

Din sökning på "*" gav 534128 sökträffar

Degrowth : stories we should tell : how do degrowth ideas spread in public discourses?

Degrowth is an academic concept and activists' niche project in Europe and other early-industrialized parts of the world aiming to reframe the current sustainability challenge of declining environmental and unjust social conditions. Its emphasis is on the radical transformation of the current societal-economic structure in order to achieve inherently sustainable conditions. There are various d

Towards Entering a New Market: The Role of Cooper's Stage-Gate Model in Market Knowledge Absorption

Title: Towards entering a new market: The role of Cooper’s stage-gate model in market knowledge absorption Date of the Seminar: 18.05.2016 Course: ENTN39 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Internship and Degree Project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Authors: Tim Müller & Jukka Riitamäki Supervisor: Anna Brattström Keywords: stage-gate model, new product development, customer understandi

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda en patient med IVA-delirium

Bakgrund: Studier har visat att intensivvårdsdelirium (IVA-delirium) drabbar upp till 80 % av alla intensivvårdspatienter. Tillståndet är komplext och svårt att vårda och leder till stora konsekvenser för både patient, anhörig, vårdpersonal och samhälle. Syfte: Att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda en patient med IVA-delirium. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ti

Planering av missbruksbehandling : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare resonerar kring processen för val av insats

This bachelor’s essay is about how social workers as street-level bureaucrats are dealing with addicted clients and how the process continues in order to find the most optimal treatment for them. The aim was to study which factors, according to the social workers, that were considered as most important and how they affect their task to find an adequate treatment for these clients. Furthermore, the

Study on future storm surge around Suo-nada Sea

Japan lies on an area frequently hit by typhoons while city functions are clustered along the flat coastal areas, hence Japan has experienced lots of storm surge disasters up to the present. Coastal areas along the Suo-nada Sea also have the vulnerability against storm surge and in the past Typhoon 18 in 1999, Typhoon 16 and 18 in 2004 made remarkable damages in the areas. Furthermore, due to glob

Arbetsengagemang samt balans mellan ansträngning och belöning hos personliga assistenter -En kvantitativ studie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Tidigare forskning beskriver såväl dåliga arbetsvillkor som en otydlighet kring vad arbetet som personlig assistent innebär. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur personliga assistenter själva upplever sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Studien byggde på en enkät som undersökte hur personliga assistenters skattade sin upplevelse av obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning, samt deras arbetsengagePrevious research has described poor working conditions as well as ambiguity regarding job tasks for personal assistants. The purpose of the study was to investigate how personal assistants experienced their psychosocial work environment. The survey examined the respondents’ experience of ERI and their levels of UWES, if ERI and UWES correlates, and if the respondents age had an impact on the resu

References to Darkness : A study of darkness in a selection of poems by Wendell Berry

The writer, farmer, Christian pacifist, and “eco-poet” Wendell Berry has written and published novels, essays, and poetry since early 1960s. Examples of recurring themes in Berry’s literary work are the close relationship between farmer and the earth, the importance of belonging to a place/community, and having trust in the Creation. Examples of imagery in his poetry are song/singing, birds, trees

Surface Classification with Millimeter-Wave Radar for Constant Velocity Devices using Temporal Features and Machine Learning

Classification of surfaces in the near field using millimeter-wave radar commonly considers the use of polarization based methods for road condition monitoring. When a surface consists of larger structures one instead wishes to monitor the surface topography. Analysis of scattering from rough surfaces is highly complex and relies on prior knowledge of surface structure. In this work a device movin

Är vi ihop nu? : en analys av ungdomars representation av kärleksförhållanden på Facebook

I denna uppsats undersöker vi på vilket sätt unga i vårt västerländska samhälle väljer att representera sina kärleksförhållanden på Facebook. Vi har ämnat ta reda på vilka attityder som finns att urskilja mellan de olika respondenterna. Studien har utförts genom tre stycken fokusgruppsintervjuer, med ett antal av totalt elva respondenter. Somliga var i ett förhållande, medan andra var singlar. I s

Evidensbaserad psykologisk praktik inom ett hälsoval - ett organisatoriskt lärandeperspektiv

Studien undersöker vilka individuella och organisatoriska inlärningsmekanismer som bidrar till utveckling av evidensbaserad psykologisk praktik inom (EBPP) ett hälsoval för kognitiv beteendeterapi i Region Skåne. Sexton psykologer verksamma inom hälsovalet deltog i studien som genomfördes i form av fyra fokusgrupper. Frågeställningen utgår från de policydokument som beskriver EBPP och evidensrörelThe object of study of this thesis is which individual and organizational learning mechanisms contribute to the development of evidence based psychological practice within a specific type of primary care setting in Skåne, Sweden. We conducted four focus groups in which sixteen licensed psychologists practicing within this setting participated. The theoretical background of the thesis consists of p

