

Din sökning på "*" gav 528222 sökträffar

Industry-funding for Ph.D. students : benefits and challenges

This paper investigates employment outcomes for a large sample of Ph.D. students who were enrolled in a doctoral training program in Italy in the period 2008–14. The empirical analysis is based on survey data obtained from a questionnaire distributed to 23,500 individuals in 2016. In Italy, student enrolment in a Ph.D. involves a university-based selection process; most students then receive eithe

Implementering av digital teknologi för effektivare byggprocess

Samhället går mot större användning av digitala hjälpmedel. Detta innebär både en stor förändring och påverkning av omgivningen, både lokalt och globalt. I detta inkluderas även byggbranschen med en förändring som pågått sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Branschen, som länge varit betraktad som konservativ, befinner sig idag i en förändringsprocess som går snabbare än någonsin tidigare. Nya metoder och

Contextual shifts and gradable knowledge

Epistemological contextualism states that propositions about knowledge, expressed in sentences like “S knows that P,” are context-sensitive. Schaffer (2005) examines whether one of Lewis’ (1996), Cohen’s (1988) and DeRose’s (1995) influential contextualist accounts is preferable to the others. According to Schaffer, Lewis’ theory of relevant alternatives succeeds as a linguistic basis for contextu

The effects of Galactic model uncertainties on LISA observations of double neutron stars

Observations of binaries containing pairs of neutron stars using the upcoming space-based gravitational wave observatory, LISA, have the potential to improve our understanding of neutron star physics and binary evolution. In this work, we assess the effect of changing the model of the Milky Way’s kinematics and star formation history on predictions of the population of double neutron stars that wi

Improved Melatonin Dissolution Properties : A Way Forward for Treating Children with Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems, in particular the difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep are important comorbidities in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), accompanied by a range of negative consequences for both patients and their caregivers. Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that is important for coordinating the body's sleep-wake cycle, has been used to

Collider phenomenology of new neutral scalars in a flavored multi-Higgs model

In this work, we propose and explore for the first time a new collider signature of heavy neutral scalars typically found in many distinct classes of multi-Higgs models. This signature, particularly relevant in the context of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) measurements, is based on a topology with two charged leptons and four jets arising from first and second generation quarks. As an important b

How Two Modern Authors Have Rewritten Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

When Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice (1813), she created a formula that amateur and professional authors alike would follow. The heroine and the hero undergo a journey of emotional work as they figure out each other’s genuine intents. Two modern novels that are inspired by Pride and Prejudice are The Duke and I (2000) by Julia Quinn and Bridget Jones’s Diary (1996). This essay studies what t

Digitaliseringens påverkan på researrangörer - En kvalitativ studie om hur researrangörerna bidrar till konsumentens värdeskapande nu och i framtiden

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur svenska researrangörer som är verksamma i Alperna bidrar till kundens värdeskapande. Studien syftar fortsättningsvis till att undersöka hur researrangörer arbetar, och bör arbeta i framtiden, för att vara ett attraktivt alternativ på marknaden. Digitaliseringen har bidragit till uppkomsten av nya aktörer och tjänster på marknaden och därför befinner sig rese

Spatial monitoring of flying insects over a Swedish lake using a continuous-wave lidar system

We have used a continuous-wave bi-static lidar system based on the Scheimpflug principle in measurements on flying insects above, and in the vicinity of, a small lake located in a forested area in Southern Sweden. The system, which operates on triangulation principles, has a high spatial resolution at close distance, followed by a subsequent decline in resolution further from the sensor, related t

A Computer Vision Milky Way Compass

The Milky Way is used by nocturnal flying and walking insects for maintaining heading while navigating. In this study, we have explored the feasibility of the method for machine vision systems on autonomous vehicles by measuring the visual features and characteristics of the Milky Way. We also consider the conditions under which the Milky Way is used by insects and the sensory systems that support

Reconstruction of Raman spectra of two-layer diffusive media: model-based approach in time-domain

We propose a novel analytical time-domain model for migration of Raman scattered photons in inhomogeneous two-layer diffusive media. Based on this model, the methods for reconstruction of the Raman spectra of the two layers are developed, tested in simulations and validated on phantom measurements data.We propose a novel analytical time-domain model for migration of Raman scattered photons in inhomogeneous two-layer diffusive media. Based on this model, the methods for reconstruction of the Raman spectra of the two layers are developed, tested in simulations and validated on phantom measurements data.

