

Din sökning på "*" gav 534698 sökträffar

Experiences of Everyday Life among Individuals with Co-Existence of Serious Mental Illness and Cancer : —A Qualitative Systematic Literature Review

Daily life with severe mental health (SMI) and cancer comorbidity entails multiple challenges. The study aims to explore everyday life experiences among individuals with SMI and cancer comorbidity from the perspectives of patients, significant others, and involved healthcare professionals. The study is registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021259604). A qualitative systematic review was conducted through s

Public health and nuclear winter : addressing a catastrophic threat

Despite the end of the Cold War, the world still has thousands of nuclear weapons and adversarial relations between the countries that possess them. A nuclear war could cause large and abrupt global environmental change known as nuclear winter, with potentially devastating public health consequences. A significant line of natural science research characterizes nuclear winter and its potential effe

Att byta till gröna tak - En jämförelse av ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar gentemot traditionella tak

Frågeställningar: - Är det gynnsamt att byta till gröna tak på befintliga byggnader i tätbebyggda städer? - På vilket sätt gynnar gröna tak samhället? - Hur skiljer sig kostnaderna mellan ett traditionellt tak och ett grönt tak? - Varför läggs det inte gröna tak på befintliga byggnader i större omfattning? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida det är gynnsamt att byta taket på be

Development and understanding of a model V2O5/anatase TiO2(101) SCR catalyst

Katalysatorer har många funktioner och applikationer, till exempel som enzymer i vår kropp eller katalysatorer i bilar. En katalysator är helt enkelt en substans som sänker den energi som krävs för att en kemisk reaktion ska ske och därmed öka reaktionshastigheten. Själva katalysatorn förbrukas inte under reaktionen. Inte alla katalysatorer hjälper alla reaktioner, olika katalysatorer har olika anA model V2O5/ anatase TiO2(101) SCR catalyst is studied with the purpose of developing and understanding the reaction mechanism through which this catalyst reduces NOx. Several reaction mechanisms have been proposed for this catalyst in the past, but there is still no agreement on which of these describe the reaction the best, if any. Two coverages of 2 ML and 0:33 ML V/ anatase TiO2 and the oxida

Can ancient pathogens emerging from glaciers and permafrost reach Europe by aerosolization?

Glaciers and permafrost capture bacteria and viruses when they form, which can be suspended for millennia. This includes long since extinct pathogens which are functionally novel. As polar regions get warmer these pathogens will emerge and spread through the local ecosystem, potentially altering it. Ancient pathogens do not only pose a risk to their local environments as they can be aerosolized an

Drones for Sea Rescue: Lab and Field Experiments on Camera Gimbal Control

Sjöräddningssällskapet (SSRS) driver idag ett projekt där man utforskar möjligheten att använda drönare vid uttryckning till havs. I detta examensarbete har en mjukvara för att styra en drönarkamera implementerats. Den har sedan utvärderats i labb och under en riktig flygning i Göteborgs skärgård.The objective of this thesis has been to improve the camera controls of a fixed-wing drone to be used in maritime search-and-rescue operations by the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS). A gimbal control interface (GCI) has been implemented that displays the video feed of the drone camera while taking control inputs from a joystick that moves its view in real-time. In the thesis, the GCI has been

Copula approach to fitting bivariate time series

We apply the GARCH-copula method to estimate Value at Risk (VaR) for European and Stockholm stock indices. First, marginal distributions are estimated by the ARMA-GARCH model with normal, Student-t, and skewed t distributions. Then we investigate the tails of innovations of ARMA-GARCH models using the Peaks over thresholds method and find that the distributions of stock returns are asymmetric

Implications of a rapidly thinning ice margin for annual moraine formation at Gornergletscher, Switzerland

Ice-marginal moraines are widely used as indicators of palaeoclimate in mountainous regions, yet the genetic processes of their formation remain incompletely understood. Here, we present new data on the geomorphology and sedimentology of annually formed moraine ridges in the foreland of Gornergletscher, Switzerland, with the aim of reconstructing the processes of their formation, assessing their p

Education for Sustainable Development: A case study of curricular documents from Cuba, France, and Romania

In the global agenda for sustainable development, quality education is a defined priority. Therefore, it is significant to assess how topics of sustainable development are taught in mandatory school. The present thesis purposes to analyse the written curricula for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) of Cuba, France, and Romania – the three countries top-ranked by the United Nations in 2020

Investigating the Reciprocal Relationship between News and Parliament: A Study of Strikes in the UK Using Deep-learning Sentiment Analysis and Vector Autoregression

Previous research has shown that the relationship between the news and parliament is complex and highly variable. Studies have found that in many countries, parliament has minimal influence on the news. However, in the UK, a reciprocal influence between parliament and the news was found, with the media having a stronger effect. This thesis investigates how the news and parliament affect each other

Assessing erythroferrone and iron homeostasis in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies : A retrospective study

Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder associated with maternal hypertension and placental dysfunction. A significant micronutrient during pregnancy is iron, which is important in cellular functions. While iron absorption increases in pregnancy, little is known about the exact mechanisms regulating maternal iron levels and transfer through the placenta in normal and compli

How can Business Incubators be Successful?

Business incubators facilitate the development of successful startups by providing them with the necessary resources and services. The importance of startups for the economy was highlighted by previous research, individuals could also reflect on how startups have affected their lives by introducing them to new products and services. However, the success rates of startups show that not every new ve

Fermentation of the Brown Seaweed Alaria esculenta by a Lactic Acid Bacteria Consortium Able to Utilize Mannitol and Laminari-Oligosaccharides

The brown seaweed Alaria esculenta is the second most cultivated species in Europe, and it is therefore of interest to expand its application by developing food products. In this study, a lactic acid bacteria consortium (LAB consortium) consisting of three Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains (relative abundance ~94%) and a minor amount of a Levilactobacillus brevis strain (relative abundance ~6%

Säljaren - den fysiska butikens viktigaste tillgång

Tidigare forskning belyser hur viktiga säljarna har blivit för den fysiska butiken när retailbranschen står i en omställning. Samtidigt lyfts befattningsosäkerhet som något som har inverkan på säljarnas motivation inför arbetet och i sin tur även deras prestationer. Ett forskningsgap identifierades då nuvarande forskning av befattningsosäkerhet i stor utsträckning utgjordes av kvantitativa enkäter