgivande luftens rörelser. I atmosfärens nedre luftlager (troposfären) avlägsnas aerosolpartiklarna från atmosfären av nederbörd. Partiklarna deponerar därför inom någon vecka. Ovanför tropThis thesis focuses on the influence of volcanism on the compositions of the aerosols in the upper troposphere (UT) and lowermost stratosphere (LMS), and their direct and indirect impact on climate. Aerosol data were obtained by aircraft-borne sampling, using the CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container) platform, and laboratory-based
Generation of Pd Model Catalyst Nanoparticles by Spark Discharge
The role of global, macro and micro level matching in market entry and positioning on emerging consumer markets
The Entangled Media Histories (EMHIS) Research and Teaching Network: Concept and Mission
On Peer Reviewing as a Method of Horizontal Control’
Water in Arcturus' Atmosphere
From V2 not necessarily to V2: evidence for developmentally moderated transfer
The Bullied Body: School Bullying and Corporeality in Vietnam
Feminist antiracist Utopia
Technology shifts, industrial dynamics and labour market institutions in Sweden 1920-1995
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis on Transport Phenomena in Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cells
The thesis comprises an analysis of the heat transfer phenomenon in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and a description of various transport phenomena in a solid oxide electrolysis cell. Both devices are encompassed under the solid oxide electrochemical cell concept. Moreover, a CFD model of an SOEC was developed to study the behavior of the cell under different conditions of operating and structural
Nanowires: an overview
On capacity improvement using multisector cooperative MIMO in a real urban macrocellular environment
For the first time, the capacity gain of multisector cooperative multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) using all three 120 degree sectors of a base station (BS) site is studied in a measured urban macrocellular environment at 2.65GHz. The results reveal that the mean uplink capacity gain exceeds 40% in as much as 1/4 of the coverage area, relative to the best single-sector link with no cooperation.
Lawmaking as process. A general model of lawmaking processes
Diabetes : a cross-cultural interview study of immigrants from Somalia.
No title
Matching Route Data and Topographic Data in a Real-Time Environment
The paper describes a study aiming at importing and integrating route data into a system for real-time map services. Three problems are identified and discussed: importing route data, matching route data, and integrating the matching in the system. A prototype has been developed. It includes the import and translation of the route as well as three matching extensions to an existing matching algori