Increasing yield in chromatography using batch-to-batch recirculation

En hjälpsam tvilling ska minska svinnet av läkemedel Tänk om du skulle behöva stoppa i dig en massa oönskade, kanske rentav farliga ämnen varje gång du var sjuk. Låter inte särskilt hälsosamt va? Det är just därför som upprening av läkemedel är viktigt. Att ta fram rena läkemedel är inte helt enkelt och kan leda till att läkemedel behöver kastas bort. Genom ett examensarbete vid Lunds UniversitetPreparative chromatography is an important process step for separation and purification of fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other biotechnical products. The technique mainly used in the pharmaceutical and fine chemistry industries is single-column batch chromatography (BC). The major drawback of BC is the trade-off between product purity and process performance. A high purity of the product co

Imagery rescripting som behandling vid hälsoångest

Hälsoångest är ett tillstånd där personen har en stark oro för att bli sjuk eller är övertygad om att de redan lider av en allvarlig sjukdom. Ett av symptomen som ofta nämns, är påträngande inre mentala bilder om sjukdomar, ofta svåra och livshotande sådana som kan innebära egen eller nära släktingars bortgång. Imagery rescripting har visat sig vara en lovande behandlingskomponent när det gäller pHealth anxiety is a condition where the person has a strong concern for becoming ill or believing that they already suffer from a serious illness. One of the symptoms often mentioned, is intrusive imagery about life threatening diseases, the death of oneself or close relatives. Imagery Rescripting has shown to be a promising treatment on intrusive imagery in PTSD and Social phobia. Hence, the curr

Self-awareness in a small passerine - Great tits (Parus major) perform the mark test

Cognition is one of human kind’s most important features in our own opinion. The more we know about the cognitive abilities of different species the more we know about how cognition has evolved. Self-awareness is a mental trait associated with high levels of cognition and something previously considered to be exclusive to humans and possibly apes. The most common test of self-awareness is a test o


This thesis investigates the possibility of solving the problem of urban noise pollution by applying the principals of indoor acoustics on an outdoor environment. The city of Malmö, Sweden, was chosen due to its advanced world leading noise research and dynamic urban setting. All of the necessary information, data and measurements were acquired through research and practical experimentation in

Sweden's contradictory drug policy: a socio-legal study of the swedish zero tolerance approach

This master thesis is a socio-legal study which explores the Swedish drug policy and its discourses, more specifically how discourses within the political sphere affects the political discussion and the legal norms regarding drugs in Sweden. As methodological approach I have used a critical discourse analysis, created by Norman Fairclough, to analyze political documents, trying to find the most po

Mobilisering av den mekaniskt ventilerade intensivvårdspatienten

Mobilisering av mekaniskt ventilerade intensivvårdspatienter är genomförbart och kan utföras på ett säkert sätt samt leder till ett snabbare tillfrisknande för patienten. Syfte: Att undersöka nivå av mobilisering hos mekaniskt ventilerade patienter inom intensivvård samt komplikationer och barriärer i samband med mobilisering. En jämförelse i nivå av mobilisering mellan de patienter som är invasiv

Reliability of fire barriers

A fire barriers are widely used in the industry as a passive fire protection system. Fire barriers are built according to specifications from manufacturer after the construction was tested in full scale furnace in accordance to the appropriate codes. Those tests are made private and the test results are not published apart from the failure/success of the tested sample. In order to accurately prote


I takt med att det globala klimatet förändras ökar viljan att utveckla och effektivisera energi utvinningen av förnybara energier så som vindkraft. Utveckling inom vindkraftsindustrin har under de senaste åren varit att bladlängden blir längre. Detta eftersom längden på bladen ökar effekten vindkraftverket kan producera. Problemet med den ökade vindlängden har varit dels varit att vikten av bladetThe usage of wind turbines during the latest years has grown substantially and are becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, as many countries are trying to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. In order to increase the effect of the wind turbines the length of the blades has been increased, which has also led to an increase of the cross-section dimensions. This has led to ma

Statistik över bygglovsansökningar avseende energiberäkning och fuktsäkerhetsprojektering

Initiation of construction of apartments has increased by 26% from 2014 to 2015 in Sweden. This has meant more building permits to treat. Several tasks done by a building inspector has been identified through active observation of the building permit department in Helsingborg. Some of the tasks are review of cases, technical consultation, and visits at building places, final consultation, supervis