Redo att fortsätta leverera? En kvantitativ undersökning om förekomst och betydelse av krisberedskapsplanering i svensk socialtjänst under coronapandemins inledning

The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and variation in disaster preparedness planning, for particularly vulnerable groups, in Swedish social services at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. The aim was also to investigate whether disaster preparedness planning, as measured in this study, had a bearing on the number of deaths from covid-19 in special accommodation and home care

Multiprofessionellt teamarbete under covid-­19-­pandemin. En kvalitativ studie om samarbete och interaktion

In 2020, Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic, which’s effects caused a crisis for society, individuals as well as the multiprofessional teams in Swedish healthcare. The aim of this thesis was therefore to explore the experience of healthcare social workers, doctors, and nurses in multiprofessional teams during the covid-19-pandemic and how this crisis has affected their collaboration. The stud

Skin and wound delivery systems for antimicrobial peptides

Non-healing wounds cause hundreds of thousands of deaths every year, and result in large costs for society. A key reason for this is the prevalence of challenging bacterial infections, which may dramatically hinder wound healing. With resistance development among bacteria against antibiotics, this situation has deteriorated during the last couple of decades, pointing to an urgent need for new woun

Midnight salivary cortisol secretion associated with high systolic blood pressure in type 1 diabetes

Objective: To explore associations between high midnight salivary cortisol (MSC) secretion and high blood pressure (BP) in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods: Cross-sectional study of 196 adult patients with T1D (54% men). Associations between high MSC (≥9.3 nmol/L) and high systolic BP (>130 mmHg), and high diastolic BP (>80 mmHg) were explored for all patients, users and non-users of antihypertensiv

Field variability of element concentrations in wheat and soil

Field variability of element concentrations in crops is important to consider for nutrient application as well as for evaluation of environmental hazards. The paper gives an analysis of spatially sampled wheat plant tissue in the field to determine spatial properties of 20 elements for a partly sludge-applied agricultural soil in northern Tunisia. A comparison is made with the spatial variability

Primary tumour iodine avidity in relation to uptake in persistent metastatic disease in papillary and poorly differentiated thyroid cancer

Purpose: Patients with persistent or recurrent papillary and poorly differentiated thyroid cancer can be effectively treated with radioiodine, if the tumour tissue is iodine-avid. However, iodine-avidity status is often unknown at the time of initial radioiodine treatment, limiting any adaptive approach. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between pre-therapeutic iodine avidity in primary

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Abstract in French:Cet article contribue à la recherche sur la géopolitique urbaine par une théorisation « extrospective » du pouvoir local sur la scène internationale – c’est-à-dire une orientation du développement socio-économique qui encourage tant la concurrence que la coopération entre les entités métropolitaines au-delà des frontières de l’État-nation. Empiriquement, l’article se concentre sThis article contributes to research on urban geopolitics through an extrospective theorization of local territorial influence on the international stage. Empirically, the article focuses on a comparative study of extrospective development initiatives from Malaga (Spain) and Mazara del Vallo (Sicily) that have recently emerged in response to the effects of the Great Recession. We examine the symbo

Determinants of telehealth adoption in the Indian healthcare domain: an exploratory study

India is a developing country with a large landmass and a huge socio-culturally, economically and ethnically diverse population. The healthcare system for such a diverse and complex country entails challenges and difficulties in execution and outreach. Here, the emerging area of telehealth could afford a place for itself in providing healthcare and health education to a large section of people res

Conceptual Framework for Telehealth Adoption in Indian Healthcare

India is a developing country with a large landmass and a huge socio-culturally, economically and, ethnically diverse population. The healthcare system for such a diverse and complex country could entail challenges anddifficulties in execution and outreach. Here, the emerging area of Telehealth could afford a place for itself in providing healthcare and health education to a large section of peopl