

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Straightforward purification method for the determination of the activity of glucose oxidase and catalase in honey by extracting polyphenols with a film-shaped polymer

Glucose oxidase (GOX) and catalase (CAT) regulate the amount of H2O2 in honey, by generating or consuming it, so they are related to the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of honey. However, their activities are hardly analysed, since the process requires a previous dialysis that is non-selective, very time-consuming (>24 h), eco-unfriendly (>6L of buffer) and expensive. This research shows th

Synthesis of β-cyclodextrin-based nanosponges for remediation of 2,4-D polluted waters

Two cyclodextrin-based nanosponges (CD-NSs) were synthesized using diamines with 6 and 12 methylene groups, CDHD6 and CDHD12, respectively, and used as adsorbents to remove 2,4-D from aqueous solutions. The physico-chemical characterization of the CD‒NSs demonstrated that, when using the linker with the longest chain length, the nanosponges show a more compact structure and higher thermal stabilit

Effect of cobalt and chromium ions on the chlorhexidine digluconate as seen by intermolecular diffusion

Metal ions such as cobalt (II) and chromium (III) might be present in the oral cavity, as a consequence of the corrosion of Co-Cr dental alloys. The diffusion of such metal ions into the organism, carried by saliva, can cause health problems as a consequence of their toxicity, enhanced by a cumulative effect in the body. The effect of the chlorhexidine digluconate, which is commonly used in mouthw

International scope of biomedical research ethics review : Many countries consider long-term implications for society

In the context of biomedical researchinvolving human subjects, the reviewof research proposals by ethics committeesin virtually every country hastraditionally focused on informed consentand other protections for individualsparticipating in research (1). However,the substantial societal implications ofmodern biomedical research and the globalizationof scientific inquiry make it importantto understa

"Vem ska ta ansvar för de hungriga?”

Regeringen ger nu stadigt statsbidrag till organisationer som till exempel delar ut matpaket. Men risken att Sverige glider in i en mer oklar socialpolitik för de mest ekonomiskt utsatta, skriver debattörer.The government now provides steady state grants to organizations that, for example, distribute food packages. But debaters warn that Sweden risks slipping into a more unclear social policy for the most economically vulnerable.

Genetic and environmental influences on the stability of political attitudes

It has been established across several contexts that political attitudes are informed by heritable factors. However, it remains unclear how much of the stability we observe in political attitudes can be ascribed to environmental factors and how much of the stability is due to genetics. In this paper we show, using a unique three-wave panel dataset of twins (N = 2471) spanning ten years, that both

Methods to explore reactions of sialic acid derivatives

Att ta reda på hur och varför reaktioner sker molekyler emellan är ingen lätt uppgift. Ingen kamera är tillräckligt liten eller känslig (än) för att filma det som händer på molekylnivå. Istället behöver forskare genomföra experiment och samla stora mängder data för att få en bild av hur en reaktion går till, den så kallade reaktionsmekanismen. Att ta reda på reaktionsmekansimer ökar förståelsen föN-Acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) is the most common form of sialic acid, a nine-carbon sugar often situated at the ends of glycoconjugates. Its unique reactivity makes it a complex substrate to work on, but new methods are continuously developed. In 2007, Ye et.al. reported a regioselective substitution by morpholine on position 4 of fully acetylated Neu5Ac, with retained stereochemistry. The anom

A radically usage-based, collostructional approach to assessing the differences between negative modal contractions and their parent forms

Starting from the premise that English negative modal contractions constitute partly variable patterns of associations that include both the preceding subject and the following verb infinitive, the study sets out to investigate distributional differences between can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t and their corresponding uncontracted parent forms. Given that some configurations are assumed to correlate wiStarting from the premise that English negative modal contractions constitute partly variable patterns of associations that include both the preceding subject and the following verb infinitive, the study sets out to investigate distributional differences between can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t and their corresponding uncontracted parent forms. Given that some configurations are assumed to correlate wi

Online Content Creators’ and Viewers’ Interdependent Journeys

The creator economy features a pertinent, growing role of content creators and -viewers, revealing this service sub-sector’s rising economic, and strategic, contribution. In parallel, though the customer/stakeholder journey concepts are gaining traction, little is known about the interdependence characterizing online content creators’ and viewers’ (users’) engagement through their respective role-

A Renaissance Man

Modern-day opportunities allow musicians to divert from normalised, widespread perceptions of their artistic needs and pursue diverse career paths. This thesis uses autoethnographic methods to explore a classical pianist's navigation between contrasting fields, such as international relations, higher education management, and music and performance. Artistic citizenship and discourse theory hav

Assessing Soil Erosion in the Nyagako Sub-catchment, Rwanda - Integrating GIS Analysis, Turbidity Measurements, and Sediment Fingerprinting

Jorderosion är en global utmaning som påverkar miljontals hektar mark och leder till betydande förluster i jordbruksproduktivitet och ökad sedimentering i vattendrag och sjöar. Faktorer såsom intensivt jordbruk, avskogning och förändringar i markanvändning bidrar avsevärt till detta problem. I och med klimatförändringarnas intåg med ökade extrema väderförhållanden förväntas jorderosionen att öka jSoil erosion is a significant challenge in Rwanda, particularly within the Nyagako sub-catchment, where this study focuses on a delimited area. This research investigates the sources and contributing factors of soil erosion using GIS analysis, turbidity measurements, and sediment fingerprinting with a deconvoluted MixSIAR (D-MixSIAR) model in R. The objectives were to identify erosion-prone areas,

Neologisms in Modern Greek: Creation, Origin, Occurrence and Usage in Modern Greek lexicons and corpora of the 21st century

The creation of new words or expressions, known as neologisms, plays a crucial role in the evolution of language, reflecting societal changes, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. Their presence has become even more prominent in recent years due to the effects of globalization and the widespread influence of the English language. This thesis aims to investigate recent neologisms in Mod

Insurance Voting in the Centre: An Experimental Approach

Recent research suggests that to help their preferred coalition win an election, voters are willing to vote for a political party other than their preferred choice. In this field, voting for smaller parties under proportional representation is an under-studied feature. A crucial factor to estimate the chances for smaller parties is polls. In this study, we analyze the influence of opinion polls on