

Din sökning på "*" gav 526207 sökträffar

Assessing the role of the drinking water distribution system on the bacterial community in public buildings

Safe drinking water is important and the water quality is related to the microbial community. In this study, two public buildings that receive drinking water at different locations in a distribution system were selected as sampling points. The drinking water samples in the buildings were sampled every week to investigate the impact of the distribution system on the microbial community. The samplin

Can mobile phones improve farmer livelihoods? Panel data evidence from smallholder farm households in Sub-Saharan Africa

Information asymmetries are abound in the agricultural process for many farmers in developing countries. At the same time, adoption of mobile phone technologies have been growing exponentially in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study analyzes the potential for mobile phones to improve agricultural and economic outcomes for smallholder farm households. Using panel-data collected over three periods from 20

Crisis or Consolidation? Predicting Bank Distress in Sweden 1917-1923

Crises are inherently connected to the strengths and functions of the financial system in creating and expanding credit (Broberg and Ögren, 2019). They are as much products of the innovation and expansion which precede them as they are a cause of the realignment and adjustment that follows them. For this reason, Marx, Minsky and Kindleberger have all regarded financial instability as a fundamental

Power Relations in the Mekong River Basin - A look into the discourse of the Mekong River Commission

This study concerns itself with power assymetries between states as well as cooperative arrangements within the Mekong River Basin. Transboundary frameworks for cooperation are often faced with challenges in harmonizing policy in the face of competing interests and unequal power relations between states and stakeholders. These challenges are especially evident in the context of the Mekong River Ba

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This essay presents an intertextual analysis of three short stories by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges; “The Garden of Forking Paths” (1941), “The South” (1944), and “The End” (1944). The analysis explores the possibility of using the philosophical ideas concerning bifurcations in time as presented in “ The Garden of Forking Paths” to reinterpret the other two short stories, given that these

Enhancing the Decoding of Short LDPC Codes with Stochastic Sequences

Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes are one of the most popular codes used in nowadays’ communication due to their high coding efficiency at low decoding complexity. With these characteristics, LDPC codes are suitable for high-speed information transmission systems. The widely used decoding algorithm for LDPC codes is Belief Propagation (BP) decoding with which the performance of LDPC codes can

Incentive models to improve the installation service of solar panels - a Case Study at E.ON New Solutions

Background The importance of services is increasing, and companies need well-developed service contracts to ensure the service providers perform at a satisfying level. In contracts, performance-dependent rewards (incentives) can be used to stimulate the agent to act desirably. This master thesis focuses on E.ON New Solutions B2C, who offers solar panel installations to residential customers. They

Automating Feature-Extraction for Camera Calibration Through Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Machine learning as a field has expanded in an explosive manner, with more companies interested in using the technology. One of these companies, Spiideo, uses Machine learning to automatically stream and record sports, highlighting key events - all automatically without a cameraman. However, these cameras have to undergo a lengthy calibration process involving manual feature extraction. This work

Consumer’s choice, or is it?

Politisk konsumtion är en växande konsumentrörelse där individer konsumerar inte enbart för att maximera egennytta, utan även för att skapa godartad samhällelig förändring, lokalt som globalt. Den teoretiska debatten kring detta fenomen vilar på grunder såsom neoklassisk marknadsekonomi och idén om den suveräna konsumenten. Koncept som har problematiserats och ifrågasatts i relation till denna dis

Stereotypa könsförväntningar i luften?

Den här uppsatsen är en studie om hur kvinnliga piloter hanterar stereotypa könsbaserade förväntningar i rollen som ledare. Studien är kvalitativ och genomförd vinter/våren 2021. En anknytning görs till befintlig teori, främst Role Congruity Theory (RCT) som kortfattat innebär att kvinnor har problem att uppnå kongruens mellan sin könsroll som kvinna och sin yrkesmässiga roll som ledare. StudienThis paper is a study on how female pilots handle stereotypical gender expectations in the role as a leader. This qualitative study was performed during winter/spring in 2021. Connections are made to existing theories, mainly Role Congruity Theory (RCT) that suggests that females have issues achieving congruence between their role as a female and their professional role as a leader. The study conc

Allocation of Public Education Spending in Latin America and the Caribbean Explaining Differences in Efficiency

