

Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar

Vägen till valsedeln, Riksdagspartiernas nomineringsprocesser och dess betydelse

This thesis aims to describe and discuss the nomination processes within the political parties represented in the Swedish parliament today. It describes the guidelines for each party’s nomination process and discusses the placement and presentation of candidates on the ballot paper. The processes is analysed through earlier research on representation and strategic party politics in a multiparty-sy

Benin och Togo -Lika länder, olika system

The dominant democratization theories look at structural preconditions in order to explain successful transitions. This has resulted in deterministic conclusions about different preconditions for democracy. Benin is a small country in Africa with a history of military coups, ethnical competition and low level of development. Despite these conditions Benin is a one out of ten democracies in Africa.

Vad har säkerhetsrådet haft för inverkan/konsekvenser på humanitära interventioner? - en jämförande analys av Rwanda, Kosovo & Syrien.

Crimes and violations are constantly committed against human rights all over the world. Whole populations are victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing, while the international society has a commitment and responsibility in their hands to intervene. But what happens when the international society and the United Nations Security Council are unwilling to come to a unanimously decision? This study has

Om utrikespolitik bortom demokratin: En introduktion till en förklarande aktör-specifik modell om utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande i hybridregimer

Abstract This study introduces an explanatory actor-specific model about foreign policy decision-making in hybrid regimes, coordinating democratic elements with autocratic traits. The inner structural, internal conditions, poses opportunities as well as constraints for the leaders capability to pursue foreign policy, affecting foreign policies and actions. Using Advocacy Coalition Framework as a t

A new mode of public transport in Skåne - Visions for transforming municipalities through light rail investments

In Skåne three municipalities, Helsingborg, Lund and Malmö are planning to introduce a new mode of transport, light rail. There have been visions for light railway for a quarter of a century, but it is during the last three years that the visions have become plans. Since then the discussion of public transport and light railway has become vivid but in this discussion the complexity of the urban sp

Privat rikedom i utvecklingens tjänst: En kritisk diskursanalys av Gates Foundations syn på utveckling

The purpose with the thesis is to critically analyze the Gates Foundation’s understanding of development. The author uses a critical discourse analysis inspired by Norman Fairclough, and the material is collected from the foundation’s website. The theory consists of four parts. First, the linguistic aspects of the material are examined. Second, the discursive practice of the foundation is understo

Territories of Resistance: Agroecology as Alternative(s) to Development. A Case Study of (Re)peasantisation in the City of Cape Town, South Africa

Development, with its links to capitalism and Western conceptions of progress, is both impossible to achieve and restricts possibilities of other socially and ecologically just worlds. Neoliberal development has long been promoted in agriculture, leading to corporate concentration and is perpetuated under food security discourses. In South Africa, this maintains apartheid racial inequalities. Alte

The ties that bind - An exploratory study of social capital in peacebuilding initiatives in Guatemala

This thesis investigates the relationship between social capital and peacebuilding, and the potential contribution peacebuilding efforts can make in terms of generating social capital in post-conflict countries. Using a qualitative methodological approach, seven local civil society organizations in Guatemala were interviewed with the purpose of understanding in what way the organizations are contr

Rätt till bostad i svensk lag

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ur ett rättspolitiskt perspektiv undersöka och diskutera hur rätten till bostad implementerats i svensk lag och hur väl Sverige lever upp till sina internationella åtaganden när det kommer till rätten till bostad. Rätten till bostad är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet som återfinns i ett flertal av de folkrättsliga instrument Sverige har ratificerat. Därmed

The state of research on folksonomies in the field of Library and Information Science : a Systematic Literature Review

Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to provide an overview of all relevant peer-reviewed articles on folksonomies, social tagging and social bookmarking as knowledge organisation systems within the field of Library and Information Science by reviewing the current state of research on these systems of managing knowledge. Method – I use the systematic literature review method in order to systema

Irreguljära migrantarbetare - dagens problem, morgondagens lösning?

Irreguljära migrantarbetare utgör en särskild, odefinierbar grupp, som arbetar och lever i periferin av samhället. I rädsla för att hela deras tillvaro ska rasera, gör de allt i sin makt för att gömma sig från statsmakten. På grund av sin lagstridiga vistelse i landet faller de utanför det traditionella arbetsrättsliga skyddet. Internationella och regionala rättsliga regleringar är relevanta på gIrregular migrant workers constitute a special indefinable group, working and living in the periphery of society. In fear that their whole existence will demolish, they do everything in their power to hide from the government. Because of their illegal stay in the country, the traditional labor law protection does not apply. At any attempt of asserting their rights, they risk both dismissal and exp

Föräldrars upplevelse av primärvården samt faktorer som påverkar deras beslut att besöka barnakuten

Akutbesöken i Sverige är ständigt ökande. Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av kontakt med primärvården samt att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar dem att söka barnakuten med sin icke- akut sjuka barn. Metoden för studien var en kvantitativ enkätstudie. Enkäten besvarades av 136 föräldrar till barn med prioriteringsnivå 3-gul och 4-grön, på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige

Så blev det bara : sex unga kvinnors livsberättelser inifrån ett särskilt ungdomshem

It just turned out this way - the life stories of six young women confined to a secure juvenile correctional facility The purpose of this paper is to identify risk conditions and protective conditions for a group of girls under secure confinement, based on their retrospective testimonies, and also to examine how these conditions manifest themselves in their statements. The empirical basis for th

Du sänder mörker: En jämförande studie av Psalm 104 och Akhenatons solhymn

Ever since archeologists opened the resting place of Pharao Akhenaton (14th century B.C.) at Tel el-Amarna in the late nineteenth century there has been discussions on whether “The Great Hymn to Aten” – which was discovered there – has in someway influenced Psalm 104 in the Psalter of the Old Testament. It was suggested that the Great Hymn to Aten has had an direct literal influence on the psalm,

Mental beredskap för musikelever

Titel: Mental beredskap för musikelever - Vad säger musiklärare om hur de arbetar med mental träning i sin undervisning. Studiens syfte är att belysa vad musiklärare säger om hur de använder mental träning i sin undervisning. Studien lyfter, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i musik och mental träning, fram dessa lärares tankar. Resultaten visar att lärarna upplever att Title: Mental preparedness for music pupils – what do music teachers say about how they work with mental training in their teaching? The purpose of this study is to see how music teachers who work with mental training and music teaching, perceive their work with mental training in their teaching. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers, who teach music and mental training.

Sexualitet i socialt arbete: En kvalitativ studie av skolkuratorers erfarenheter av arbete med frågor om sexualitet

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore how school counselors work with and relate to sexuality in their work with youths. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four school counselors. Based on previous research the subject has been proved to be relatively unexplored, but it has been pointed out that sexuality is an important topic for youths and affects many different aspects o

Att dö i tidningen. Det sena 1800-talets borgerliga normer speglat i dödsrunor

Uppsatsen studerar de borgerliga värderingarna i det sena 1800-talets Malmö genom dödsrunor i Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten för 1880 och 1890. Den under söker följande frågor 1. Vilka fick dödsrunor i Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten? 2. Vilka egenskaper, handlingar, karaktärsdrag och resultat framhävs och vilka fält berör de? 3. Finns det en separation mellan offentligheten-hushållet, eller me