Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar
Assessing erythroferrone and iron homeostasis in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies : A retrospective study
Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder associated with maternal hypertension and placental dysfunction. A significant micronutrient during pregnancy is iron, which is important in cellular functions. While iron absorption increases in pregnancy, little is known about the exact mechanisms regulating maternal iron levels and transfer through the placenta in normal and compli
The Role of the Corporate Purpose and How Investor Relations Officers Make Sense of It
How can Business Incubators be Successful?
Business incubators facilitate the development of successful startups by providing them with the necessary resources and services. The importance of startups for the economy was highlighted by previous research, individuals could also reflect on how startups have affected their lives by introducing them to new products and services. However, the success rates of startups show that not every new ve
In the Maelstrom : The Waffen-SS "Galicia" Division and its Legacy, by Myroslav Shkandrij. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023
Fermentation of the Brown Seaweed Alaria esculenta by a Lactic Acid Bacteria Consortium Able to Utilize Mannitol and Laminari-Oligosaccharides
The brown seaweed Alaria esculenta is the second most cultivated species in Europe, and it is therefore of interest to expand its application by developing food products. In this study, a lactic acid bacteria consortium (LAB consortium) consisting of three Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains (relative abundance ~94%) and a minor amount of a Levilactobacillus brevis strain (relative abundance ~6%
Säljaren - den fysiska butikens viktigaste tillgång
Tidigare forskning belyser hur viktiga säljarna har blivit för den fysiska butiken när retailbranschen står i en omställning. Samtidigt lyfts befattningsosäkerhet som något som har inverkan på säljarnas motivation inför arbetet och i sin tur även deras prestationer. Ett forskningsgap identifierades då nuvarande forskning av befattningsosäkerhet i stor utsträckning utgjordes av kvantitativa enkäter
Advancing the Conceptualization and Measurement of Psychological Need States in Education Settings: The Unique Role of Psychological Need Unfulfillment
Samspelet mellan projektledare och entreprenör
Titel: Sampel mellan projektledare och entreprenör Författare: Mohamad Baradey, Semco Baker Handledare: Radhlinah Aulin Examinator: Rikard Sundling Syfte & mål: Studien kommer att undersöka hur samspelet ser ut mellan entreprenören och projektledaren idag. Det kommer även att undersökas om hur samspelet kan förbättras och vilka skillnader i samspelet det finns mellan utförande- och totalen
Ofrivilligt celibat och ett liv präglat av missnöje; En netnografisk studie av ett svenskt incelforum
Incelrörelsen, en gemenskap baserad på internet bestående av män som lever i ofrivilligt celibat, har fått ökad uppmärksamhet de senaste åren mycket på grund av de våldsdåd som har kopplats till rörelsen. Men forskning uppmanar till att se bortom det kvinnohat och de våldsdåd som incelrörelsen till stor del associeras med för att förstå varför män söker sig till denna omdiskuterade gemenskap. Fors
Economic Complexity and Income Inequality Across Countries and Regions
This thesis provides a comprehensive empirical study of the association between economic complexity and income inequality from a multilevel macro perspective. It explores the relationship between economic complexity and income inequality across the countries and regions of the OECD, with a particular focus on regional income inequality in Spain. This relationship is assessed using regression analy
Sjukvårdens kontinuitet - Att säkerställa sjukhus funktion och stabilitet
Vital societal functions are as the name suggests critical for the continued function of society. One of these functions is hospitals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate continuity management within hospitals. Regulations and laws regarding the Swedish health system will be presented along with an overview of how hospital continuity management works today. A topic that will be discussed i
Responsiveness of the patient-specific Canadian occupational performance measure and a fixed-items activity limitations measure in patients with dupuytren disease
Background: Patients with Dupuytren disease experience various activity limitations. Treatment aims to reduce finger joint contractures to improve hand function and activity performance. For assessing improvement different patient-centered measures have been used. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) was developed as an interview-based outcome measure to detect changes over time in
Removing obstacles to AM should still be the focus : a reply to Dickie et al.
Radially graded metal foams arrangement in heat storage device of photothermal utilization systems
Metal foam was adopted for improving inherent low thermal conductivity of traditional thermal energy storage (TES), which conducted higher solar energy conversion efficiency. With consideration of more energy response and the mixing enhancement effect on heat conduction and natural convection, this work investigated a vertical TES tube in solar energy photothermal utilization systems, embedded in
Reading the City: Architectural sites as the interlocutors of past, present and future identity in Dubai
This thesis explores the ways in which architectural sites establish and maintain Dubai’s claim to global city status. In a globalized world, localities must succeed in translocal networks in order to ensure their survival and prosperity, and global recognition of local uniqueness is thus integral to the establishment of global cities. Architecture plays an essential role in producing locality in
Menstrual Blood, Sweat and Tears: A Qualitative Study on Women’s Menstrual Health Management at Workplace Settings in Maputo, Mozambique
Equal participation in safe and decent work is a crucial factor for achieving gender equality. Despite this, gender-based obstacles remain as workplaces often fail to ensure the human rights, health, and general wellbeing of their employees, with menstrual health being an especially neglected aspect of the gendered workplace experience. While menstrual health has gained increased attention over th
Supporting education or deepening inequity? An Analysis of Voluntary Donations in State Schools: The Case of Reading
This thesis will explore the social norms around the practice of voluntary donations. It will also discuss more generally what this system of school funding means in terms of equality. All of which will be done using a socio-legal conception of norms and theories of capital. The data of this thesis consists of funding reports requested from schools, academic reports reported by the government and
Att inspirera och interagera: Utforskning av showroom-formatets värdeskapande aspekter
Inledning: Denna studie undersöker förändringar i konsumtionsvanor till följd av digitaliseringen samt betonar behovet av anpassningsbara butiksformat. I synnerhet undersöks showroom-formatet och dess värdeskapande aspekter från konsumenternas perspektiv. Syfte: Denna studie undersöker hur kunder uppfattar och skapar värde i showroom-formatet, där fysiska och sociala aspekter av butiksmiljön analy
Hur mönsterseparation och igenkänningsminne förändras med tiden – En experimentell minnesstudie
I begreppet minne ryms flera kognitiva processer. En viktig minnesförmåga är mönsterseparation, som innebär att skilja nya visuella intryck från redan kända. Det datoriserade bildminnestestet MST (Mnemonic Similarity Task) har tagits fram för att testa denna förmåga. MST administrerades över internet, och 38 deltagare testades vid flera sessioner för att jämföra förmågan vid olika tidpunkter. DessThe concept of memory consists of several cognitive processes. An important memory ability is pattern separation, which means distinguishing new visual impressions from already known ones. The computerised picture memory test MST (Mnemonic Similarity Task) has been developed to test this ability. The MST was administered online, and 38 participants were tested at multiple sessions to compare abili