Din sökning på "*" gav 533386 sökträffar
Tunisian water resources policy at a cross road
Fermentation as a Means of Optimizing the Glycaemic Index - Food Mechanisms and Metabolic Merits with Emphasis on Lactic Acid in Cereal Products
In current recommendations from FAO/WHO, foods that elicit low glycaemic responses and thus have low glycaemic indices (GIs) are advocated. The rationale for this recommendation is that low-GI diets have been shown to reduce risk factors for e.g. type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A major problem in this context is that most important starch rich staple foods in our diet, such as potato
Begriplig pensionsinformation för dem med små inkomster. En rapport från ett projekt om hur pensionsinformation begripliggörs bland migranter i Helsingborg
Alternative masculinity? : Catholic missionaries in Scandinavia
This chapter deals with Italian Barnabites and German Jesuits working as missionaries in the Nordic countries and the ideals of clerical masculinity that they represented. The Barnabites were important in the initial phase of the Catholic missionary activity in the 1860s and 1870s, whereas the Jesuits, ostensibly the most fervent defenders of ultramontane confessionalism, held a dominant position
The SIMIND Monte Carlo program
Regional Cooperation on Innovation and Cluster Development
The Baltic Sea Region is rapidly becoming one of the world’s more competitive regions. The region is capitalising on its strengths and making the most of its diversity to stimulate innovation, build a strong pool of skilled labour and foster entrepreneurship. A deep spirit of co-operation and integration has led the Baltic Sea countries to set up ambitious governance frameworks to pursue economic
Traffic shaping and dimensioning of an external overload controller in service architectures
This paper investigates the dimensioning of a server used for external overload control in service architecture. Great savings can be obtained by an operator if the dimensioning analysis is performed correctly. As one of the main parts of this paper it is shown that Poissonian arrivals is a good assumption for some services in service architectures. Methods that can be used for dimensioning are pr
"Nedsändelserna", al-Ma’thurat, - en handledning i konsten att vara en from muslim
Big science in a small country
Om erotik, makt och sexualbrottens sexualitet
In this chapter I examine the concept of sexual offenses in Swedish criminal law: How is the sexuality of sexual offenses constructed? The material analyzed consists of preparatory works and case law on sexual offenses. Inspired by law professor Katherine M. Franke, the analysis is theoretically grounded in two diverse understandings of sexuality: Sexuality as erotic and sexuality as a dense trans
A matter of life and health : Life satisfaction, personality and mortality in two populations of elders
Popular Abstract in Swedish En fråga om liv och hälsa Livstillfredsställelse, personlighet och mortalitet i två äldre populationer Enligt en rapport från FN (2001) kan vi under de kommande 50 åren förvänta oss att andelen äldre över 60 år kommer att fördubblas. Ny och förbättrad teknik, medicinsk kunskap och behandling har utvecklats, vilket innebär att vi i dag överlever i större utsträckning dThe aims of the present thesis were to explore and describe elderly people’s morbidity and experience of symptoms in relation to life satisfaction, personality and mortality. (I, II and III) To learn from the individuals who have high life satisfaction in spite of the fact that they have concurrent medical diagnoses and conditions. (I and III) To reason how positive factors and strengths might hel
Expression of Recombinant Protein in CHO and HELA cells and its follow-up using EGF reporter gene
Perspektiv på sociala problem - några positioner
Archaeological Applications
Do Learning Styles Matter?
Finns det mening i naturen? Ett "ekosemiotiskt" perspektiv på den s.k. miljökrisen
Starch structure and bread quality
The specificities of radical innovation
In this paper, we investigate a special case of new product development (NDP), that of radical innovation. When a company desires to go outside a current saturated market, it is necessary to offer a new product which is radically different from the competition. If successful, the offering will create a new market that the company can expect to dominate a least for a while until the competition str