

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Göra en vetenskaplig poster

På denna sida kan du få tips på hur du kan göra en effektiv och engagerande poster och få reda på vilket stöd som finns på fakulteten när du ska göra en poster. Tänk på detta innan du börjar din layout Anpassa ditt material till målgrupp och sammanhang Modifiera din text och dina bilder innan du börjar arbeta – undvik att klistra in text och figurer från ditt manus rakt av Begränsa och reducera di

https://www.intramed.lu.se/doktorera/stod-langs-vagen/gora-en-vetenskaplig-poster - 2025-03-12

Programnämnden för omvårdnad, radiografi samt reproduktiv, perinatal och sexuell hälsa (PN-ORR)

PN-ORR ansvarar för elva utbildningsprogram på grund- respektive avancerad nivå. Ledamöterna består av ordförande, sex lärarrepresentanter varav en är vice ordförande, två yrkeslivsrepresentanter och tre till fyra studentrepresentanter. Dessutom har två yrkeslivsrepresentanter, programdirektörer, representant från MedCUL och studentföreningens ordförande närvaro- och yttranderätt. Sammanträdestide

https://www.intramed.lu.se/organisation-och-styrning/namnder-och-kommitteer/utbildning/programnamnder/programnamnden-omvardnad-radiografi-samt-reproduktiv-perinatal-och-sexuell-halsa-pn-orr - 2025-03-12

Publicera och skriva manus

Här hittar du information om det stöd som finns för vetenskaplig publicering under hela forskarutbildningen: från nyantagen doktorand till disputation. Du kan få hjälp med attVälja tidskrift för att skicka in ditt manuskriptBedöma om en tidskrift är seriös eller inteSkapa effektiva figurer och grafiska abstraktHantera dina referenser med EndnotePublicera din artikel open accessVälja rätt Creative

https://www.intramed.lu.se/doktorera/stod-langs-vagen/publicera-och-skriva-manus - 2025-03-12


Förberedelser Här hittar du information om krav för doktorsexamen, disputationsanmälan och jävsregler. Avhandlingens utformning och disputationsakten Här hittar du bland annat information om avhandlingens utformning, kravlista och plagiatkontroll. Disputationsbokning Här kan du boka disputationstid. Efter disputation Läs mer om examensbevis och doktorspromotion. Licentiatexamen Här hittar du infor

https://www.intramed.lu.se/doktorera/fran-antagning-till-examination/examination - 2025-03-12

Styrdokument och handböcker

Styrdokument och handböcker Styrdokument och handbok vid Medicinska fakulteten Regler för utbildning på forskarnivå (pdf 486,4 kB, ny flik)Riktlinjer för antagning till utbildning på forskarnivå (pdf 142,0 kB, ny flik)Allmän studieplan medicinsk vetenskap, doktorsexamen 2024-01-01 (pdf 268,0 kB, ny flik)Allmän studieplan medicinsk vetenskap, licentiatexamen 2024-01-01 (pdf 251,0 kB, ny flik)Äldre

https://www.intramed.lu.se/doktorera/att-utbilda-sig-pa-forskarniva/styrdokument-och-handbocker - 2025-03-12

EKH Seminar - Liyuan Shi

10 June 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar Seminar title: TBA Liyuan Shi, Ph.D. student at CED/EKH, will present her final seminar titled:TBA Liyuan Shi webpage (lu.se) Commentators: Jonas Helgertz at EKH and Martin Lindström Social Medicine, both at LUJonas Helgertz webpage (lu.se)Martin Lindström webpage (lu.se) About the eventLocation:Alfa1:1104, Scheelevägen 15B, 223 63 LundContact:sean [dot] kenny

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/ekh-seminar-liyuan-shi - 2025-03-12

Arbete och försörjning Seminar: Martin Andersson & Kerstin Enflo

27 May 2025 13:15 to 15:00 | Seminar Martin Andersson, associate professor in agrarian history at SLU, and Kerstin Enflo, professor in economic history at LU, will present in the seminar series "Arbete och försörjning", jointly arranged by the departments of Economic History and History. Please note that the seminar will be held in Swedish and that the seminar room is located at the Department of

