

Din sökning på "*" gav 527347 sökträffar

The Mind in Focus: The effects of various concentration strategies on musical performance

This paper investigates the efficacy of using various concentration strategies during musical performance in order to redirect the mind away from distracting thoughts and back to the present moment. I have recorded myself playing three different musical passages with four different mental focuses: physical sensations, technique, mental imagery, and internal singing. Throughout this research, I hav

'It Has a Lot of Potential!': : Use of Blockchain Technology for Education Records

The paper explores the perceptions of university students and their desired features on the use of blockchain technology for the management of education records. A literature review forms the theoretical basis of the research allowing to explore how education records are managed nowadays and the potential for the use of blockchain technology in this area. The theoretical framework is then used to

Developing a complex vocational rehabilitation intervention for patients with inflammatory arthritis : the WORK-ON study

Background: People with inflammatory arthritis often experience challenges at work and balancing paid work and energy in everyday life. Low work ability is common, and people with inflammatory arthritis face high risks of losing their jobs and permanent exclusion from the labour market. Context-specific tailored rehabilitation targeting persons with inflammatory arthritis is limited. The aim of th

Molecular Mobility in Keratin-Rich Materials Monitored by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance : A Tool for the Evaluation of Structure-Giving Properties

Keratins are structural proteins that are abundant in human skin, nails, and hair, where they provide mechanical strength. In the present study, we investigate the molecular mobilities and structures of three keratin-rich materials with clearly different mechanical properties: nails, stratum corneum (upper layer of epidermis), and keratinocytes (from lower layer of epidermis). We use solid-state N

Kommunallagen : En kommentar

Kommuner och regioner är tillförsäkrade självstyre under riksdagen och regeringen. Självstyrelsen manifesteras av den kommunala rösträtten och den kommunala beskattningsrätten. På en rad sakområden har riksdagen i lag ålagt kommunerna att göra samhällsinsatser, en del av dem finansierade av riksdagen. Kommunerna och regionerna har därmed den rättsliga ställningen som demokratins verkställande orga

European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) guidelines on the management of axillary lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination : 2023 revision

Axillary lymphadenopathy is a common side effect of COVID-19 vaccination, leading to increased imaging-detected asymptomatic and symptomatic unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. This has threatened to negatively impact the workflow of breast imaging services, leading to the release of ten recommendations by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in August 2021. Considering the rapidly cha

Avtalsslutande vid internationella köp av varor

I FN-konventionen om internationella köp - CISG - ges bestämmelser om ingående av avtal om internationella köp av varor, köparens och säljarens respektive skyldigheter, påföljder vid kontraktsbrott och andra aspekter rörande sådana köp. I samband med sitt tillträde till konventionen förklarade Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige i enlighet med artikel 92(1) bl.a. att de inte skulle vara bundna av

Censorship and Private Shows : Mapping British Film Propaganda in Sweden

While much previous research has focused on the propaganda war in Swedish cinemas, including both newsreels and feature films, little attention has been devoted to the clandestine film screenings that were organized by member clubs, friendship societies and other associations throughout the course of the Second World War. During the war, both Nazi Germany and the Allies invested heavily in propaga

"South Vietnam's fate appears to be sealed" : en studie om Vietnamkrigets slutskede utifrån CIA:s perspektiv

This paper investigates the last two months of the Vietnam War, March and April 1975, from the CIA:s perspective. During the last two decades, the CIA have declassified many documents about the Vietnam war, thus making new source material available. The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and the subsequent Taliban conquest, has also sparked a renewed interest in the Vietnam war. Hence,

Consumer Rights and Human Rights: A Study of the Relationship between the Right to Safe Food Products and International Human Rights Law

Unsafe food consumption is an alarming issue worldwide which is linked to the fatalities of two million people annually. Such unsafe food intertwines with the right to health of consumers in a way that every individual is ubiquitously a consumer at one point in their life and safe food is one of the determinants of the right to health. Hence, the right to safe food and the right to health of consu