

Din sökning på "*" gav 526284 sökträffar

Academic spin-off formation failure: the role of individual goals and attributions in learning from failure

Failure in entrepreneurial initiatives is often considered beneficial for entrepreneurial learning, as entrepreneurs learn from such experience through reflection on why it occurred. However, the actors involved are heterogeneous, implying they may interpret failure differently, and, consequently, their learning outcomes may also differ. Using attribution theory as the main theoretical framework,

Livet som Gaijin- En studie om hur utlandssvenska kvinnor ser på sitt liv i Japan

The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish women who are living in Japan as expatriates experience their life by studying their social networks and the relationships they formed. By interviewing six Swedish women, using semi-structured interviews, it was possible to identify three major themes that seemed to have a major role in how the women viewed themselves and how they described their ti

Konfidensskattningar och informationstyp: redskap för att bedöma korrekthet i vittnesutsagor

Enligt tidigare forskning inom vittnespsykologi minns människor handlingsrelaterad respektive deskriptiv information olika. De skattar också olika grad av konfidens beroende på informationstyp. Vidare visar forskning att konfidensskattningar hos ett vittne kan vara en viktig informationskälla vid korrekthetsbedömningar av de rapporterade minnena. Studier visar även att individer skiljer sig åt gälAccording to previous research, people remember action details and descriptive details differently. They also express different level of confidence for different kinds of memory details. Moreover, research shows that confidence expressed by an eyewitness can be important information when evaluating the accuracy of memory reports. Research also shows that individuals differ in terms of how they eva

Creative school and the Cultural Business – a Case Study on Skissernas Museum in Lund

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to examine the impact of the Governments contribution Creative school (Skapande skola) on a cultural business by a case study of Skissernas museum in Lund. By investigating the difference in work process between the projects implemented with and without Creative school I can identify the impact of the contribution on Skissernas museum. The biggest difference b

P-boken och e-boken: En komparation och värdeanalys av bokmarknadens mest centrala format

P-boken har länge varit det centrala mediet för förmedling av idéer. Med digitaliseringen uppstod e-boken vars form skakade den tryckorienterade förlagsbranschen i grunden. På den anglosaxiska marknaden äter e-boken marknadsandelar i en rasande fart. I Sverige har e-boksmarknaden, trots landets höga internetpenetration, inte tagit fart men förlagen bävar inför p-bokens ovissa framtid. Idag likstäl

Grammatisk språkanvändning hos skolbarn med och utan autismspektrumtillstånd

Grammatisk förmåga i skolåldern har inte utretts på ett utförligt sätt för svenskspråkiga barn. Det finns heller inga tydliga svar kring hur den grammatiska förmågan hos barn med autismspektrumtillstånd utan utvecklingsstörning (AST) ter sig i denna ålder, samt ifall denna förmåga skiljer sig från den hos barn med typisk utveckling (TU). Föreliggande studie avsåg bidra inom detta kunskapsfält geno

"Sån naturlig grej att man måste väl ta p-piller liksom." -Resonemang kring preventivmedel av heterosexuella i parrelationer.

Abstract Authors: Maria Kronvall, Sofia Kuczkowski Titel:”Such a natural thing, that you have to be on the pill.” –Reflections on contraceptives among heterosexuals in relationships. Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: David Hoff The aim of this study was to examine attitudes and preferences regarding contraceptives among heterosexuals in relationships. It examines how men and women choose contra

Mixed Embeddedness: Ethnic entrepreneurship in Malmö, Sweden

Entrepreneurship among immigrants is an old phenomenon that is caused by migration processes. It is receiving special attention due to the fact that its potential in contribution to countries‟ economies is huge. In European context it is a reason and a cause of international mobility, immigrant policies, integration issues and diversified society composition. Studying of immigrant entrepreneurship

Standardization of Environmental Management and Sustainability Reporting

Abstract Title Standardization of Environmental Management and Sustainability Reporting Seminar Date May 29th 2013 Course BUSN68 Degree Project - Accounting and Management Control; BUSN69 Degree Project - Accounting and Auditing, 15 ECTS Authors Johanna Geijer and Linda Sturesson Advisors Per Magnus Andersson and Stefan Yard Keywords Standardization, Environmental Management, Sustainabilit

