Din sökning på "*" gav 527977 sökträffar
A Decision Analysis Evaluating Screening for Kidney Cancer Using Focused Renal Ultrasound
Screening 60-yr-old men for renal cancer using ultrasound may be cost effective, and further research into this topic is of value to society. The prevalence of renal cancer by age/sex and the stage shift associated with screening are key research priorities.
”Romer är de enda sanna européerna”
Tre lärare berättar om mötet med svensk utbildning och arbetsliv
Från Hovdräkt till New Look
Byggherredialogen i Sege Park : –reflektioner två år in i processen
Sege Park är ett före detta sjukhus- och parkområde i Malmö som byggs och förtätas. Sege Park har tydliga hållbarhetsmål som ska konkretiseras bland annat genom en byggherredialog. Byggherredialogen drivs av Malmö stad och där ingår 13 byggherrar. I denna rapport redovisas resultatet av de lärdomar som kan dras från byggherredialogen utifrån de två år som den pågått. Dialogen är inte slutförd och
Mästarlära i högre musikutbildning
i boken Konstuniversitetet
Models and technologies for the enhancement of transparency and visibility in food supply chains
With the increased pressure and challenges of economic, environmental, and social character, the need for innovations (including both thegeneration and adoption of innovations) that can be implemented in supply chains increases. A number of novel concepts focusing onintelligent logistics and packaging systems are being developed and tested in the food industry, all over the world. Several of theseWith the increased pressure and challenges of economic, environmental, and social character, the need for innovations (including both the generation and adoption of innovations) that can be implemented in supply chains increases. A number of novel concepts focusing on intelligent logistics and packaging systems are being developed and tested in the food industry, all over the world. Several of the
Sustainable operations in reusable food packaging networks
This chapter explores the processes of a typical logistics network for the management of reusable packaging for food products. While theimpacts associated with packaging waste in the food sector are well known, the adoption of reusable crates or handling systems for fooditems entails many logistics processes such as storage, transportation, and cleaning, whose impact needs to be quantified and assThis chapter explores the processes of a typical logistics network for the management of reusable packaging for food products. While the impacts associated with packaging waste in the food sector are well known, the adoption of reusable crates or handling systems for food items entails many logistics processes such as storage, transportation, and cleaning, whose impact needs to be quantified and a
Musikens betydelse för integration
USA:s kostnader för Vietnamkriget
Arab Shi'ism and the Shi'a of Lebanon : New approaches to modern history, contemporary politics, and religion
Cold Atmospheric Plasma Disarms M1 Protein, an Important Streptococcal Virulence Factor
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has been demonstrated to be a successful antiseptic for chronic and infected wounds. Although experimental work has focused on elucidation of the curative power of CAP for wound healing, the molecular mechanisms behind this ability are less understood. To date, the direct effect of CAP on the activity of microbial virulence factors has not been investigated. In the pr
Music education in times of trouble
EU policy documents on the effects of the global migration wave suggest that culture has an important role in promoting inclusion as well as developing and maintaining democracy. These expectations on culture places music education as a potential key factor in coping with the effects of the current refugee situation. In this paper, it is argued that European music educational systems are given a t
Disentangling ‘ecosystem services’ and ‘nature’s contributions to people’
People depend on functioning ecosystems, which provide benefits that support human existence and wellbeing. The relationship between people and nature has been experienced and conceptualized in multiple ways. Recently, ecosystem services (ES) concepts have permeated science, government policies, multi-national environmental agreements, and science–policy interfaces. In 2017, the Intergovernmental
High-definition spatial transcriptomics for in situ tissue profiling
Spatial and molecular characteristics determine tissue function, yet high-resolution methods to capture both concurrently are lacking. Here, we developed high-definition spatial transcriptomics, which captures RNA from histological tissue sections on a dense, spatially barcoded bead array. Each experiment recovers several hundred thousand transcript-coupled spatial barcodes at 2-μm resolution, as