

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Organizational practices to incorporate Web Accessibility in the software development process

Web accessibility has become increasingly important to ensure all people can benefit from the information and services available on the web. Despite the multiple international web accessibility standards, studies have revealed a low compliance rate by organizations globally. This study emphasizes that the successful incorporation of Web accessibility in an organization requires a holistic vision t

The vision of the monopoly: An idea analysis of Systembolaget's campaign material through the decades

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the evolution of the Swedish state-owned company Systembolaget’s idea and message from 1970 to 2020 through advertising campaign material from each decade. The findings are then compared to Gösta Esping-Andersen’s welfare state model in Three worlds of Welfare Capitalism, changes in alcohol policy during that time period and the social marketing theory. To

Does leadership only have one gender?

Title: Does leadership only have one gender? - A study about the influence of gender and leadership roles on the leadership style and use of management controls in Sweden. Seminar date: 1 June 2022 Course: BUSN79, Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, Master level, 15 ECTS Authors: Rebecca Rosenqvist and Christina Papadopoulou Supervisor: Elin Funck Key words: Social Role Theory, Manageme

Påverkas tonen i VD-ordet av bolagets lönsamhet?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna om VD-ordet förmedlar en rättvisande bild av bolagets finansiella ställning genom att undersöka om tonläge skiljer sig beroende på finansiell prestation. Teori: Legitimitetsteorin, Impression Management och Institutionell teori Metod: Studien använder en kvantitativ metod där sjuttiosex bolag på Stockholm Mid Cap undersöks. Genom datorstödd innehållsanalPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if the CEO letter mediates a fair picture of the company's financial position by determining if the tone of the CEO letter differs depending on financial performance. Theoretical perspectives: Legitimacy theory, Impression management and Institutional theory. Methodology: The study uses a quantitative method where seventysix companies listed o

Förtroende är nyckeln till framgång

Titel: “Förtroende är nyckeln till framgång” - En kvalitativ studie om vad det är som gör att unga vuxna får förtroende för influencers, ur följarnas perspektiv Seminariumdatum: 2022-06-03 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Björkenheim, Nicoline. Paulson, Stella. Åström, Carolina Handledare: Peter Svensson Nyckelord: Influencers, social mediaTitle: “Trust is the key to success” - A qualitative study explaining why young adults gain confidence in influencers, from the followers perspective Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project In Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 Credits Authors: Björkenheim, Nicoline. Paulson, Stella. Åström, Carolina Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Influencers, s

The Impact of Financial Crises and Natural Disasters on the US Catastrophe Bond Market

Catastrophe (CAT) bonds bring the needs of (re)insurance companies and investors together: They insure against natural disasters by transferring risk to the capital market while at the same time promising high returns and a certain detachment from financial markets. Being an alternative investment class that has been on the rise only in recent years, academic research on CAT bonds is comparatively

The Effect of Anticholinergic Medications on People living with Dementia: A Systematic Literature Review.

Abstract: Background: Dementia is a global public health concern as it causes high dependency of the patients with Dementia (PwD) on their families and the community. Dementia is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder for the elderly often associated with many comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney diseases, etc. which require different medications for treatment. The use of A

Exploring the Perception of Mental Well-being among Myanmar Migrants with refugee status during their Resettlement Process in Sweden A Qualitative Content Analysis

Background and Aim: Sweden is one of the European countries which receive refugees worldwide, including those from Myanmar. As Myanmar refugees begin to resettle in Swedish society, they might experience challenges that may affect their mental health and well-being. Although mental health problems of immigrants in Sweden have increased over the past years, few studies have addressed the mental wel

The Culture of Sexual Violence at Festivals: Through the Eyes of Festival Attendees

This thesis examines sexual violence at festivals based on eleven interviews with people that have been to two popular festivals in Iceland, Eistnaflug, and Þjóðhátíð. The thesis seeks answers to three research questions; How are festivals characterized by festival attendees? How do festival attendees explain sexual violence at festivals? What preventive methods at festivals have festival attendee

Att förverkligas i den mån man erkänns - Minnespolitik om Förintelsen av romer och betydelsen av erkännande

Förintelsen är ett skrämmande exempel på vad som kan ske när man inte erkänner människors lika värde. Romerna, jämte judarna, var grupper som utsattes för nazisternas systematiska förföljelse på rasmässiga grunder. Trots en traumatisk historia fortsätter Förintelsen av romer att hamna i utkanten av minnespolitiken. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och analysera närvaron, bristen eller fråThe Holocaust is a frightening example of what can happen when one does not recognize the equal value of human beings. The Romani people, along the Jews, were groups that were exposed to systematic persecution on racial grounds by the Nazi regime. Despite a traumatic history, the Holocaust of Roma continues to end up on the outskirts. The objective of this paper, “To be realised to the extent one

Cirkulär vattenanvändning i Simrishamns kommun ur en kvalitetsaspekt - Möjligheterna för återanvändning av vatten för dricksvattenändamål och bevattning av åkermark efter konstgjord infiltration