Sexualitet och Utvecklingsstörning - Hur personal på gruppboenden konstruerar brukarnas sexualitet

The aim of this study was to examine how staff, working in LSS-group homes, through ways of talking, attitudes and approaches construct, form and shape the sexuality among people with learning disabilities. LSS is “the Swedish act concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments” (Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade) and implies, inter alia

Svåra samtal inom sjukvården - ur kuratorns perspektiv

Abstract Author: Madelene Holmberg & Sara Knutsson Title: Difficult conversations in healthcare - from the counselor’s perspective. Supervisor: Anett Schenk Assessor: Anna Rypi The aim of this study was to investigate the healthcare counselor’s perspective on difficult conversations in their work, through interviews. More specific the aim was to examine how the counselors experience conversat

Product Development of a Dried Blood Spot Punching Device

This Master Thesis describes the product development of a medical laboratory machine. The purpose of the project was to generate and evaluate different concepts of a device that is to be included in a bigger process named Dried Blood Spot testing (DBS) in which dried blood samples are collected and analyzed. The device developed here shall relocate the blood samples from a paper slip, mounted on a

Emigration and Unemployment in Lithuania: Correlations, Influencing Factors and Destinations

This paper examines the extent to which emigration correlates to unemployment in Lithuania during 1994-2012, unveils the main reasons behind the decision to emigrate and presents the trends among emigrants’ destination countries. Even though there is no unanimous opinion, it is argued that emigration is negatively correlated with unemployment. The Lithuanian case is quite interesting and the numbe

Styrsystem i byggprocessen - delsystem kök

Att effektivt styra materialflöde på en byggarbetsplats är mycket viktigt i dagens byggande. Eventuella förbiseenden och oaktsamheter kan ibland skapa stora problem för byggföretag. Problemen kan vara av ekonomisk karaktär men de kan också bli kundrelaterade. Om någon eller några delmoment försenas innebär det ofta att tidsplanen spricker och måste göras om vilket i sin tur leder till att hela byg

Private equity-investeringar genom fond och investmentbolag - en jämförelse av investerarskyddet för institutionella placerare

En ny lag ska införas i Sverige för att bland annat reglera private equity-investeringar – alltså investeringar i onoterade andelar. Lagen avser investeringar som sker genom att ansvaret för investerarnas medel överlåts till förvaltare för sådana förvärv. Lagstiftningen, som ställer nya krav på förvaltarna, har sin grund i de speciella risker som investeringarna kan medföra. Genom uppsatsen ska beA new law is to be enforced in Sweden in order to regulate investments in private equity – that is investments in unlisted companies. The law concerns investments which are placed through a trustee. It is motivated by the fact that the investor takes a special risk when the trustee places the capital of the investor in unlisted companies. In this essay I will investigate current and coming regulat

Sweden and Frontex - A discussion of coherency within the European asylum system

Den här uppsatsen behandlar huruvida den Europeiska byrån för förvaltningen av det operativa samarbetet vid Europeiska Unionens medlemsstaters yttre gränser, Frontex, genom sitt arbete orsakar hinder för flyktingars möjlighet att utnyttja sin rättighet att söka asyl. Då den Europeiska Unionen (EU) har ett pågående arbete för att harmonisera de nationella asylsystemen i medlemsstaterna blir det intThis paper addresses whether the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders, Frontex, through their work causes obstacles for refugees in exercising their right to seek asylum. As the European Union (EU) has an ongoing effort to harmonize the national asylum systems of the Member States it is interesting to examine whether the system is coherent. Since bo

HIV och straffansvar - en kriminell sjukdom?

Denna uppsats syftar till att granska och diskutera kriminaliseringen av – och tillämpningen av straffrätten på – HIV-smittade personers sexuella kontakter där HIV-smitta överförs, eller riskerar att överföras, från en person till en annan. Upprätthållandet av ett straffhot avseende gärningar med grund i HIV är en kontroversiell fråga, i vart fall inom HIV/AIDS-arbetet på internationell nivå. SverThis paper aims to review and discuss the criminalization of – and the application of criminal law to – a HIV-infected person’s sexual contacts where HIV infection is transmitted, or may be transmitted from one person to another. Maintaining criminal sanctions for acts with a connection to HIV is a controversial issue, at least in HIV/AIDS work at an international level. Sweden, which is one of th