

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

The Making(s) of Law. Postmodern feminist perspectives on local court Justices under Zambian customary law

This thesis is the result of a Minor Field Study (MFS) on the judges, the so-called Justices, working in local courts in Zambia, where unwritten customary law is applied. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews, in order to explore the role of the Justices within the structure of customary law and their role in the discrimination against women that the law allegedly generates. Theoretically s

Toxic Omissions and Cancerous Growths: Addressing the Unexamined Assumption of Sustainable Consumption in Technologically Innovative Societies

This study challenges existing dogma of economists and environmentalists with a finding that sustainable consumption in industrial societies is impossible within standard models of growth because the approaches that are being taken to investments (in new technologies) are linked with and dependent on increased consumption as a requirement of innovation and as part of ideology in societies. Though

Social Innovations in Creative Communities for Sustainable Consumption: is it promising?

In the current discourse on sustainable consumption, there have been major interventions by the businesses and governments, focusing on changing consumer behavior through greening products and services. However, the problem of consumption is not limited to greening products and environmental impacts, but it is also a social issue. Together with the increasing consumption around the world and mater

"Men du inser att folk som ser dig och dina kompisar tänker "emo"?"- om hur media målar upp bilden av en ungdomsgrupp

ABSTRACT Author: Lisa Myrefelt & Rebecka Shev Title: “But you realise that when people see you and your friends they think “emo”?” – about how media describes a teenage group (translated title) Supervisor: Olle Frödin Assessor: The purpose of this essay was to study how the Swedish newspapers presented a subculture that they called “emo” between January 1, 2007 and March 31, 2009. In parti

Medling på TV. Konstruktioner av medling, gärningspersoner och brottsoffer

Authors: Malin Andréasson and Elin Ohlsson Title: Mediation on TV. Constructions of mediation, offenders and victims. Supervisor: Katarina Jacobsson Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos This study investigates the social constructions of victims and offenders in the Swedish documentary TV-series “Face to face” [“Öga mot öga”]. The representation of mediation as a crime preventing practice is also considered

Vill du Äktenskapet taga dessa Homosexuella? En genealogisk diskursanalys av debatten om äktenskap för homosexuella

Syftet med denna uppsats var att göra en genealogisk diskursanalys av debatten om äktenskap för homosexuella mellan 1984-2009. Inspirerad av teoretiker som Foucault, Butler och Laclau analyseras flertalet juridiska förarbeten till tre olika lagar och tidningsartiklar rörande äktenskap för homosexuella där diskurser om homosexuella och äktenskapet diskuteras utifrån frågeställningar om vad det är sThe purpose of this study was to do a genealogic discourse analysis of the debate on the subject of homosexual’s right to marriage during the years 1984-2009. Inspired by theorists such as Foucault, Butler and Laclau several legal documents to three different laws concerning marriage for homosexuals and newspaper articles on the subject are analyzed and discourses concerning homosexuals and marria

Manlig Prostitution - Ett tabubelagt fenomen

A research of prostitution in Sweden shows that it is more common with male prostitution than it is with female prostitution. Despite the fact that it is more common with male prostitution, there are more female prostitutes that meet social workers. Our purpose with this study was to examine why some men choose to prostitute. How does he get in contact with his customer and where do they meet. Our

Att vara adopterad - En studie om adopterades syn på adoption ur ett utvecklingsperspektiv

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of adopted adults concerning their childhood, the search for origin and opinions on adoption and what influence these aspects have had on their lives. The method used was semi-structured interviews and the people interviewed were all adopted adults. To analyse our results we used John Bowlby´s “attachment theory”. During our interviews another a

Ledarskapsutbildning E.ON: En empirisk undersökning av utbildningsplanering och utveckling

Att ringa in kompetenser, att individanpassa en utbildning som ska nå en stor grupp samt att ”matcha” kunskap med en lämplig pedagogik är några av de utmaningar som en ledarskapsutbildning står inför. Denna uppsats belyser pedagogiska infallsvinklar och provar dessa i nya sammanhang. Passar det traditionella sättet det moderna arbetet? Syftet är att kartlägga och analysera E.ON:s nuvarande pedag

Förlängd hållbarhet på dryckesmjölk ur ett klimatperspektiv – speciellt med avseende på distribution och spill

Detta projekt syftar till att undersöka om det är möjligt att motivera användandet av teknik för förlängd hållbarhet, ESL, på konsumtionsmjölk genom en minskad miljöpåverkan, speciellt gällande distribution och spill. Trenden pekar idag mot ökande transporter för mejeriernas volymprodukter och dessa transporter jämförs för mjölk behandlad med ESL-teknik och vanlig pastöriserad mjölk. Utöver detta

Fia med knuff - Socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin makt i arbetet med tvångsomhändertagande av ungdomar

The power of social services, involving there line of work with care for young persons with problems, is often discussed in negative terms by the general public and has gotten a great deal of attention, therefore we got interested of the social workers side of the story. The purpose of this study is to highlight social workers experiences of their power in their work with care for young persons wi

The Complexity of Class - A Study of Ideology and the Power of Literature in Ian McEwan's Narrative

Ian McEwan's novels Atonement and Saturday open up for discussion of class. Present-day society gives people access to art and literature to a greater extent than before, which evens out the divisions of knowledge over class boundaries. McEwan seems to suggest that literature can pave the way for overcoming class differences through sympathy and identification. This essay aims to examine what