

Din sökning på "*" gav 231853 sökträffar

Games and Markets - Essays on Communication, Coordination and Multi-Market Competition

This thesis consists of a collection of essays on coordination in games and competition in international oligopolies. The first essay presents a theoretical analysis of a simple coordination game in which players simultaneously choose efforts from a compact interval. The original game has a continuum of Pareto-ranked equilibria. In a noisy variant of the model an error term is added to each player

The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the treatment of osteoporosis: an international perspective

Introduction: Risedronate, a bisphosphonate for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, has been shown in several clinical trials to reduce the risk of fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. The cost-effectiveness of risedronate treatment has previously been evaluated within different country settings using different model and analysis approaches. The objective of this study was to

Propagation characteristics of polarized radio waves in cellular communications

Narrowband and wideband measurements of the radio channel using different combinations of transmit and receive polarization have been performed. The measurements cover a range of scenarios including urban, suburban and open terrain, as well as both outdoor and indoor terminals. The vertical-to-vertical (V-V) and horizontal-to-horizontal (H-H) polarization combinations are found to provide equal re

Commissioning of a 6.4T superconducting wavelength shifter at MAX-lab

The 6.4 T wavelength shifter at MAX-lab is a three pole superconducting planar wiggler with a warm bore, i.e. the vacuum tube passing through the wavelength shifter is at ambient temperature. The wavelength shifter, including surrounding systems such as power supply and He liquifier, has been assembled, tested, and commissioned at MAX-lab. The wavelength shifter has been installed into the 1.5 GeV

Consent and Consensus in Policies Reated to Food : Five Core Values

When formulating a policy related to food in a heterogeneous context within a nation or between nations, oppositional positions are more or less explicit, but always have to be overcome. It is interesting to note, though, that such elements as culture and religion have seldom been the focus in discussions about methods of decision-making in food policy. To handle discrepancies between oppositional

The Feynman-Wilson gas and the Lund model

We derive a partition function for the Lund fragmentation model and compare it with that of a classical gas. For a fixed rapidity “volume” this partition function corresponds to a multiplicity distribution which is very close to a binomial distribution. We compare our results with the multiplicity distributions obtained from the JETSET Monte Carlo for several scenarios. Firstly, for the fragmentat

Exposure, health effects, immunological markers and biomarkers of susceptibility among Swedish rubber workers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetare i gummiindustrin utsätts för ett stort antal kemikalier med hög giftighet. Tidigare forskning har visat att kemikalierna innebär en fara för hälsan. Gummiarbetarna har tidigare haft en ökad risk att drabbas av olika sjukdomar, t.ex. cancer, hjärtkärlsjukdomar och luftvägsbesvär, jämfört med allmänbefolkningen. Däremot vet man inte exakt vilka ämnen som är farliWorkers in the rubber industry have an increased risk of several diseases, such as airway disease, cancer and probably cardiovascular disease. The exposure is very complex; carbon disulfide (CS2) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) being two of the contaminants. The general aim of this thesis was to find exposure-response relationships usable for risk assessments in the rubber industry. U

Asn 362 in gp120 contributes to enhanced fusogenicity by CCR5-restricted HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein variants from patients with AIDS

Background: CCR5-restricted (R5) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants cause CD4+ T-cell loss in the majority of individuals who progress to AIDS, but mechanisms underlying the pathogenicity of R5 strains are poorly understood. To better understand envelope glycoprotein (Env) determinants contributing to pathogenicity of R5 viruses, we characterized 37 full-length R5 Envs from cross

En välbyggd maskin, en mardröm för själen : det svenska fängelsesystemet under 1800-talet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ordet "fängelse" ger mångfaldiga och motstridiga associationer; till höga murar och gallerförsedda fönster, till inspärrning, straff och farliga brottslingar men också till förtryck, utstötthet och trasiga människor. De svenska fängelserna växte fram under 1800-talet och var en del i en internationell trend. Fängelset framställdes som ett stort humanitärt och straffrättThe general aim of the thesis is to study 19th century Swedish prisons from the point of view of the surrounding discourse and also as a social system. The prison phenomenon grew out of the meeting between prisons as a discourse-produced norm system and the social practice consisting of the reality as experienced by the prisoners and the prison staff. The growth and development of the Swedish pris

Shortening velocity, myosin light chain phosphorylation and Ca2+ dependence of force during metabolic inhibition in smooth muscle of rat portal vein

The concentration-response relation for Ca2+ (0.2-5.0 mM) of high-K+ contractures (40 mM) in the rat portal vein during respiratory inhibition by 0.2 mM cyanide was investigated. A reduction of force in the presence of cyanide to about 30% of control was associated with a leftward shift of the normalized concentration-response relation. When force at the plateau of high-K+ contractures (at about 2

Strain-induced semimetal-semiconductor transition in InAs/GaSb broken-gap quantum wells

We investigate the hybridization of the electron, heavy-hole and/or light-hole dispersion relations in strained InAs/GaSb quantum wells. In the considered structures, the lowest electron level lies below several hole levels at zero in-plane wave vector k(parallel to), so that the anticrossings of subbands produce gaps in the in-plane dispersions. To calculate the electronic band structures of such