

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Svenska forskare har duckat för uppgiften

Efter att avhandlingen ”Global politisk islam?” godkändes i Lund i förra veckan förklarade Torsten Jansson varför han ville underkänna den.Sameh Egyptson bemöter själv kritiken och redogör varför han anser att hans avhandling är ett viktigt bidrag till att i grunden kunna skilja på islam och islamism.

Overview : The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEAR)

Baltic Earth is an independent research network of scientists from all Baltic Sea countries that promotes regional Earth system research. Within the framework of this network, the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs) were produced in the period 2019-2022. These are a collection of 10 review articles summarising current knowledge on the environmental and climatic state of the Earth system in the

Uncovering the cytotoxic effects of air pollution with multi-modal imaging of in vitro respiratory models

Annually, an estimated seven million deaths are linked to exposure to airborne pollutants. Despite extensive epidemiological evidence supporting clear associations between poor air quality and a range of short- and long-term health effects, there are considerable gaps in our understanding of the specific mechanisms by which pollutant exposure induces adverse biological responses at the cellular an

Comet Assay Profiling of FLASH-Induced Damage : Mechanistic Insights into the Effects of FLASH Irradiation

Numerous studies have demonstrated the normal tissue-sparing effects of ultra-high dose rate ‘FLASH’ irradiation in vivo, with an associated reduction in damage burden being reported in vitro. Towards this, two key radiochemical mechanisms have been proposed: radical–radical recombination (RRR) and transient oxygen depletion (TOD), with both being proposed to lead to reduced levels of induced dama

A process to assess fossil-free transport transition pathways and develop a sustainability roadmap for transport purchasers

Most (93%) of the greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector come from road traffic in Sweden which includes passenger and freight transport activity (Trafikverket, 2022). The aim of this thesis was to understand pathways that transport purchasers can pursue to reach the fossil-free transportation goals from manufacturing plant to customer and to develop a process for assessing a market and

Direct Reprogramming of Mouse and Human Fibroblasts into Conventional Dendritic Cells Type 1

Cell fate reprogramming of adult cells towards pluripotency or unrelated somatic cell-types has been explored in the context of regenerative medicine. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) specialized in the recognition, processing and presentation of antigens to T-cells, inducing adaptive immunity. In particular, the mouse conventional DCs type 1 (cDC1) subset or

Long-term changes of nitrogen leaching and the contributions of terrestrial nutrient sources to lake eutrophication dynamics on the Yangtze Plain of China

Over the past half-century, drastically increased chemical fertilizers have entered agricultural ecosystems to promote crop production on the Yangtze Plain, potentially enhancing agricultural nutrient sources for eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems. However, long-term trends of nitrogen dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems and their impacts on eutrophication changes in this region remain poorly

Experimental oscillator strengths of Al I lines for near-infrared astrophysical spectroscopy

Context. Elemental abundances can be determined from stellar spectra, making it possible to study galactic formation and evolution. Accurate atomic data is essential for the reliable interpretation and modeling of astrophysical spectra. In this work, we perform laboratory studies on neutral aluminium. This element is found, for example, in young, massive stars and it is a key element for tracing o

Perspectives on womanhood in rural America: A qualitative exploration of female identity within a Christian and republican context

Equality between men and women in American society has been an ongoing struggle and debate for centuries. In some ways, the societal position of women has improved, e.g., in terms of gaining access to the labor market. Yet, despite significant changes regarding gender roles and norms, along with an increased necessity of double-income households, old ideals of gender roles and family structures

Algorithmic voice transformations reveal the phonological basis of language-familiarity effects in cross-cultural emotion judgments

People have a well-described advantage in identifying individuals and emotions in their own culture, a phenomenon also known as the other-race and language-familiarity effect. However, it is unclear whether native-language advantages arise from genuinely enhanced capacities to extract relevant cues in familiar speech or, more simply, from cultural differences in emotional expressions. Here, to rul

Umbilical cord pH, blood gases, and lactate at birth : normal values, interpretation, and clinical utility

Normal birth is a eustress reaction, a beneficial hedonic stress with extremely high catecholamines that protects us from intrauterine hypoxia and assists in the rapid shift to extrauterine life. Occasionally the cellular O2 requirement becomes critical and an O2 deficit in blood (hypoxemia) may evolve to a tissue deficit (hypoxia) and finally a risk of organ damage (asphyxia). An increase in H+ c

Epidemiological register studies on pain - etiology, treatment, and mental health

Pain is common in life and can be caused by trauma or underlying disease and is mostly temporary, but for some the pain can develop into a chronic pain condition. Pain leads to individual suffering as well as negative impact on the wider society. Especially since pain can start early in life and affect large parts of it. The aim of this thesis was to identify potential risk factors for chronic and

”Att göra avsteg från yttrandefriheten är ett sluttande plan”

Koranbränningar ställer höga principer mot varandra, men begränsningar av opinionsfrihet motiveras alltid med oklanderliga skäl. De historiska perspektiven visar att man ska vara försiktig med att ge vika för uppblossande opinioner. Sverige må vara i minoritet i ett globalt perspektiv, men det gör bara försvaret av vår yttrandefrihet än viktigare, skriver professor Jonas Nordin.

AI-based quantification of whole-body tumour burden on somatostatin receptor PET/CT

BACKGROUND: Segmenting the whole-body somatostatin receptor-expressing tumour volume (SRETVwb) on positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) images is highly time-consuming but has shown value as an independent prognostic factor for survival. An automatic method to measure SRETVwb could improve disease status assessment and provide a tool for prognostication. This study aimed to dev