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have lagged behind in educational outcomes despite having on par levels of education spending given their level of development. This suggests that LAC suffers from poor efficiency of education spending which could be due to the high level of public investment in tertiary education. Hence this study looks at the relationship between efficiency and

Ett hållbart dilemma - Global studie av en passiv SRI-strategi

Studien undersöker om investerare kan ta hänsyn till hållbara och etiska aspekter genom negativ screening utan att behöva betala ett pris i form av lägre riskjusterad avkastning relativt marknaden i normala- och kristider. Studien består av 5655 bolag spridda över 51 olika länder. Ur dessa bolag skapades åtta portföljer med olika screeningnivåer. Deras riskjusterade avkastningen mättes relativt et

Investigating the biogas potential from organic waste flows in Santiago de Chile – A study of the Metropolitan Region.

Matrester i Chiles huvudstad kan driva bussar och ge landet skjuts i klimatfrågan. Två tredjedelar av stadsbussarna i Santiago de Chile skulle kunna drivas av biogas, om det organiska avfallet i landets kärnregion tas tillvara på. Förändringen hade dessutom minskat Chiles totala klimatpåverkan med 2%. I Sverige är vi vana vid att åka stadsbuss där det glatt annonseras att den drivs av matavfalleIn the Metropolitan Region in Chile the population is growing as the inhabitants are relocating towards the capital of Santiago de Chile. The capital, located in a valley, is now home to over 40% of the population, and faces challenges with sufficient air-quality and waste disposal. 58% of all waste in Chile today is of organic matter, and with economical limitations in the municipalities, change

3D Printing as a Path to Circular Economy: An analysis on the supply chain barriers

Worldwide plastic production is expected to reach an amount of 34 billion tons by 2050, and a large portion of plastic used is for single-use packaging and low-cost consumer plastic products that are discarded. It is important to have a path to a circular economy by recycling and producing locally. The following potential research questions were identified to contribute to the existing knowledge i

“man springer inte på varandra på Teams” En studie om HRs perspektiv på hur det påtvingade distansarbetet påverkar organisationskulturen och arbete med organisationskulturen

I spåren av coronapandemin som bröt ut våren 2020 har många företag ställt om sina verksamheter för att kunna minska smittspridningen och utföra arbetet på distans. Den fysiska arbetsplatsen som tidigare varit central för både arbete och organisationskultur har nu helt försvunnit och alla jobbar istället hemifrån, så kallat distansarbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av personer på HR-avd

Investigation of Texture Creation in Mycoprotein Products With a Focus On Fish

A growing population and environmental pressure impose the obligation for more sustainability on food systems. Shifting from animal- and fish-based products to more environmentally benign protein sources is a crucial element in this transition. Single-cell protein refers to the edible biomass from microorganisms such as fungi, yeast or algae and is a promising way to source proteins on an industri

Safety Management Systems in micro and small air operators: mission possible?

This thesis explores the rationality, completeness and functioning of Safety Management Systems (SMS) amongst micro- and small-sized air operators in business aviation. In the absence of thorough literature in this sector of aviation, a survey of prior research on OHS(MS) and on non-aviation micro/small enterprises (MSE) provided a collection of factors contributing to their safety performance. Us

Functional annotation of synonymous genetic variants in breast cancer

DNA sequence variation can have different effects on the amino acid sequence of a protein, depending on what type of alteration is made and the position of it. While missense and nonsense variants can substitute one amino acid for another or lead to a premature stop codon respectively, synonymous variation does not directly alter the amino acid sequence of a protein. Though synonymous variants see

Gang entry and exit - A study of previous gang members in Sweden

Serious violence that is connected to gangs has escalated drastically in Sweden in the past years. I argue that understanding the values and attractions of joining a criminal gang are crucial in order to prevent further recruitment. In order to successfully reintegrate previous gang members, increased knowledge of the exit-process is needed. Hence, this thesis is based on interviews with eight def

Pågatåg och pandemi - vilka åtgärder är relevanta för att få kollektivtrafiken i Skåne på rätt spår igen?

This paper examines the state of public transportation in the swedish county of Scania during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through travel statistics from the agency that runs the county’s transit network (Skånetrafiken) it is concluded that travel numbers have decreased dramatically during the pandemic. Two employees at Skånetrafiken are interviewed and asked about what measures the agency has taken dur