

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Brandteknisk riskvärdering Motala sporthall

This report is a fire safety assessment of the multi-function sports facility Motala sporthall. The building is used for a variety of sports and activities on an everyday basis. On occasion the building is also used for larger events such as sports competitions, dinner parties, nightclub events and for lodging. This poses new challenges to the current fire protection systems of the building and th

Experter i medier - en analys av svensk dagspress användande av expertkunskap i fallet PISA2012

The use of experts is a complicated issue. Experts are needed in democracies in order to make good decisions, but they can at the same time threaten fundamental principles like accountability and equality, of the same democracy. This dilemma arose when the results from OECD’s student assessment from 2012 were published in December 2013. The results showed that Sweden’s results now were below avera

Varför agerar vissa stater i väpnade humanitära interventioner? - En statistisk undersökning av mönster

This survey studies patterns of states which choose to make use of armed interventions for humanitarian reasons in relation to states that elect not to intervene. This is done by a statistical analysis of five interventions: Iraq 91, Somalia 92, Rwanda 94, East Timor 99 and Libya 11. The analysis is based on theories which intend to explain why states use violence as a po-litical mean. The study f

Nya former av icke demokratiska regimer

I föreliggande studie undersöks nya former av icke demokratiska regimer med syftet att utveckla en ny modell. Fenomenet studeras kvalitativt och inkluderar Bolivia, Nicaragua och Venezuela. Tillsammans ska dessa med sina bakomliggande skillnader men gemensamma utfall stärka den nya modellen. Fallen redogörs för genom en beskrivande analys disponerad via hur icke demokratiska regimer konsoliderar sThe theme of this thesis is to investigate new forms of non-democratic regimes with the purpose to develop a new model. The phenomenon is investigated using a qualitative method that includes Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Due to these countries’ different backgrounds but similar outcome, they will strengthen the new model. The cases are analysed through a descriptive analysis that is disposed

Institutional Competition - Lessons Learnt from the Gulf of Aden Operations

Since 2009 the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have conducted counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean to tackle Somalia based piracy. As the two organizations are arguably the most important security providers for Europe they have also moved towards managing the similar tasks in military and crisis management operations. As Brussels officials an

MUSCELS FROM BRUSSELS; Closing expectations gap in Balkans

This thesis examines the influence of the EU exerted in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia with focus on foreign policy instruments. Normalizations of relations between Kosovo and Serbia were considered to be hard case for any diplomacy knowing their past enmities, disputes and a tradition of not talking to each-other, yet EU was able to successfully conclude three-landmark agreement that have

Rädda eller låta dö? En idéanalys av en riksdagsdebatt om SAAB-krisen

The following thesis studies a debate around the economic hardships for SAAB Automobile AB in particular as well as for the entire Swedish automobile industry in general. The debate took place in the Swedish parliament, the 20th of March 2009. The purpose with this study is to investigate which ideological bases the participants of the debate were grounding their statements upon. The study also i

Increased Vertical Coherence of EU's Foreign Policy through Institutional Changes - Desirable but Unachiveable?

The question of why institutional changes would affect the vertical coherence of the European Union’s foreign policy is addressed in this thesis. In answering the research question propositions on why institutional changes would have an effect on state behaviour, thereby policy outcome, are derived from both the normative and the rational choice versions of institutionalism. The proposition: chang

Supranational actors in intergovernmental policy areas - The European Commission as an agent in tax policy

The aim of this thesis is to examine how a supranational institution acts in a policy field marked by a high degree of intergovernmental decision-making (i.e. decision-making between Member State governments). It analyses the strategies the European Commission applied in one case in the area of tax policy, namely the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) proposal; drawing on the principal

Horizontal principles in the European Social Fund - Explaining successful implementation of EU policies in Swedish municipalities

The Lisbon Strategy formulated that the EU shall be one of the most vital economies in the world. In order to perform that role, it has been argued that the EU must be more coherent. To increase cohesion, the structural funds and cohesion policy were introduced. Included in the structural funds are also the horizontal principles of equality, integration, diversity and sustainable development inten

En konflikt, flera verkligheter? En studie kring Brittiska politikers bilder av de stridande parterna i Syrienkonflikten.