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/arbete-och-forsorjning-seminar-martin-andersson-kerstin-enflo - 2025-03-12

Arbete och försörjning Seminar: Martin Ericsson

21 March 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar Martin Ericsson, associate professor at the department of History, will present in the seminar series "Arbete och försörjning", jointly arranged by the departments of Economic History and History. Please note that the seminar will be held in Swedish! The title is:Skogsbrottslighet och skogsupplopp i 1800-talets Sverige. Utkast till en projektansökanMartin Eri

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/arbete-och-forsorjning-seminar-martin-ericsson - 2025-03-12

Arbete och försörjning Seminar: Maria Cufi Jou

11 April 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar Maria Cufi Jou, guest researcher at EKH and PhD student at Girona University,, will present in the seminar series "Arbete och försörjning", jointly arranged by the departments of Economic History and History. The preliminary title is:On living standards in 18th century CataloniaMaria Cufi Jou webpage (uge.edu)  About the eventLocation:Alfa1:1104, Scheelevägen

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/arbete-och-forsorjning-seminar-maria-cufi-jou - 2025-03-12

London Alumni Dinner

23 April 2025 18:30 | Other Lund University School of Economics and Management, in collaboration with the Lund University alumni office, warmly invites all alumni based in London to join us for a relaxed alumni dinner on 23 April. This event will be a fantastic opportunity to mingle with fellow alumni and get the latest updates from your alma mater.Invitations are sent to all London-based members

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/london-alumni-dinner-0 - 2025-03-12

"Research for breakfast" for LUSEM and LTH alumni

25 March 2025 07:45 to 09:00 | Lecture/talk Are you an alum curious about current research from LUSEM and LTH, the Lund University Faculty of Engineering? Interested in the opportunity to network with other alumni from both faculties? Then "Research for Breakfast" is for you!Please note, the event is in Swedish. For more information, please visit the Swedish event page.Information about the alumni

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/research-breakfast-lusem-and-lth-alumni - 2025-03-12

AI in Entrepreneurship Research: Gamechanger or Hype?

18 March 2025 11:00 to 12:00 | Seminar This seminar with Martin Obschonka, University of Amsterdam, is part of the SKJCE Seminar Series. We will discuss new trends in the Al domain for entrepreneurship research, with a focus on prospecting and establishing the new Al frontiers, and related challenges for scholars across the research process.Register hereUpcoming seminarsApril 15, Experiments in En

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/ai-entrepreneurship-research-gamechanger-or-hype - 2025-03-12

Experiments in Entrepreneurship Research: Opportunities and Obstacles

15 April 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Seminar This seminar with Silke Tegtmeier, University of Southern Denmark, is part of the SKJCE Seminar Series. Experimental designs provide a powerful lens to determine causality and have been labeled "the most rigorous of all research designs". However, relatively few entrepreneurship studies use an experimental design. In this talk, Silke will discuss opportunitie

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/experiments-entrepreneurship-research-opportunities-and-obstacles - 2025-03-12

Developing Entrepreneurship Education for Corporate Innovation and Venturing

13 May 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Seminar This seminar with Luke Pittaway, Ohio University, is part of the SKJCE Seminar Series. The seminar will explore entrepreneurship education (EE) within the context of large organizations. It reports a systematic literature review exploring corporate entrepreneurship and venturing, aiming to understand the roles, competencies, and skills needed to be successful a

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/developing-entrepreneurship-education-corporate-innovation-and-venturing - 2025-03-12

Research Questions and Problem Formulation in Entrepreneurship Education Studies

9 June 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Seminar This seminar with Jonas Gabrielsson, Halmstad University, is part of the SKJCE Seminar Series. This seminar will explore various sources of inspiration for formulating research questions in entrepreneurship education studies, drawing on recent research and practical examples to highlight the interplay between academic rigor and practical relevance.Register here

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/research-questions-and-problem-formulation-entrepreneurship-education-studies - 2025-03-12

Study Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration at Lund University is one of Sweden’s leading environments for education and research on business administration. An active and advanced research is conducted in areas such as organization and leadership.Lund University has been teaching and conducted research on business administration for more than 50 years. The School of Economics and Management is an i

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/department-business-administration/study-business-administration - 2025-03-12