

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

I allmänhetens intresse : en Weberiansk analys av objektivitetsidealet inom public service

This thesis explores the ideal of objectivity in Swedish Public Service journalism. It does this through a Weberian perspective in which his theory of rationalization and ideal type for rational-legal authority serve as lenses through which the material is analyzed. The material examined in this thesis consists of rulings from the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority where the standards of fac

The informal sector workers in India: a precarious situation

Informal employment in the 21st century is increasingly prevalent across the world and becomes particularly insecure in the Global South. This thesis studies different aspects of the precarious nature of informal sector jobs in a specific district in India. The research is built upon the concept of precarity which refers to instability, vulnerability and the volatile essence of the informal labor

Development and characterization of an eco-friendly cosmeceutical formulation with optimal performance.

Cosmetic innovations are about finding high performing creative solutions that deliver into the consumer trends. The consumer trend within the cosmetic industry is currently driving a growing demand for more clean, natural skin care products with sustainable credentials. Enhanced delivery to and interaction with the skin can be achieved through knowledge-based design and characterization of delive

The importance of the two- and three component systems WalRK and VraTSR for antibiotic resistance and phage susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus är en kommensal bakterie, vars främsta nisch i människokroppen är huden och näsan. Det är också en patogen förmögen att orsaka ett stort antal infektioner, bland annat matförgiftning, infekterade sår men också allvarligare infektioner som blodförgiftning och hjärtmuskelinflammation. Meticillin-resistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är resistenta mot praktiskt taget alla ß-laStaphylococcus aureus is a human commensal bacterium, living primarily on the skin and in the nose. It is also a pathogen able to cause a wide range of diseases, including food poisoning, infection of wounds but also more serious infections such as bacteremia and endocarditis. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to virtually every ß-lactam antibiotic, making infections

Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance: An empirical study on the impact of managerial ownership & concentrated ownership on corporate performance of Swedish publicly traded firms

Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between the corporate governance mechanisms, managerial ownership, and concentrated ownership, on corporate performance in Swedish companies. With its distinguishing corporate governance regime and financial environment, Sweden facilitates a unique contribution to the ongoing discussion on ownership structure and agen

Mikroföretags arbete med informationssäkerhet - en kvalitativ studie

För företag är information en viktig tillgång, varav informationssäkerhet är en angelägenhet för alla företag oavsett företagsstorlek. Även mikroföretag drabbas av cyberattacker, men i jämförelse med större företag har de begränsat med resurser att allokera till informationssäkerhet. En konsekvens av detta är att informationssäkerhet i allmänhet hanteras av en lekman. Det förekommer studier som ar

Shared PV systems in multi-scaled communities

In the past years, Sweden had been facing rapid growth of photovoltaic cells and total PV installation capacity increased from 300 kW to 1090 MW (2006-2020). To increase the number of PV users and therefore assist in achieving multiple sustainable goals regarding renewable energy, the installations of such systems were actively supported by the Swedish government. This project is aimed at evaluati

Effects of pharmaceutical excipients on the chemical stability of therapeutic proteins in a parenteral formulation

Proteins and peptides are widely used for the prevention, management, and cure of various illnesses. This vast therapeutic potential represents a significant portion of the pharmaceutical industry in the form of vaccines, antibodies, enzymes, and other protein-based therapeutics. During the drug development process, these proteins/peptides are affected by various environmental factors such as temp

Targeted Improvement of a Deep Learning Object Detector Using Synthetic Training Data

When working with object detection, the quality and quantity of the training data is often a recurrent bottleneck. This thesis proposes a technique of incrementally improving an object detector using synthetically rendered data. The current training data within the field of focus is limited, and creating new data comes with significant integrity and security risks. By creating synthetic images whe

Electronic Court Records & Online Dating: The Swedish Case

This socio-legal research investigates the online dating outcomes of individuals with a Swedish criminal history. By utilising a self-administered questionnaire, this research has asked respondents several questions which helped to paint a picture of what kind of impact the online availability of court records has within the online dating realm in Sweden. By drawing on Foucauldian theories of law,

The Cantril’s Ladder Makes Individuals Focus on Wealth more than Well-Being

The Cantril Ladder is one of the dominant cross-cultural well-being instruments, in which respondents evaluate their overall life by seeing a ladder that represents their worst (bottom) to best (top) possible life. Evidence suggests that the Cantril Ladder relates more to income than to (emotional) well-being, but its structure has rarely been validated. Over two studies, I tested the impact of Ca

