Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar
Sensitivity of Arctic Clouds to Ice Microphysical Processes in the NorESM2 Climate Model
Ice formation remains one of the most poorly represented microphysical processes in climate models. While primary ice production (PIP) parameterizations are known to have a large influence on the modeled cloud properties, the representation of secondary ice production (SIP) is incomplete and its corresponding impact is therefore largely unquantified. Furthermore, ice aggregation is another importa
Small systems and the single-hit approximation in the AMY parton cascade ALPACA
Understanding how momentum anisotropies arise in small collision systems is important for a quantitative understanding of collectivity in terms of QCD dynamics in small and large collision systems. In this letter we present results for small collision systems from the newly developed parton cascade ALPACA, which faithfully encodes the AMY effective kinetic theory. ALPACA reproduces quantitatively
Transcriptome analysis of avian livers reveals different molecular changes to three urban pollutants : Soot, artificial light at night and noise
Identifying key molecular pathways and genes involved in the response to urban pollutants is an important step in furthering our understanding of the impact of urbanisation on wildlife. The expansion of urban habitats and the associated human-introduced environmental changes are considered a global threat to the health and persistence of humans and wildlife. The present study experimentally invest
Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making
Economic research on gender gaps in preferences and economic outcomes has focused on variation with respect to sex—a binary classification as either a “man”or “woman.” We validate a novel and simple measure of self-reported continuousgender identity (CGI) and explore whether gender identity correlates with variationin economic decisions and outcomes beyond the relationship with binary sex.We use f
Handelns historia : Ett skolmaterial från svenskt näringsliv
En allmän översikt över handelns historia från stenåldern till idag, ämnad för gymnasieskolan.
Besvärliga fruntimmer! : Sveriges första kvinnliga jurister
Idag är kvinnorna fler än männen på juristutbildningarna och nästan sju av tio antagna till domarutbildningen är kvinnor. De kvinnliga juristerna är i majoritet inom flera juridiska yrken, för hundra år sedan var situationen en helt annan. Från 1870-talet fick kvinnor lov att studera juridik på universiteten, men det var svårt för dem att hitta arbete efter examen. Hindren i deras väg fanns både i
Pin-on-disc tribological characterization of single ingredients used in a brake pad friction material
Researchers have long been studying the effects of the modification of friction material compositions on their tribological properties. Predictive models have also been developed, but they are of limited use in the design of new compositions. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the tribological behaviour of single ingredients in friction materials to develop a tribological dataset. This d
Temperature impact on the internal resistance of a PEFC considering the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
When coupled to different applications, a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) work at a different operating temperature. In this study, the internal resistance of a PEFC is evaluated by using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) at moderate low current density, i.e., 0.5 A/cm2, in the range of 40 – 80°C. The evaluation is carried out considering frequencies between 10kHz and 0.1Hz. An equ
GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar : Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation
Academic journals, archives, and repositories are seeing an increasing number of questionable research papers clearly produced using generative AI. They are often created with widely available, general-purpose AI applications, most likely ChatGPT, and mimic scientific writing. Google Scholar easily locates and lists these questionable papers alongside reputable, quality-controlled research. Our an
Simulations of the beam performance in the MAX-II electron storage ring
The beam performance of the MAX II storage ring is described by computer simulations. The dynamic aperture reduction due to chromaticity correcting multipoles, higher order multipoles in quadrupoles and dipoles, alignment errors and energy deviations is calculated. The future operation of the storage ring with insertion devices is discussed. The results show that the MAX II storage ring will opera
Effect of storage conditions on lipid oxidation, nutrient loss and colour of dried seaweeds, Porphyra umbilicalis and Ulva fenestrata, subjected to different pretreatments
Here we evaluated the levels of lipid oxidation products, fatty acids, ascorbic acid and colour of Porphyra and Ulva after oven-drying at 40 °C, and during subsequent storage for ≥370 days under light, semi-light and dark conditions. Part of the seaweed was pre-soaked in freshwater or pre-coated with a whey protein mixture. Controls consisted of freeze-dried seaweeds. Throughout storage there was
Steroid transformation using magnetically immobilized Mycobacterium sp.
Mycobacterium sp. (NRRL-B 3683) has been immobilized by adhesion of magnetic materials of submicron size to the bacterial surface. Preparations based on laboratory-prepared magnetic oxide that had been derivatized with hydrophobic octyltrichlorosilane showed the best properties. The magnetically immobilized bacteria were used for side-chain degradation of cholesterol into androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-d
Multi-dimensional hadron structure through the lens of gluon Wigner distribution
In this review, we present the current status of phenomenological research on constraining the multi-dimensional proton (and nucleus) structure at high energies through studies of the so-called gluon Wigner distributions. We provide a brief pedagogical introduction into the corresponding theoretical definitions and modelling of exclusive and diffractive scattering observables in terms of the Wigne
Synthesis of the disaccharide 6-O-β-d-galactopyranosyl-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactose using immobilized β-galactosidase
The disaccharide 6-O-β-d-galactopyranosyl-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactose has been synthesized by transfer of the β-d-galactopyranosyl residue from lactose to 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactose utilizing the transferase activity of β-galactosidase from . To make the enzyme reusable, it was applied in an immobilized form covalently bound to Sepharose CL-4B. The yield of the disaccharide was about 20%,
Maculopathy and adult-onset ataxia in patients with biallelic MFSD8 variants
Background: Biallelic variants in the major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8 gene (MFSD8) are associated with distinct clinical presentations that range from typical late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 7 (CLN7 disease) to isolated adult-onset retinal dystrophy. Classic late-infantile CLN7 disease is a severe, rare neurological disorder with an age of onset typically betwe
Image analysis of acoustic data and interpretation of rock stress orientations for geothermal exploration in Gothenburg borehole GE-1, SW Sweden
This study contributes to geothermal exploration in 1660–1520 Ma old, reworked bedrock in Sweden. Our primary objectives are to constrain the orientation of horizontal stresses, and to discuss implications for geothermal exploration. High-resolution acoustic televiewer image data reveal the downhole distribution of stress indicators (borehole breakouts, drilling-induced fractures and petal centrel
Topological superconductivity in a magnetic-texture coupled Josephson junction
Topological superconductors are appealing building blocks for robust and reliable quantum information processing. Most platforms for engineering topological superconductivity rely on a combination of superconductors, materials with intrinsic strong spin-orbit coupling, and external magnetic fields, detrimental for superconductivity. We propose a setup where a conventional Josephson junction is lin
High-Performance Liquid Affinity Chromatography
Person-Centredness of Performance Measurement in Swedish Primary Care: National Initiatives in Regional Accreditation Documents
This study examines how national healthcare initiatives focused on person-centered care are put into practice within Sweden's healthcare system. It analyses how these national policies are represented and implemented in accreditation documents across six Swedish regions—Skåne, Västra Götaland, Jönköping, Halland, Kronoberg, and Östergötland. The research uses qualitative document analysis to e