

Din sökning på "*" gav 308318 sökträffar

Size and complexity of the nuclear genome of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus.

The basidiomycete Paxillus involutus is forming ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with a broad range of forest trees. Reassociation kinetics on P. involutus nuclear DNA indicated a haploid genome size of 23Mb including 11% of repetitive DNA. A similar genome size (20Mb) was estimated by genomic reconstruction analysis using three single copy genes. To assess the gene density in the P. involutus genome, a

Topics in multifractal measures, nonparametrics and biostatistics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av fyra uppsatser. De två första, som utgör huvuddelen av avhandlingen, behandlar en oväntad koppling mellan kärnskattningar av fördelningar och dimensionsspektra för multifraktala mått. Den tredje uppsatsen presenterar ett helautomatiskt expertsystem för detektering av lungembolier med lungscintigrafi. Den avslutande uppsatsen avhandlar statistiThis thesis consists of four papers. The first two papers, which comprise the main part of the thesis, deal with an unexpected connection between kernel density estimators and dimension spectra for multifractal measures. The third paper presents a fully automated expert system for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism from ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy. The final paper concerns statistical prop

Emission lines in the optical spectrum of 3 Cen A

Previously, weak emission lines had been detected at red wavelengths inthe spectra of a limited sample of mid to late B type main sequencestars. A fuller description of the occurrence and origins of these lineshas yet to be forwarded, in part due to the lack of observationsdetailing the spectral transitions involved. To address this deficiency,we present a line list of weak emission features found

Agrarian diet and diseases of affluence--do evolutionary novel dietary lectins cause leptin resistance?

BACKGROUND: The global pattern of varying prevalence of diseases of affluence, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, suggests that some environmental factor specific to agrarian societies could initiate these diseases. PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS: We propose that a cereal-based diet could be such an environmental factor. Through previous studies in archaeology and molecular evol

A case-control study of transmission routes for GB virus C/hepatitis G virus in Swedish blood donors lacking markers for hepatitis C virus infection

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The transmission routes for GB virus-C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) in blood donors unexposed to hepatitis C virus (HCV) are unknown. We performed a case-control study of risk factors for GBV-C/HGV exposure in blood donors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After testing stored sera from 458 HCV-negative blood donors for GBV-C/HGV RNA and GBV-C/HGV E2 antibodies, 66 donors with

Quantification of ovarian power Doppler signal with three-dimensional ultrasonography to predict response during in vitro fertilization

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether power Doppler predicts ovarian response to gonadotrophin stimulation during in vitro fertilization (IVF). METHODS: Forty-five women were divided into low-reserve (n = 12) and normal-reserve (n = 33) ovarian groups, according to antral follicle count. Transvaginal three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonographic examinations were performed after pituitary downregulati

Diffusion rates in a dense matrix of methane-producing microorganisms

The diffusion rate of a species, in a dense matrix of methane-producing microorganisms, was determined experimentally. To this end, a specially designed diaphragm diffusion cell was utilized. The experimental results revealed that the effective diffusion coefficient in a microorganism matrix was 22–33% of the diffusion coefficient in pure water.

Revision of the CEAP classification for chronic venous disorders: Consensus statement

The CEAP classification for chronic venous disorders (CVD) was developed in 1994 by an international ad hoc committee of the American Venous Forum, endorsed by the Society for Vascular Surgery, and incorporated into "Reporting Standards in Venous Disease" in 1995. Today most published clinical papers on CVD use all or portions of CEAP. Rather than have it stand as a static classification system, a

Stimulated amplification in an astrophysical plasma: An FeII space laser in gas condensation in the vicinity of eta carinae

We consider the conditions necessary for the development of an inverted population among the energy levels of free atoms in a medium exposed to radiation in spectral nonequilibrium. In particular, we focus on monochromatic radiation occurring as a result of an accidental wavelength coincidence between a pumping emission line and a pumped absorption line in two different elements. We examine especi

Late Ordovician jawed polychaete faunas of the type Cincinnatian region, USA

Late Ordovician jawed polychaete (Annelida) faunas from the type Cincinnatian region in the tri-state area of Indiana, Ohio. and Kentucky, North America, are discussed on the basis of an extensive and unique collection of more than 50,000 well-preserved scolecodonts. Approximately 40 to 50 multi-element species belonging to a dozen families are identified. Scolecodonts of polychaetes with prionogn

Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy subjects

Objective: To investigate the effects of cold storage and vinegar addition on glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to a potato meal in healthy subjects. Subjects and setting: A total of 13 healthy subjects volunteered for the study, and the tests were performed at Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden. Experimental design and test meals: The study included four meals; fresh

Improved preparation technique of cervical carcinoma for flow cytometric DNA analysis with tissue disintegration in hydrochloric acid

An one-step procedure using a nuclear isolation medium containing propidium iodide has been found to be a suitable preparation technique for flow cytometric DNA analysis in breast cancer samples. In the case of cervical squamous carcinoma, a pretreatment with HCl seems to be a methodological improvement. One advantage with the HCl modification is that some "false" near-diploid cell populations are

Pain following Surgery: Management, Outcome, and Prediction

Despite advances in the treatment of postoperative pain, nearly 30% of patients experience moderate to severe pain following major surgery. The present thesis includes four studies intended to evaluate important aspects of postoperative pain. In studies I and II, patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA, n = 1,670), using local anesthetics and morphine, was associated with significantly lower

Free N-acetylneuraminic acid in tissues in Salla disease and the enzymes involved in its metabolism

Salla disease is a lysosomal storage disorder of unknown etiology, characterized biochemically by increased urinary excretion of N-acetylneuraminic acid. This compound has now been shown to occur in abnormally large amounts in liver and cultured skin fibroblasts from these patients. Quantification of N-acetylneuraminic acid was performed using a new gas-chromatography/mass spectrometric single-ion

Simulated sinoatrial exit blocks explained by circle map analysis

In an accompanying study, it was seen that most cardiac arrhythmias that were simulated during poor intercellular coupling in the sinus node, were the same as those obtained in a two-element system in which one element suffered from a strong leakage current. This element corresponds to the sinus node periphery and is thus the one which feeds the atrium. In this paper, the interior element was repl

Frequency of the WHO metabolic syndrome in European cohorts, and an alternative definition of an insulin resistance syndrome

BACKGROUND: To describe the frequency, in some European populations, of the World Health Organisation (WHO) defined metabolic syndrome and to compare the frequency of this syndrome with an alternative definition for non-diabetic subjects, called the insulin resistance syndrome proposed by the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR). METHODS: Investigators of eight European studie

Limited contribution of Doppler velocimetry to the differential diagnosis of extrauterine pelvic tumors

OBJECTIVE: To compare the ability of transvaginal color and spectral Doppler and that of gray-scale ultrasound examination to discriminate between benign and malignant extrauterine pelvic tumors. METHODS: One hundred forty-nine consecutive women scheduled for laparotomy because of an extrauterine pelvic mass underwent ultrasound examination, including color and spectral Doppler techniques, within