Åtgärdsuppföljning inom vattenförvaltning - Praktisk implementering av lokalt förvaltningsarbete vid Vombsjön

Du kanske aldrig har funderat på vattnet som kommer ut ur kranen? Till diskmaskinen, matlagningen, duschen eller vattenspridaren? Rent dricksvatten är något vi tar för givet, men trots det har sjön som förser stora delar av sydvästra Skåne med dricksvatten omfattande miljöproblem. Vombsjön är belägen mitt i Skånes jordbrukslandskap där näringsämnen läcker från åkermarker och små avlopp. SjönsClean drinking water is often taken for granted. However, the lake that supplies the greater part of southwestern Scania with drinking water has severe environmental problems regarding the chemical and ecological status. The organization Fokus Vombsjön has now taken it upon themselves to develop a water management plan for the lake, with the goal to improve its overall status. The aim of this s

Utilisation of hardwood in cross-laminated timber - A numerical study on vibrations in floors

Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is an engineered wood product consisting of several layers of laminations bonded together with adhesives. In contrast to heavier construction materials, timber and other lightweight building materials are more prone to serviceability issues due to vibrations. In Sweden, the raw material used for CLT is mainly pine and spruce, which are softwoods. However, different woo

Applicerbarhet av Scaled Reassigned Spectrogram for Transient Signals (ReSTS) på ultraljudssignaler från biologisk vävnad

The possibility of being able to examine the inside of the human body is the foundation of today’s medical diagnostics. This can be done through different imaging systems, where ultrasound is one of the most important imaging methods used. Ultrasound does not endanger the patient during examination, unlike other imaging systems that use ionizing radiation or strong magnetic fields. In order to obt

Isolation of polystyrene-protein corona complex from bovine serum using size exclusion chromatography and expression of Daphnia magna’s proteins using EDDIE fusion technology

The comprehensive use of plastic globally has raised many questions about how it will affect living organisms once it is disposed of and reaches the ecosystem. Disposing of plastic in high amounts without recycling could lead to several toxic effects for aquatic organisms and eventually humans. Accumulation of plastic for a long time leads to its aggregation and/or degradation into small sizes in

Impact Investments for the Social Economy: Reframing the impact investing phenomenon by evaluating impact investment strategies from a social ecological economics perspective

Social economy organisations are attributed a major role in solving societal and environmental problems and in implementing social innovations in Europe. These organisations are private entities running economic activities whose main purpose is to provide goods and services to their members or the community at large, with profits coming second. Nevertheless, these organisations are not suffici

“Penna, papper och telefon.. det är mitt vapen”: En kvalitativ studie om trygghetskonsulenters sociala arbete för att skapa trygghet i bostadsområden

I Sverige är diskussionen gällande trygghet väl omdebatterat och integreras huvudsakligen i kriminalpolitiken. Diskursen som råder i svensk politik gällande trygghet handlar om att arbeta för att minska brottsligheten och öka tryggheten, men trygghet i sig handlar inte bara om brott och oro för brott – som fenomen är begreppet komplext, mångfacetterat och situationsbundet. Trygghetsbegreppet är un

Semiconducting TiO2 for High Performance Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions

Ferroelektricitet upptäcktes först 1921 av professorn Joseph Valasek i kaliumnatriumtartrat, ett ämne som är mer känt som "Rochelle salt". Valasek beskrev likheten mellan ferroelektricitet och det redan då väl beskrivna ferromagnetismen. Likt ferromagnetiska material och deras permanenta magnetiska poler uppvisar ferroelektiska material en permanent elektrisk polarisation, en separation The ferroelectric tunnel junction FTJ is a rather old concept but has recently been in the spotlight for its promising properties in computer memory technology and neuromorphic computing. The device consists of a ferroelectric insulator sandwiched between two electrodes, and by polarisation switching the resistance along the heterostructure can drastically be adjusted. The optimisation possibili

Multiplayer entertainment on short-haul flights

As technology advances and traditional ways of entertainment now can be found in the palm of one’s hand, the consumer expectations are higher than ever. This has created a greater demand by airline passengers for varied entertainment options on their flights. To keep up with the current demands, the development process aims to create an enticing multiplayer experience for passengers on short-haul