

Din sökning på "*" gav 527170 sökträffar

The Promotion of Girls’ Education in a late 19th Century Egyptian Women’s Magazine -. A Study of Western Feminist Influences

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Western influence in three different articles from the late 19th century, Egyptian Women’s Magazine, al-Fatāh. The analysis is based on the hypothesis that they used similar arguments in their debate for girl’s education, as did women in the West. In order to compare the analysis to Western writers, a background on the debate about girls’ education among We

Landskronas södra industriområde - sker ett läckage av markföroreningar via dagvattensystemet?

Landskrona is a distinct industrial city and has since the 1700th century had many major industries, which has contributed to negative effects on the environment and caused pollution in soil and water. When the land wasn’t enough and more space was needed for exploitation, the area started to get filled up with dredged and filling material. Many of the industries are suspected to have dumped waste

Bland glastak och afro-wigs, tre rasifierade studenters upplevelser av akademiska rum vid Lunds Universitet

In this thesis I examine the experiences of three racialized students regarding their academic environment at Lund University and the student activities surrounding it. The purpose is to add a student␣␣ perspective to a, with international measurements, relatively small Swedish field of anti-­racist studies on academia. Using Sara Ahmed␣s phenomenology, thoughts of Patricia Hill Collins and Bourdi

Uppförandet av hållbara städer i en neoliberal miljö. En studie rörande Västra hamnen i Malmö och Tianjin Eco-city i Kina.

The future of our society is in need of changes to survive. Our cities are not sustainable the way they are today, nor the way we consume our resources. For those reasons, sustainable development has become fashion today. Eco-cities are being built all over the world to find new solutions to problems we face every day, such as too much traffic and waste. The topic for this master thesis is who ini

How are extreme temperatures changing in Sweden

Global mean temperature has been observed to increase over the last hundred years; this increase is coupled with a global increase of warm extreme indices and a decrease in cold extreme indices. In this study, daily observations of mean and extreme temperatures from ten different weather stations in Sweden during the time period 1961-2010 were analyzed. A warming trend was identified for every dat

Finanspolitisk åtstramning och jämviktsarbetslöshet

Denna studie analyserar sambandet mellan finanspolitisk åtstramning och jämviktsarbetslöshet utifrån historisk, teoretisk och empirisk synvinkel. Den finner att mer finanspolitisk åtstramning är signifikant korrelerad med en ökad jämviktsarbetslöshet. Fackföreningstäthet och högre arbetslöshetsersättning är också signifikant korrelerade med en högre jämviktsarbetslöshet, något som möjligen är kännThis study analyses the relationship between fiscal austerity measures and equilibrium unemployment from historical, theoretical and empirical perspectives. Greater amounts of fiscal austerity measures are found to be significantly correlated with increases in equilibrium unemployment. Trade union density and unemployment benefits are also found to relate significantly to higher rates of equilibri

Religion and Migration: Religious Practices of First Generation Turkish Immigrants in Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to explore how religious practices of the immigrants are shaped after migrating to a more secular country. As a more concrete case, I am interested in the religious practices of Turkish immigrants in Sweden. For the purposes of the study fourteen semi-structured interviews with first generation Turkish immigrants in Malmö were conducted to investigate the changes in relig

Utredning av fosfortrender i Vegeån - en skattning av fosforläckage till recipient

Fosfor är ett av de viktigaste näringsämnena och ger upphov till övergödningsproblematik i åar, sjöar och hav. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att trenden för kvävekoncentrationen i Vegeån har varit tydligt minskande men att fosforkoncentration inte visat sig vara vikande. Vegeåns Vattendragsförbund vill undersöka varför samma trend inte syns för fosfor samt kartlägga hur stor den sammanlagda be

Inhibitionsmekanismens roll i Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Påverkan av kognitiv utmattning

Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) beskriver ett minnesfenomen där framplockningen av ett visst minne i vissa fall försämrar och påverkar tillgängligheten till andra, relaterade minnen. En framträdande förklaring har presenterats inom inhibitionsteori där aktiv inhibering anses orsaka RIF, genom facilitering i framplockningen av målminnet bland konkurrerande minnen i selektiv minnesframplockning. Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) refers to a memory phenomena where retrieval of a memory in some cases can deteriorate and affect the accessibility of related memories. A prominent explanation is presented in the inhibitory theory where active inhibition is considered to cause RIF by facilitating retrieval of a target memory among competing memories in selective memory retrieval. If exertion of

