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Dispositionsprincipen - Principens tillämpning i skiljeförfaranden med ett särskilt fokus på tillämpningen i Svea Hovrätts mål nr T 3623-21 och T 1356-18

Dispositionsprincipen är en grundläggande princip i svensk processrätt. Prin-cipen innebär att rätten endast ska eller får företa en viss processhandling på yrkande av en eller båda parterna. Principen gäller i såväl domstolsprocesser som i skiljetvister. I svensk processrätt kommer dispositionsprincipen främst till uttryck i 17 kap. 3 § rättegångsbalken, vilken i första meningen föreskri-ver att The principle of party-disposition is a fundamental principle in Swedish pro-cedural law. The principle means that the court should only undertake a cer-tain procedural action upon the request of one or both parties. This principle applies to both court proceedings and arbitration disputes. In Swedish pro-cedural law, the principle of party-disposition is primarily expressed in Chapter 17, Section

Real-time remote processing enabled by high speed Ethernet

A growing trend within the technologies acting as enablers for 6g, such as Massive MIMO and Large Intelligence Surfaces, is benefiting from both the communication and the positioning aspects that they can provide. As these kinds of systems are employing a large number of arrays which provide high amounts of data, a distributed hardware approach having near-antenna processing is explored in this wo

Blood volume in patients likely to be preload responsive : a post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Background: Preload responsive postoperative patients with signs of inadequate organ perfusion are commonly assumed to be hypovolemic and therefore treated with fluids to increase preload. However, preload is influenced not only by blood volume, but also by venous vascular tone and the contribution of these factors to preload responsiveness in this setting is unknown. Based on this, the objective

FRIENDLY is required for efficient dark-induced mitophagy and controlled senescence in Arabidopsis

Mitochondria play essential roles in plant metabolism, supporting both development and stress responses. To maintain a healthy pool of mitochondria, several quality control systems are in place. Selected degradation of mitochondria by autophagy -mitophagy- has been extensively studied in yeast and animals, but information on mitophagy components in plants is limited. The ‘Friendly Mitochondria’ (F

Water Scarcity and Development A case study of the Euphrates water shortages and their implications on northern Syria.

In yet another alarming development in Syria, the waters of the Euphrates River have declined to critically low levels in 2021. The unprecedented low water levels of the Euphrates put nearly 5.5 million Syrians at risk as they depend on the Euphrates basin for drinking water and agricultural production. This study examines the phenomenon of water shortages in the Euphrates River whilst utilising t

Winds of injustice: Exploring new extractive frontiers in La Guajira, Colombia

In Colombia, the renewable energy transition has brought a focus on the La Guajira department, which is largely inhabited by the Indigenous Wayúu communities, which face a long history of exploitation, marginalisation and neglect. The Colombian path towards a just renewable energy transition is obscured by the controversies surrounding the large-scale expansion of wind parks and associated infrast

Female participation in public life under the Saudi socialization process: using two Saudi female films as the perspective

This thesis explores Saudi women’s participation in public life, particularly the changing role of women in public life before and after the launch of Saudi vision 2030. Taking a qualitative content analysis, this thesis uses two representative Saudi female films directed by the first Saudi female director, and , as my cases. It also attempts to explore the dynamic interplay between the social ch

An institutional weakness? – The participation of Chinese miners in Ghana’s artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector.

This thesis addresses the ongoing debate on the involvement of Chinese nationals in Ghana's artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector. Despite the Minerals and Mining Law, Act 703 (2006) prohibiting foreigners from engaging in ASGM, it is reported that about 50,000 Chinese nationals have migrated to rural Ghana to engage in illegal mining activities. This has caught the attention of

The relationship between biomass and stand age in Swedish forests

The accumulation of carbon (C) within boreal forest biomass is an important component of the global carbon cycle. Whilst it is understood that old forests contain a large carbon stock, the continued sequestration of carbon in these forests is debated. Swedish forests today are intensively managed as even-aged monocultures with short rotation times and have historically been managed through selecti

Tradition vs. Human Rights? Analyzing Racialized Branding from a Business and Human Rights Perspective

Systemic racism is a prevalent and longstanding problem in society that gained widespread public interest through the Black Lives Matter movement. Following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, the movement expanded to Austria and brought heightened attention to the racialized branding of an Austrian brewery. Here, this expansion contributed to an existing resistance of the NO MOHR campaign aga

