

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

Madness as the Foundation of Non-Culpability

Doctoral dissertation Abstract Background The relation between mental illness and accountability, may at its best be described as unclear. A negative correlation them between was established thousands of years ago, and has since formed a more or less self-evident supposition. This dissertation is an effort to test this construction. Aims and hypothesis The overall aim of this thesis is to cla

Population structure and migratory directions of Scandinavian bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) -a molecular, morphological and stable isotope analysis

Abstract in UndeterminedMany species of birds show evidence of secondary contact zones and subspeciation in their Scandinavian distribution range, presumably resulting from different post-glacial recolonization routes. We investigated whether this is the case also in the Scandinavian bluethroat Luscinia svecica, a species that has been suggested to consist of two separate populations: one SW-migra

Predictors of Presenteeism and Activity Impairment Outside Work in Patients with Spondyloarthritis

Purposes To assess predictors of presenteeism (reduced productivity at work) and activity impairment outside work in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). Methods Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to study predictors of presenteeism and activity impairment in 1,253 patients with SpA based on a 2.5 year follow-up questionnaire. The Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI)

Filter-based treatment of leachate from an industrial landfill containing shredder residues of end-of-life vehicles and white goods.

A pilot plant was set up to treat leachate from an industrial landfill containing shredder residues of end-of-life vehicles and white goods. The treatment plant consisted of aeration and sedimentation steps for pre-treatment, and a filter. The plant was designed to simultaneously remove various types of pollutants. The efficiencies of pre-treatment and of the main treatment step were investigated

Lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning. Från tidig barndom till mötet med lärarutbildning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen belyser läsning och läsarbanor i ett livsperspektiv där fyra lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning från barndom till mötet med lärarutbildningen analyseras ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Ur berättelserna om läsning i olika kontexter såsom familj, skola och lärarutbildning framträder ett perspektiv på läsning som en relationell process. I en relationellThe aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about experience and perceptions of reading that students at a school of education have, from early reading experiences in childhood, to the encounter with reading in context of their teacher training. The following overarching questions were asked: What aspects of narratives appear to be significant in the students’ reading trajectories? Which a

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies confirms a susceptibility locus for knee osteoarthritis on chromosome 7q22

Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and accounts for substantial morbidity and disability, particularly in older people. It is characterised by changes in joint structure, including degeneration of the articular cartilage, and its aetiology is multifactorial with a strong postulated genetic component. Methods A meta-analysis was performed of four genome-wide asso

Troponin I and Creatine Kinase MB do not provide comparable information after PCI

Objectives. To compare cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) after PCI in cases with normal baseline levels of both biomarkers. Design. cTnI and CK-MB after PCI were stratified as multiples of the 99 3x99%URL in 58/486 patients (12%) and cTnI > 3x99%URL in 292/487 patients (60%). cTnI was > 10x99%URL in all cases with infarction according to CK-MB but CK-MB was often normal desp

RF Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Arrays

A new method of spatial linear modulation is presented for the RF signal modulation. The constant envelope and phase modulated signals are transmitted to an antenna array and then combined in space; the linear modulation is realized at the same time. The concentric antenna pairs are applied to eliminate the mismatch of phase delay among the modulated signals from different antenna pairs. The measu

Sparse Estimation Of Spectroscopic Signals

This work considers the semi-parametric estimation of sparse spec- troscopic signals, aiming to form a detailed spectral representation of both the frequency content and the spectral line widths of the oc- curring signals. Extending on the recent FOCUSS-based SLIM al- gorithm, we propose an alternative prior for a Bayesian formulation of this sparse reconstruction method, exploiting a proposed sui

Siglec-5 and Siglec-14 are polymorphic paired receptors that modulate neutrophil and amnion signaling responses to group B Streptococcus

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) causes invasive infections in human newborns. We recently showed that the GBS beta-protein attenuates innate immune responses by binding to sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin 5 (Siglec-5), an inhibitory receptor on phagocytes. Interestingly, neutrophils and monocytes also express Siglec-14, which has a ligand-binding domain almost identical to Siglec-5 but s

Ett landskap byter skepnad : förändring och kontinuitet i Risebjärsområdet under 300 år

Det område som idag kallas Strövområdet Arriesjön har bytt skepnad flera gånger under de senaste tre hundra åren. De processer och den historia som åstadkommit dessa förändringar speglas i de två historiska kapitlen. Men i det här kapitlet ger vi en översikt över områdets rent fysiska förändringar med hjälp av de flesta kartor och flygfoton som finns tillgängliga, från den första kartbilden 1702 t

Frequency Modulation in mm-Wave InGaAs MOSFET/RTD Wavelet Generators

Co-integration of an InGaAs MOSFET and an RTD is performed to realize a wavelet generator. The large transconductance of the MOSFET (1.9 mS/mu m) is used to switch the current in an oscillator circuit and coherent wavelets down to 41 ps are generated in the frequency domain of 50 to 100 GHz. The lowest power consumption measured is 1.9 pJ/pulse. It is found that the supply bias can be used to modu

In-hospital bed occupancy and the emergency department - effects on decisions about the level of care

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund: Patientflödet genom en akutmottagning regleras framförallt av tre typer av faktorer. Dessa rör i tur och ordning inflödet-, genomflödet- och utflödet av patienter. Faktorer som reglerar inflödet rör efterfrågan på sjukvård (t.ex. samhällsdemografi och tillgång på primärvård), medan faktorer som reglerar genomflödet till största delen rör akutmottagningens inteBackground: Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding occurs when the need for ED services outstrips available resources. Causes have been divided into input, throughput, and output factors, of which the last appear to be the most influential. Unavailability of inpatient beds (so-called “access block,” or “hospital crowding”) impairs ED output and is associated with increased waiting times in the ED

Simulation of a suite of generic long-pulse neutron instruments to optimize the time structure of the European Spallation Source

We here describe the result of simulations of 15 generic neutron instruments for the long-pulsed European Spallation Source. All instruments have been simulated for 20 different settings of the source time structure, corresponding to pulse lengths between 1 ms and 2 ms; and repetition frequencies between 10 Hz and 25 Hz. The relative change in performance with time structure is given for each inst