En för mjuk sjukförsäkring? - En diskursanalys av förarbetena till förändringen av sjukförsäkringssystemet

The aim of this study was to examine the preliminary works that were published prior to the change of the sickness insurance system in 2008. Specifically, the aim was to find out what the main discourses in the texts were and what characterized them. The study examined three preliminary works; one Official Report from the Swedish government, one government bill that proposed the change in legislat

Utbyte av geodata : studie av leveransstrukturer enligt Sveriges kommuner och landstings objekttypskatalog

Inspire (2007/2/EG) is a directive initiated by the European Union with the purpose to improve the infrastructure for spatial information. This is thought to contribute to an easier and more convenient way of exchanging the information within the union. The countries of EU have all started their work to include Inspire's guidelines in their legal systems and in the work of their authorities an

Framing Parenthood: An Interpretive Analysis of Fertility in Brazil

Understanding the fertility transition is of extreme importance for planning public policies on national levels and on a global scale. The fertility transition has been the subject of numerous studies for the past four decades, especially in regards to the determinants of fertility. Nonetheless, in the case of Brazil the literature concentrates on quantitative and positivistic determinants, lackin

E-demokrati – Ger dialog och ökat engagemang?

Behovet av att vidmakthålla och öka demokratin finns. Informationsteknik har möjliggjort nya kommutationskanaler mellan medborgare och makthavare. Kommunikation med hjälp av hemsidor, email, e-tjänster och forum har gjort att information kan överföras på kort tid och med en stor tillgänglighet. E-demokratin ses som en väg till att få fler delaktiga och ökat inflytande i politiska beslut. Med utgån

För hästens felsteg bär ryttaren ansvar

The crisis faced by organizations in today´s society is seen more obvious than as an exception. Even though there’s a lot of effort put on research in the area, additional research is requested because handling and communicating about a crisis has become an increasingly common part of the daily work. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to research in the field by examining the image repair

The Implication of Indonesia's Economic Development for Global Climate Change

Indonesia is a significant global player both in terms of economic performance and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. While its total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and emissions are ranked high in global comparisons, both in terms of per capita measures have a relatively low ranking, suggesting that there is potentially more growth to come. Growth in Indonesia’s total emissions is being driven by econ

Kosten att proaktivt förebygga kriser: En kvalitativ studie om organisationers förebyggande krishantering

Den här studien undersöker hur fem olika organisationer arbetar proaktivt i förebyggande krishantering. Proaktivitet är ett begrepp som utgör ett kunskapsgap i forskningen på kriskommunikation. Syftet med denna studie är att utvinna fördjupande kunskaper om hur proaktivitet definieras och tolkas i relation till krishanteringens förebyggande fas. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod där fem styckeThis study examines how five different organizations work proactively in the preventing crises phase. Proactivity is a concept that represents a knowledge gap in the research on crisis communication. The purpose of this study is to extract deeper knowledge on how proactivity is defined and interpreted in relation to the prevention of crisis management phase. The study is based on a qualitative met

Sjuksköterskors IT-kompetens - hantering av journalsystem

Journalsystem är ett hjälpmedel som används i det dagliga arbetet av sjuksköterskor inom hälso- och sjukvård samt hjälper användarna att erhålla information från olika områden och för att säkerställa en god och säker vård. Journalsystemet ställer vissa krav på användarnas IT-kompetens för att användaren ska kunna hantera det på ett korrekt sätt. Syftet med studien är undersöka IT-kompetensens bety

What Gaia can reveal about the matter distribution in the Milky Way

Context. With the goal to accurately map about a billion of the Milky Way stars, the astrometric satellite Gaia was launched in December 2013. Its high precision and sensitivity will lead to better understanding of the Galactic structure and evolution. Also, it will be possible to probe the matter distribution in the Galaxy. Aims. To study how well the Galactic matter distribution can be determin