Din sökning på "*" gav 527284 sökträffar
PHENIX direct photons in 200 GeV p+p and Au+Au collisions.
Power Savings in Digital Filters for Wireless Communication
This paper presents a methodology to reduce the power consumption, silicon area, as well as increasing the performance, in digital filters that are feasible for wireless communication circuitries. The method is based on arithmetic reductions in a wave digital filter. Basically, the multipliers are removed to reduce the number of arithmetic operations. All parameters including the dynamic and stati
An XML representation of DAE systems obtained from continuous-time Modelica models
This contribution outlines an XML format for representation of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) models obtained from continuous time Modelica models and possibly also from other equation-based modeling languages. The purpose is to offer a standardized model exchange format which is based on the DAE formalism and which is neutral with respect to model usage. Many usages of models go beyond wh
Assessing Response System Capabilities of Socio-technical Systems
Our society is becoming more and more dependent upon the reliable function of a number of vital socio-technical systems. These systems are often being referred to as critical infrastructures, or lifeline systems, indicating their importance for supporting a nation’s economy and social well-being. In the present paper a method is presented for assessing the capability of those actors involved in re
Flexible displays
Safety as perceived by wheelchair-seated passengers in special transportation services
Komiskt falskspel med välstämd satir
Becoming visible
Finns det skillnader i kvinnliga och manliga teknologers inställning till samarbetslärande i matematikundervisningen?
Efter ett par terminers erfarenhets med en lättare variant av samarbetslärande inom matematikundervisningen på LTH, har försöket utvärderats via en enkät. I utvärderingen fokuserade vi på genusaspekten för att försöka ge svar till frågan om kvinnliga och manliga teknologer hade olika inställning till arbetssättet. Resultaten visar att det finns ett överlag positivt mottagande till metodiken bland
Molecular cloning of epididymal and seminal vesicular transcripts encoding a semenogelin-related protein
Freshly ejaculated human semen has the appearance of a loose gel in which the predominant structural protein components are the seminal vesicle-secreted semenogelins (Sg). The primary structure of the 439-residue SgI has previously been obtained by cDNA cloning. This cDNA cross-hybridizes to a larger transcript coding for a second secretory protein, SgII. Here we report the almost complete structu
Using 3D gesture controls for interacting with mechanical models
Populärvetenskapligt skrivande vidgar perspektivet och ökar förståelsen
On the potential and challenges of multi-method approaches for research on ageing. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
On the spectral efficiency of a sphere
In many cases it is desired to have both high capacity and small antennas in wireless communication systems. Unfortunately, the antenna performance deteriorate when the antennas get electrically small. In this paper fundamental limitations from antenna theory and broadband matching are used to analyze the spectral eciency of an arbitrary antenna inserted inside a sphere.
Situerad design för alla - till improvisationens lov
Visionen Design för Alla kan berikas genom att inriktningen på genomtänkta statiska lösningar kompletteras med ett design-för-alla-tänkande också för det dynamiska och situationsbundna. Själva görandet i stunden öppnar för nya möjligheter genom att handlingspotentialen och därmed även tillgängligheten bestäms i själva aktiviteten. Beskrivning och makt är nära förknippade med varandra, och en besk
Balancing BlockRAM and distributed RAM
Xilinx FPGAs offer both Block SelectRAM and distributed RAM for embedded memory. To investigate the impact of utilizing such opportunities, some variations on the hardware implementation of a SNOW 2.0 stream cipher IP core have been designed. We find the ratio of throughput and effective slice usage to be close to 3.5. This allows a flexible trade-off between speed and area consumption, with a thr