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Femårsuppföljning för tvångsvårdade kvinnor : Inverkan av psykiska problem på utfallet

Avhandlingen, som består av fyra delstudier, är en femårsuppföljning av kvinnliga missbrukare, som var tvångsomhändertagna på Lunden mellan januari 1997 och december 2000, och som genomgick en omfattande utredning. Klienterna har systematiskt utretts med psykologiska och neuropsykologiska test i samarbete med personal och Lundens psykiater. Test och skattningsskalor som använts är standardiserade The study focus is a sample of women with drug dependence admitted to compulsory treatment according to the Swedish act of care for drug abusers (LVM, 1988:870) and according to the act of care for young persons (LVU, 1990:52). From a cohort consecutively admitted to residential treatment at Lunden between 1997 and 2000, a sample of 132 women was selected for a five year follow-up. They were evalu

The unbounded body of the law of rape : the intrusive criterion of non-consent

In the judicial context, the law of rape is plied chiefly around two central concepts: force and non-consent. These concepts are analogues to male and female sexuality and lie at the heart of what may be described as the dichotomy of rape law. When force is part of the legislative definition of rape, non-consent seems to be used in case law as an instrument to decide whether force may be proven. O

Using Double Helix Relationships to Understand and Change Informing Systems

The paper opens by generalizing the concept of 'informing science'. It then introduces some meta-scientific perspectives and a discussion of a metaphor that has considerable explanatory power. Two main schools of metascience are presented and contrasted. The difference between treating invariances in natural sciences and in social and cultural sciences is discussed. The double helix is introduced

Regulation and Function of the Human Leukotriene D4 Receptor CysLT1 in Epithelial Cells and Colon Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Betændelses reaktionen er kroppens svar på en skade eller en infektion. Betændelses reaktionen gør at immunforsvarets celler kaldes til det skadede område (kan ses som den røde varme hævelse omkring et sår) og at eventuelle sygdomsfremkaldende emner identificeres og bekæmpes. På lidt længere sigt, fjernes ødelagt væv og helingen af såret påbegyndes. Når det skadede områThe pro-inflammatory mediators leukotrienes have shown to be important players in the pathogenesis of diseases like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Patients suffering from IBD have been found to have an increased risk of developing colon cancer. Since leukotrienes have been shown in increased concentrations in stools of IBD patients we hypothesise that LTD4 can play a role in the deve

Galiellalactone Synthetic Studies

Popular Abstract in English Prostate cancer is one of the most common causes of death for men. This disease can be detected at different stages and if it is detected at an initial stage there are many therapies to choose from. However, if it is detected at an advanced stage the options are reduced and most of the treatments are aggressive in an effort to extend the patient’s life. The most common In search for remedies and treatments, science has recurred to Mother Nature. This is where galiellalactone was found, a fungal metabolite isolated from Galiella rufa in 1990. Since then chemists and biologists have been studying its properties and found it to be a potential candidate against castration-resistance prostate cancer (CRPC). The development of a new drug requires many studies of the c

Islanding Detection in Power Systems

As the contribution of dispersed or distributed energy resources (DER) to the electric power production increases, the effects on the power system grow more important. As an example a critical situation may arise if protective relays trip a large part of the dispersed generation due to undervoltage at a short-circuit event. On the other hand it is crucial that the protection system acts correctly