

Din sökning på "*" gav 527966 sökträffar

Development Cooperation as a Soft Power Tool: A case study of Slovakia & Kenya

Slovakia has as a small state in the Central Europe gone through two types of transformations. First was from socialism to democracy, accompanied by various reforms, the second from an aid recipient to an aid donor. These experiences have, naturally, shaped Slovakia's identity, ideas and interests. Slovakia has gradually built up close bilateral development cooperation with Kenya, which figure

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Söndrumshallen

Denna rapport är framtagen som en del av kursen Brandteknisk riskvärdering (VBRN70), som ges vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Objektet är en idrottshall i Halmstad, kallad Söndrumshallen. Syftet med rapporten är att utreda personsäkerheten vid ett brandtillbud och målet är att undersöka om Söndrumshallen kan utrymmas på ett säkert sätt vid brand. Vid behov ska även åtgärdsförslag ges. Söndrumshallen bThis report is a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation (VBRN70) at the department of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University. The object is a sports center located in Halmstad, Sweden and is called Söndrumshallen. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the occupants’ safety in case of fire and to suggest measures for improvements of the fire protection systems. A field trip to the gymnas

Remittances and Dutch Disease in the Eurozone

This thesis analysis the connection between remittances and economic growth in the Eurozone. The purpose is to control for remittances impact on GDP growth in absence of Dutch Disease to see if current theory holds. In remittance-research it is assumed that the lack of transmission between the positive micro-economic impact and economic growth is much due to disruptive real exchange appreciation k

The Effect of Cognitive Workload on Shooting Performance and Quiet Eye Duration

This study explored the effect of cognitive workload on shooting performance and quiet eye duration (QED) using a Stroop based handgun-shooting task (Stroop shooting). Furthermore, the difference between the reverse Stroop effect and the traditional Stroop effect when shooting based on the Attentional Control Theory was assessed. The methods used were partially based on previously published resear

Jakten på Dewey : en kunskapsorganisatorisk studie av Malmö stadsbiblioteks tillämpning av DDK

During the last three years the Malmö City Library made a transition from the Swedish classification system SAB to the internationally established Dewey Decimal Classification. The Malmö City Library is the first public library of a larger magnitude to make such a transition in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to contribute with knowledge and reflections about how the Dewey Decimal Classification

Tystnaden i arkivet : en diskursiv studie av arkivariens roll i att ordna det förflutna för framtiden

“Silences haunt every archive”, says Rodney Carter, words that illustrate the significance of the archival practice in selecting and arranging the documents that reflect the past. This study begins in the notion that the archivist’s profession represents a certain form of power, manifested in this practice. What sort of history and which stories that will be known in the future lies very much in t

‘We have up until now been an experimental place. Now it's time for us to take responsibility’. Local Kosovar judges and prosecutor’s experiences and perspectives of the EULEX’s impact on the legal order in Kosovo.

By employing seven semi-structured interviews with local judges and prosecutors in Kosovo, this study aims at examining how the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) has impacted the legal order in Kosovo and the practice of the judges and prosecutors. In addition, this study examines how the impacts of EULEX, and how the judges and prosecutors will be affected after the EULEX are withdrawn f

En kritisk vän: En fallstudie av vilka roller som präglat svensk utrikespolitik under 2000-talet

This thesis examines which roles that have characterized Swedish foreign policy during the 21st century. The scientific method used is a discourse analysis in which 19 Statements of Foreign Policy, presented by four different Swedish Ministers for Foreign Affairs, have been analyzed. In the study, four roles have been sought after: the Mediator, the International critic, the Europeanized role and

#memetoo : en studie i vilka funktioner internetmemetiska principer fyller i relation till politisk mobilisering

#metoo är en gräsrotsrörelse som synliggjort sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp mot kvinnor. Rörelsen har fått historisk genomslagskraft i Sverige genom uppkomsten av olika branschupprop och skakat om samhället. Denna uppsats argumenterar för att #metoo är en nätgemenskap präglad av innehåll vars spridning skett genom internetmemetiska principer. Genom en netnografisk metod har inlägg på det soci

Kulturell överlägsenhet och lika behandling utifrån maskulina normer

Studien syftar till att undersöka tomrummet mellan Försvarsmaktens riktlinjer och soldaternas uppfattningar av Försvarsmaktens genusarbete och hur tomrummet yttrar sig i praktiken. Studiens metod utgörs av en feministisk kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Faircloughs tredimensionella analysverktyg och materialet omfattas av Försvarsmaktens Handbok Gender och intervjuer av soldater. Studien visar att