Denna studies syfte är att studera vilka bilder som politiker från Storbrittaniens tre största partier skapar av de stridande parterna i Syrienkonflikten. Detta sker genom studiet att genomöra en diskursanalys. Studien belyser vidare hur dessa bilder kan bidra till att skapa möjligheter och begränsningar för den brittiska utrikespolitiken i samband med konflikten. Till sist försöker studien även b

Lärarlönens betydelse för skolresultaten

The latest research by PISA informed that Swedish pupils performances are lower than average among countries in OECD. In addition Swedish teachers have low salaries compared to other countries. There are researchers that have been analyzing the correlation between salaries and school results before but the studies are mainly cross-nations based. The explanation for the correlation has been that hi

Det nakna subjektet - En jämförande diskursanalys av individen

The process of constructing the individual must be understood as the production of a specific political subject. How the individual is constructed affects how the individual understand its identity framework and its perceived role as a political actor. The aim of this thesis is to compare the discourse production between the judicial discourse and the facebook discourse of the individual with the

Non-Governmental Organizations' Efforts to Protect Stratospheric Ozone

In 1987, the international community adopted the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – subsequently labelled as one of the most successful environmental treaties of our time. In 1992, Peter Haas emerged with a study on epistemic communities and their efforts to protect stratospheric ozone. According to Haas’ research, epistemic community members – consisting of United Stat

Galna chips-sjukan: en studie om hotbilders genomslag

This study examines how and why threat images get a breakthrough. What decides which threat pictures will be on the agenda and which will not? Often it can seem like the most dangerous threats are the most prioritized. But threat images can be exaggerated and manipulated, which means there can be a lot of different factors that decide which threat picture will get a breakthrough. On April 24, 200

Becoming the perceived outsider? Building social trust as a newly arrived immigrant in Malmö

Sweden was always considered a high trust country, yet recent extreme right movements and increased xenophobia have complicated the picture of a stable social cohesion. The problem with such phenomena is that it focuses on the fear of the “other”, as observed by a perceived societal in-group. The purpose of this thesis is, on the contrary, to examine the feelings of one perceived out-group. In ref

Företagaransvar - En kritisk analys av företagaransvarets förenlighet med legalitetsprincipen mot bakgrund av gällande rätt

Enligt svensk rätt kan inte juridiska personer begå brott. Principerna om företagaransvar är svaret på frågan vilken fysisk person som ska bära det straffrättsliga ansvaret då brott har begåtts inom ramen för en juridisk persons verksamhet. Företagaransvaret saknar lagstöd och har utvecklats i rättspraxis och doktrin. Författare inom den juridiska litteraturen lägger delvis olika innebörd i begrepAccording to Swedish law a juristic person can not be liable for a crime. When crimes have been committed within the organisation of a juristic person a natural person, usually the director or manager, may incur an individual criminal responsibility as a result of negligence to exercise supervision and control. Such criminal responsibility for a representative of the company (Sv. företagaransvar)

Likabehandling av ojämlikhet - jämlikhetens positionering i svenska grundskolors likabehandlingsarbete

While the Swedish legal anti-discriminatory framework was extended to include the educational system in 2006, differences in elementary school results are continually growing. This raises questions about the ambitions and effectiveness of the school system’s anti-discrimination policies, which are framed as equal treatment. This study investigates the normative underpinnings of the concept of equa

Implementeringsproblem inom svenskt bistånd - En fallstudie av varför Sidas bistånd förskingrades inom det zambiska hälsoministeriet under åren 2008-2009

This thesis is a case study based on how the giving of foreign aid within the organisation Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) often is lined with corruption problems. The study intends to find answers to this problem using the certain case of the embezzlement within the Zambian Ministry of Health in 2008-2009, where Swedish aid was involved. This is done with the use of im

Vägen till valsedeln, Riksdagspartiernas nomineringsprocesser och dess betydelse

This thesis aims to describe and discuss the nomination processes within the political parties represented in the Swedish parliament today. It describes the guidelines for each party’s nomination process and discusses the placement and presentation of candidates on the ballot paper. The processes is analysed through earlier research on representation and strategic party politics in a multiparty-sy