Färskvatten av god kvalitet och kvantitet är avgörande för mänsklig överlevnad och livskvalitet. För att ta vara på befintliga vattenresurser vid vattenbrist kan renat avloppsvatten återanvändas. Simrishamns kommun i östra Skåne upplever redan idag vattenbrist och återanvändning av vatten genom konstgjord infiltration övervägs därför. Syftet med det här arbetet är att klargöra den kemiska kvalitetSufficient quantity and quality of fresh water is crucial for human survival and quality of life. Water resources in water scarce areas can be efficiently managed by water reuse. In the Swedish municipality of Simrishamn, water scarcity is already a fact. Therefore, indirect water reuse by artificial infiltration is considered. The aim of this project is to examine the chemical quality and thereby

One Size Does Not Fit All - A study on crisis management within a Swedish university during the COVID-19 pandemic

The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the current field of research on crisis management within higher education. More precisely, this thesis aims to increase the understanding of the scope and dimensions to be considered by universities when preparing and planning for a potential crisis. A qualitative study with abductive reasoning has been conducted to fulfill the purpose of this t

Bakom kulisserna på cancelkultur

Examensarbetets titel: Bakom kulisserna på cancelkultur Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Tilda Alexandersson, Sandra Andreasson och Linnéa Wrobel Handledare: Peter Svensson Fem nyckelord: Cancelkultur, Generation Z, Drivkrafter, Kapitalteori, Bandwagon-effekt Forskningsfråga: Vilka bakomliggandeTitle: Behind the scenes of cancel culture Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing. Authors: Tilda Alexandersson, Sandra Andreasson and Linnéa Wrobel Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Cancel culture, Generation Z, Driving force, Capital theory, Bandwagon-effect Research question: What underlying d

Evaluation of a testing method for shear stiffness properties for cross laminated timber

Utvärdering av testmetod för bestämning av skjuvstyvhet för korslimmat trä Byggbranschen står inför stora utmaningar de kommande åren. Cirka 20% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser kommer från just denna bransch. Betong, som länge varit ett tryggt och pålitligt val är en av bovarna i dramat. Nya mer klimatsmarta byggmaterial är därför ett måste. Ett allt mer populärt alternativ till betonCross laminated timber (CLT) is an engineered wood product that was first developed in the 1990s. Since then it has grown in popularity thanks to its many advantages such as: low environment impact, high degree of prefabrication and low weight. As the material is relatively new the standardization process is still in the early stages. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate a testing method whic

Sequential Good-Turing and the Missing Species Problem

This essay introduces the sequential Good-Turing estimator and reviews the Good-Turing, Good-Toulmin and smoothed Good-Toulmin estimators. Some theoretical properties and drawbacks of the estimators are described. MonteCarlo simulation is then used to compare the performance of the sequential Good-Turing estimator to the performance of the Good-Toulmin estimator along with the smoothed Good-Toulmi

En granskning av hydrogelparametrar för bioprintning

Bioprinting is the act of using a 3D-printer in order to make structures out of materials that contain living cells. A big problem with this is that there is no defined standard for how this bioink should be made or what characteristics it should possess. This report intends to establish a set of criterias with which to evaluate the quality of the hydrogel used to create a bioink. This project wil

Climate Change Performance as a Proxy for Transformative Capacity: A quantitative study of the relationship between the cognitive, structural and agency dimension of transformative capacity and climate change performance of 43 countries (2008-2022)

In this study, the quantitative relationship between the three dimensions of transformative capacity – cognitive, structural and agency – and the climate change performance of countries is examined. To do this, indexes are created and panel data regressions conducted. The result indicates a significant negative relationship between the cognitive and diversity dimension index and climate change per

Merger Control in the EU: When is an Impediment to Effective Competition Significant?

Merger control is an important component of competition law in the EU. There are two levels of merger control in the EU. The first level is EU merger control for transactions that have an EU dimension, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Commission under the EU Merger Regulation. The second level is national merger control for transactions which do not meet the criteria of the EU Merger Regu

A study of Spontenous CP Violation in the Scale Invariant 2HDM

Inom partikelfysik försöker forskare hitta en så djupgående och allmän modell som möjligt. Den modell som experimentellt har verifierats kallas för Standardmodellen (SM). Det finns dock andra teorier, såsom Tvåhiggsdubbletmodellen (2HDM), som innehåller mer exotisk fysik. Dock är experimentella verktyg begränsade och som fysiker vill man gärna kunna ha en teori för att kunna förutspå egenskaper soIn this thesis, we study the Higgs mass spectrum and spontaneous CP violation, where one of the Higgs vacuum expectation values acquires a non-trivial phase θ in a Type-I 2HDM. We begin by investigating CP violating effects at tree-level, and then expand our studies by taking into account one-loop radiative corrections. After imposing tadpole conditions we discover that this model gives the same m

Machine learning framework for maxillofacial preoperative planning

Artificial intelligence in biomedical image processing is approaching human performance at object localization while saving immense amounts of time for the physicians. These AI algorithms have the potential to automatically segment anatomical structures for preoperative planning. However, there are currently no tools such tools on the market. This study propose a framework of generating effective