Avståndstagande från sociala medier : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om individers självvalda frånkoppling

Den här uppsatsen undersöker varför individer tar avstånd från sociala medier i en tid där medier har blivit en del av vår kultur och vårt samhälle. Den ämnar även att behandla deras syn på medieanvändning och kommunikation. För att kunna ta del av människors privata och personliga anledningar till frånkoppling gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med fem individer. Ett snöbollsurval användes för att vi

Managing Household Plastic Waste: Evaluation of the EU commission’s strategy from the perspective of Swedish municipalities

I januari 2018 presenterade EU kommissionen en ny strategi om hur EU ska hantera plast i en cirkulär ekonomi. Strategin lyfter många av de problem som EU måste hantera med plast och plastavfall idag, presenterar flera mål till 2030 i detta området - till exempel en >50% återvinningsgrad av plastavfall - och rekommenderar åtgärder som kan införas av nationerna för att förbättra deras hantering av pIn January of 2018, the EU commission presented a new strategy on how the EU will handle plastics in a circular economy. The strategy raises many of the issues the EU face with plastics and plastic waste today, presents several goals for 2030 in this field - such as a >50% recycling rate of plastic waste - and recommends measures the nations could take to improve their management of plastics and p

"Once you have the habit you don't feel the pain anymore". En etnografisk studie av vävning som lönearbete.

The aim of the thesis is a multidisciplinary approach to how traditional handicrafts interplay with social relations, such as gender, on several geographical scales. The study is an ethnographic fieldwork in Uttarakhand, India, at an organization working with weaving. The material is interviews, observations and field notes. The interviews were conducted with women working as weavers at the main c

Risky Business - Modelling Distress on the Swedish Market

Financial distress is costly for a company and affects many stakeholders. Although models of distress and default have been constructed and developed by researchers for a long time, a model adapted to the unique characteristics of the Swedish market is still missing. This study has two major purposes: (1) to construct a model of distress on the Swedish market, and (2) to use this model to investig

The long path to a broad reading of the Freedom of Establishment and its impact on the Brexit era

The freedom of establishment is an expression of the Internal Market. On the one hand, the EU tries to strengthen the Internal Market, but on the other hand, Member States have a fear to lose their national control, making them eager to restrict the free movements granted by the Internal Market doctrine. The contradiction becomes visible in regard to the cross-border movement of companies in the E

Does education play a significant role in electric vehicle adoption rates in Sweden?”

This thesis examines if education as a channel for environmental awareness affects battery electric vehicle (BEV) adoption in Sweden. It discusses how the pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) lead to economic cost both to governments as well as citizens. It also analyzes different control variables that were aimed at capturing economic concerns, age and convenience in BEV adop

Att ha utrymmet för att göra ett bra jobb: En studie om hur socionomer resonerar kring sitt handlingsutrymme vid behandlingsarbete med barnfamiljer inom offentlig kontra privat sektor

The aim of this Bachelor thesis was to study the perceived discretion and room for manoeuvre that social workers working with treatment of families and individuals have. The aim was also to draw a comparison of said perceived discretion and room for manoeuvre between social workers currently employed in the public sector with social workers currently employed in the private sector. To research thi

Fixing Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods through Social Mix: A promising potential or delusional deroute?

Improving and solving issues related to disadvantaged neighbourhoods have for decades been a concern for politicians, researchers, and professionals in Denmark as well as internationally. Recently, the concept of social mix has been very popular as a vision of development within planning practices and political strategies to develop disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This thesis investigates the academ


Rising costs of healthcare in most OECD-countries have contributed to a quest for research into the field of healthcare costs and efficiency, something that has not been free of controversies. As a result of that, healthcare financers as well as providers have become more inclined to measure performance and compare themselves to others with the same responsibilities. In Sweden, the Association of

The Age Of Experience: A Qualitative Study of the Revitalisation of the Customer’s Physical Retail Experience based on the Example of IKEA

The entire retail industry is facing drastic changes at the moment: topics such as personalisation and omni-channel are on each management agenda. Additionally, new retail store concepts are continually popping up, and the changing role of store associates causes concerns. In particular, physical retailers are struggling on how to reinvent the physical store by changing the store’s main purpose. T