

Din sökning på "*" gav 533179 sökträffar

Sweah conference 2019 call for abstracts 0

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden CALL FOR ABSTRACTS On the theme AGEING AND HEALTH SWEAH will host a conference focusing on multi- and inter-professional research on ageing and health. The conference is aimed for people engaged and affiliated with SWEAH, i.e. PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, supervisors, partner representatives and board members within SWEAH. Submissions may r

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_2019_call_for_abstracts_0.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_22-24_oct_2019_program.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 1

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_22-24_oct_2019_program_1.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 5

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_22-24_oct_2019_program_5.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 7

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors Supervising the doctorate in a multidisciplinary context: opportunities and challenges Sandra Torres, Professor of Sociology, Uppsala University 15.00-16.00 Coffee and registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to t

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_22-24_oct_2019_program_7.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 9

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors Supervising the doctorate in a multidisciplinary context: opportunities and challenges Sandra Torres, Professor of Sociology, Uppsala University 15.00-16.00 Fika and registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! M

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_conference_22-24_oct_2019_program_9.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah folder eng 2018

LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 www.lu.se sweah THE SWEDISH NATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR COMPETITIVE SCIENCE ON AGEING AND HEALTH National Graduate School on Ageing and Health The Swedish National Graduate School for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) is funded by the Swedish Research Council and coordinated by Lund University. The mission of the graduate scho

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_folder_eng_2018.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah konferens 22-24 okt 2019 p program

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_konferens_22-24_okt_2019_p_program.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah konferens 22-24 okt 2019 program 0

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_konferens_22-24_okt_2019_program_0.pdf - 2025-02-07

Sweah life-course and old-age exclusion 2019 - programme final version

Microsoft Word - Mikaels edit Till annonsen hemsida Äldre och åldrande 150925 1 Doctoral course ‘Life-course and Old Age Exclusion’ Course plan Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University in collaboration with Aging Research Center (ARC), Karolinska Institutet & Stockholm University and Research Centre for Ageing and Later Life (ReCALL),

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/sweah_life-course_and_old-age_exclusion_2019_-_programme_final_version.pdf - 2025-02-07

Syllabus communication and knowledge transl

Kommunikation och kunskapsdialog eng Research Programmes Board , FUN Communication and Knowledge Translation in Research on Ageing and Health, MEKÅH01 3 credits Third cycle General Information The course is offered within the context of the Swedish Graduate School for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) which is a consortium of partners from different higher education institutions and

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/syllabus_communication_and_knowledge_transl.pdf - 2025-02-07

Syllabus postdoc course 2018

Brevmall Postal address Box 157, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Baravägen 3, Lund Telephone +46 46 222 19 42 Website www.sweah.lu.se From junior to senior researcher in research on ageing and health Level: Postdoctoral General information The course is offered within the context of the Swedish Graduate School for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) which is a consortium of partners from

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/syllabus_postdoc_course_2018.pdf - 2025-02-07

Ten years with case

PowerPoint Presentation 2016-10-27 Susanne Iwarsson, Inst för hälsovetenskaper & Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments http://www.med.lu.se/case Ten Years with CASE Professor Susanne Iwarsson, Director 2016-10-27 Susanne Iwarsson, Inst för hälsovetenskaper & Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments CASE Vision Supportive Environments for Ageing creating societal change enhancing healt

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/ten_years_with_case.pdf - 2025-02-07


Lund University 2019 | EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND COLLABORATION SINCE 1666 A WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY To understand, explain and improve Lund University was founded in 1666 and, ever since, has been a centre of culture and learning. We are repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. One of our strengths is our unique disciplinary range and our ability to generate boundary-crossing collabo

https://www.thm.lu.se/en/sites/thm.lu.se.en/files/lu-presentation-brochure-eng-2019.pdf - 2025-02-07

Seminar on migration and the arts

Seminar on Migration and the Arts: Borders, Intercultural Collaborations and Education Malmö, Nov 30 - Dec 1 In this seminar we join forces to expand knowledge on migration flows and sustainable societies through inviting knowledge forms from the Arts. The presenters represent research and practice from theatre and music and all share a deep interest and experience from wor- king in intercultural

https://www.thm.lu.se/en/sites/thm.lu.se.en/files/seminar_on_migration_and_the_arts.pdf - 2025-02-07

2007 kuriost

Utställning på Universitetsbiblioteket i lUnd 2 november 2007 – 16 febrUari 2008 2 3 Kuriöst UtställningsprodUktion, text & grafik: Håkan Håkansson foto: bengt melliander Utställningsansvarig: björn dal Kuriosakabinettens sällsamma värld Universitetsbibliotekets utställningskatalog 50 Apotekaren Ferrante Imperato (1550-1625) i Neapel skapade en av 1500-talets mest välkända naturaliesamlingar. Hans

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/2007_kuriost.pdf - 2025-02-07

2008 kartans ar

FOLDER Kartbilder 3 Universitetsbibliotekets utställningskatalog 53 2 Många kartor var i äldre tid handritade, kartor över hemman och socknar och hemliga krigskartor. Vi får väl anta att det var sådana som Årstafrun Märta Helena Reenstierna rapporterar om i sin dagbok den 23 maj 1804: ”Tillika med stugan uppbrändes under vederbörlig bevakning 3 lass gamla casserade Chartor, fordom värde 4000 RDr.

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/2008_kartans_ar.pdf - 2025-02-07

2009 brenner 350 ar

FOLDER Sappho i Sverige Sophia Elisabet Brenner 350 år 3 Universitetsbibliotekets utställningskatalog 55 Viktigare, kanske avgörande för Sophia Elisabet Brenners utveckling som lärd kvinna och skald, var hennes kontakter med Danmark. Bakom en uppvaktning av biskopen på Fyn, Thomas Kingo, anar vi medveten marknadsförings- strategi. Den mångåriga korrespondensen med Otto Sperling, polyhistor i Köpen

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/2009_brenner_350_ar.pdf - 2025-02-07

2009 genen 100 ar

FOLDER Genen 100 år 3 Universitetsbibliotekets utställningskatalog 57 2 Genen definieras Wilhelm Johannsen (1857-1927) föddes i Helsingör och fick aldrig ta studenten utan utbildar sig istället till farmaceut. Han anställs på Carlsbergs forskningslaboratorium och år 1892 på Landbohöjskolen i Köpenhamn. Han experimente- rar med fröstorlek hos bönor och visar att det lönar sig inte att selektera i p

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/2009_genen_100_ar.pdf - 2025-02-07