

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Grandstand Demand - A Club-level Study of Football Ticket Pricing and Demand

This paper explores the realm of price discrimination and optimal pricing for a football club in the Swedish Premier League. By use of data from the club’s ticket system, linear regression analysis and a straightforward demand function the current price discrimination scheme is evaluated. From these results, estimates of lost ticket revenue are calculated and a revised price scheme is produced.

Factors on A share premium with cluster analysis

The phenomenon of price difference between A shares and H shares of the firms in Mainland China has been of research interest for years. A shares, traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges with the currency of CNY (also known as Renminbi), are always traded at a premium to H shares of the same firm, which traded in Hong Kong with HKD. On the basis of previous studies, we proposed to introduc

Kunskapshanteringssystemens brister ur ett e-learningteoretiskt perspektiv

Kunskapens värde visar sig i allt större utsträckning inom olika organisationer idag. Många företagsledare inser att för företaget relevant kunskap är en stor konkurrenskraft på den globala marknaden. Detta gör att många företag skaffar sig kunskapshanteringssystem för att bevara den kunskap som finns hos olika individer inom företaget. Utveckling och implementering av sådana system har visat sig

The Social Brand – Aspects of Social Media Implementation

The thesis circles around Social Media, B2B Brand Building and Business Performance Measurements. In the intersection between these a knowledge gap was identified. The following research questions were formed: How should companies go about when implementing Social Media? How should the performance of Social Media engagement be measured? The urgency for answering these questions was identified. Th

Marknadschefers syn på chefsrollen

Denna uppsats belyser yrket marknadschef, vi vill studera vilka förväntningar de intervjuade marknadscheferna själva hade inför sina karriärsval. Vidare undersöks huruvida dessa förväntningar infriats eller inte och hur marknadscheferna själva upplever att deras roll ser ut idag. Resultatet i uppsatsen visar vilka förväntningar marknadscheferna hade på chefsrollen. Vidare behandlas hur de uppfatta

Agile projektledning – Tillämpning av metoden Scrum

Scrum är en Agile systemutvecklingsmetod som funnits sedan 90-talet. Eftersom metoder sällan används som det är tänkt att de ska användas finns det stor risk att även Scrum-metoden modifieras och används på olika sätt i olika företag. Denna uppsats berör huruvida Scrum modifierats jämfört med de ursprungliga riktlinjerna kring metodens olika moment. Uppsatsen tar också upp på vilka sätt metoden fö

Dam projects and the formation of state identity: A case study of states' dam constructions, the motives behind them and their social consequences

Dam projects are initiated in large scale on rivers all over the world, inevitably resulting in social and cultural consequences. While the causes of states’ dam constructions conventionally are understood in economic and geostrategic terms, this thesis aims to understand why dams are constructed in terms of states’ ambitions to strengthen and maintain identities. The concept of the idea of the st

The Paradox of Global Markets and Local Clusters - The importance of innovation and trust for competitiveness and its implications on policymaking in the European Union

This thesis examines cluster and innovation system theory’s answer to why some firms, and not others, based in particular nations achieve international success in distinct segments, and the European Union’s recent policy efforts based on such theories. On this background a discussion on the changes needed in national economic policymaking among EU Member States when the EU starts taking a cluster

Integration - ”All offentlig makt i Sverige utgår från folket”. Invandrares inflytande i den svenska demokratin

This thesis is about whether Swedish immigrants are to be considered politically empowered or not. The term politically empowered refers to a state where individuals have the capabilities and possibilities to effectively change their situation via the established democratic system. My conclusion is that political empowerment is not yet a reality within ethnic minority groups. In decision making ar

Det demokratiska samtalet

Vi blev nyfikna på hur Internet formar nya former för påverkan av demokratiskt politiskt deltagande. Med denna nyfikenhet tar uppsatsen avstamp utifrån den debatt som pågick bland bloggare inför voteringen av FRA-lagstiftningen 2008. Med utgångspunkt från Jurgen Habermas koncept om den publika sfären samt Lincoln Dahlbergs riktlinjer för deliberativa internet-forum genomförs en kvalitativ textanal

Vårdgarantin - En effektiv åtgärd mot långa väntetider inom svensk sjukvård?

Är vårdgarantin en effektiv årgärd mot långa vårdköer? Den svenska regeringen införde år 2008 en maximal väntetidsgaranti vid namnet vårdgaranti, som inte var bindande. Den 1 juli 2010 blev vårdgarantin bindande lagstiftning, men kan man förvänta sig att väntetiderna till speciliserad vård kommer att minska? Med denna kvalitativa fallstudie vill jag ge ett tentativt svar på frågan. I en genomgång

A Common Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the European Union? How Member States’ Ideas, Norms and Identities Matter

This thesis investigates the prospects of a common counter-terrorism strategy in the European Union. It analyzes how Member States’ security cultures influence the establishment of a common European counter-terrorism strategy. The study examines the differences between Member States’ security cultures under the framework of social constructivism that emphasizes the impact of the socially construct

Considerations and implications of issuing sovereign bonds: the case of Mongolia

The following paper aims to assess Mongolia’s recent decision to engage in its first issue of sovereign bonds, announced for the fall of 2010. To this end, both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of the bond characteristics and implications were conducted. The comparative country analysis provides insight into previous activities on the sovereign bond market, and helps estimate the expected

Enterprise 2.0: Integrating Web 2.0 into Organizational Business Structure

In a social environment, web 2.0 technologies offer significant benefits to enterprises willing to integrate the technology into their business. The most socio-technological systems which have gained much more attention and generated most interest from companies in recent years are blogs, social networking and wikis. However, web 2.0 technologies provide opportunities for companies that are able t

New Evidence of Deliberate Fertility Control in Colonial Taiwan: Dajia 1906-1942

This paper deals with the disputable issue of the existence of Malthus’ Preventive Check in Chinese population. With the help of a newly established historical database (Demographic Database of Colonial Taiwan, DDCT), which currently including the individual level data regarding to the socio-demographic backgrounds of the registered population in fifteen townships in North and Western Taiwan, we t

Resisting Through Corporate Values

Purpose: To denaturalize the concept of corporate values as a necessary managerial practice to engineer culture in organization and to explore how its enactment influences power resistance interplays and the workplace construction of selves. Method: We engaged in Critical Management Studies (CMS), using an interpretative approach to our empirical material. Theoretical framework: The study is based

IAE - En plattform för automatiserad analys och flexibel informationsinhämtning

DISA is an international company in the foundry industry that has a goal of being able to monitor their 250 different casting machines worldwide. A massive amount of information can be retrieved from the machines and by evaluating this information you can get an indication of how well the machines operates. The information is stored as meassured values at the customer site but is not used any furt

Effektivitet versus Informationssäkerhet

Organizations today are increasingly dependent on IS (information systems) to perform vital tasks. Dependence of the IS, and the fact that organizations are exposed to an increasing number of threats has given information security increasing attention within the organizations. Information security has long been perceived as a technical problem. Only recently information security begun to be unders

The "new" doctor-nurse game in decentralization: A case study in southern Sweden

ABSTRACT Thesis title: The “new” doctor-nurse game in decentralization –A case study in southern Sweden. Course: BUSM18, Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge & Change, 15 Credits. Seminar date: 03-06-2010 Author: Vasileios Georgakopoulos Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra Key words: Decision making, decentralization, popular culture, critical thinking communication, teamwork, stress, E.R ser