Din sökning på "*" gav 533415 sökträffar
Organizational culture: meaning, discourse and identity
The Chinese human rights reader : documents and commentary, 1900-2000
Mycenaean pictorial pottery
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Swedish mentality: between modernity and cultural nationalism
Building civil society and democracy East of the Elbe: Problems and Prospects
‘Transition’ was a concept used to denote that the former communist states in Europe were on the track towards establishment of a market economy in the wake of the collapsed planned economy. Another connotation of the concept was democracy – or democratisation – and a third, which was introduced when it became obvious that institutions were important for the transition to succeed, the Rechtsstaat,
Skattning av känsloläge
Globalisering, medborgarskap och demokrati
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Chloroplast variation in European Silene dioica and S. latifolia: geographic pattern and haplotype sharing
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Stories in Pictures (and Non-Pictorial Objects) – A Narratological and Cognitive Psychological Approach
Narratological studies have quite frequently focused upon linguistic structures, considered to be paradigmatic cases of narrativity, whereas pictorial signs (such as icons and symbols) or indices have received comparably much less attention. In this paper, however, I intend to outline some basic and regularly occurring narrative aspects of pictures and non-pictorial objects. As a point of departu
Precipitation of proteins: Nonspecific and specific.
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Att möta det oväntade : Tidigt föräldraskap till barn med Downs syndrom
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens syfte är att genom en empirisk undersökning öka förståelsen av tidigt föräldraskap till barn med Downs syndrom. Jag utgår ifrån föräldrarnas livsvärld och utvecklar ett medföljande arbetssätt. Tio familjer med nyfödda barn med Downs syndrom följs genom regelbundna hembesök under det första året med barnet. Tillsammans med en medarbetare samtalar jag med föThe purpose of this dissertation was to increase - through an empirical investigation - our understanding of early parenthood in relation to children with Down syndrome. My point of departure has been the parents’ life-worlds, and I have developed an accompanying working method. Ten families with newborn infants with Down syndrome were followed through regular home visits during the first year of
Ett anlag till frihet. Iakttagelser om ett svartsynt motiv hos Eva Neander
En studie i ett svartsynt motiv hos Eva Neander.
What Do You Like? Early Design Explorations of Sound and Haptic Preferences
This study is done within the framework of a project aimed at developing a wearable device (a bracelet) intended to support sensory motor rehabilitation of children with visual impairments. We present an exploratory study of aesthetic/hedonistic preferences for sounds and touch experiences among visually impaired children. The work is done in a participatory setting, and we have used mixed methods
D3.2 Interface design prototypes and/or mock ups
This document is deliverable D3.2 “Interface design prototypes and/or mock ups” and presents tools and prototypes to show new interface and interaction design.
Om fördragsbrott och sanktioner i Europeiska unionen
New Public Management i Demokratin
Design side by side
The starting point for most of what is written here is people with disabilities. Situations of great difficulty need to be highly prioritized, for their own sake and also because that which first appears to be “special” sooner or later comes to benefit so