Implementering av ISO 9001 och ISO 14001 i små och medelstora företag i byggsektorn

Titel: Implementering av ISO 9001 och ISO 14001 i små och medelstora företag inom byggsektorn Författare: Karl Eklund, IBYA20 Alexander Lindbäck, IBYA20 Handledare: Anne Landin, Institution för byggvetenskaper avd. byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Examinator: Urban Persson, Institution för byggvetenskaper avd. byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka Title: Implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in small and medium-sized companies in the construction sector Authors: Karl Eklund, IBYA20 Alexander Lindbäck, IBYA20 Supervisor: Anne Landin, Department of building sciences dept. Construction production, Lund University of Technology Examiner: Urban Persson, Department of building sciences dept. Construction production, Lund University of Techn

Holocene environmental history of Warming Land, northern Greenland: a study based on lake sediments

A sediment record obtained from a small lake in Warming Land, northern Greenland was subjected to biostratigraphic and geochemical analyses to investigate environmental and climatic changes during the last c. 2300 years. Macrofossil analysis, encompassing both vegetation and fauna, was applied to assess the ecological dynamics of the lake and its catchment. Geochemical proxies in the form of total

Investigation of Sponge Phase Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Purposes

Titel: Porösa lipidnanopartiklar som läkemedelsbärare Ingress: Porösa lipidnanopartiklar är ett lovande alternativ till de lipidnanopartiklar som används i exempelvis vaccin mot Covid-19. Med sina stora porer är förhoppningen att de ska kunna leverera större molekyler och vara ett bra alternativ för läkemedelsleverans till celler. Porösa lipidnanopartiklar, på engelska 'sponge phase nanoparSponge phase nanoparticles are lipid-based particles with a porous structure, forming pores with sizes up to 13 nm in diameter. These particles have been proposed for drug delivery by loading cargo within the pores, similar to how ionisable nanoparticles are used today. The larger pores could allow for larger cargo to be delivered to cells. Sponge phase nanoparticles, 277 ± 29 nm in diameter, were

Current state of AI Adoption in Swedish Banks: Rationales, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionise numerous sectors, and the banking industry is no different. This study investigates the rationales, challenges, and lessons learned from AI incorporation within Sweden's banking system. The research's objective is to elucidate the AI integration process and offer valuable guidance to organisations considering a similar te

Micromechanical Characterization of Thin Paper Materials

Hur ser framtidens hållbara förpackning ut och vad är den tillverkad av? För att besvara denna fråga blir mikromekanisk karakterisering av material en viktig parameter att utforska och förstå. I synnerhet är mikromekaniken hos tunna pappersmaterial intressant då materialet har användningspotential i flera förpackningsapplikationer. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att studera mikromekaniska beteeWhat does the future sustainable package look like, and what is it made of? To answer this question, the micromechanical characterization of materials becomes an important parameter to explore and understand. In particular, the micromechanical behavior of thin paper materials is of interest due to its potential in sustainable packaging applications. This master's thesis focuses on investigati

Experiences of Everyday Life among Individuals with Co-Existence of Serious Mental Illness and Cancer : —A Qualitative Systematic Literature Review

Daily life with severe mental health (SMI) and cancer comorbidity entails multiple challenges. The study aims to explore everyday life experiences among individuals with SMI and cancer comorbidity from the perspectives of patients, significant others, and involved healthcare professionals. The study is registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021259604). A qualitative systematic review was conducted through s

Public health and nuclear winter : addressing a catastrophic threat

Despite the end of the Cold War, the world still has thousands of nuclear weapons and adversarial relations between the countries that possess them. A nuclear war could cause large and abrupt global environmental change known as nuclear winter, with potentially devastating public health consequences. A significant line of natural science research characterizes nuclear winter and its potential effe

Att byta till gröna tak - En jämförelse av ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar gentemot traditionella tak

Frågeställningar: - Är det gynnsamt att byta till gröna tak på befintliga byggnader i tätbebyggda städer? - På vilket sätt gynnar gröna tak samhället? - Hur skiljer sig kostnaderna mellan ett traditionellt tak och ett grönt tak? - Varför läggs det inte gröna tak på befintliga byggnader i större omfattning? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida det är gynnsamt att byta taket på be